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Dungeon Days profile
Dungeon Days
Dungeon Days
Dungeon Days is an Adult Visual Novel with a focus on Monster Girls, set in a fantasy setting.

Планы подписки

в месяц


Hello Adventurer! Don't get destroyed on your way into the Dungeon!

This tier is mostly the "I want to support the game a little" tier!

You DO get access however to...

=Patron Chat

Лимитировано (1 из 15) подписчиков
в месяц

Welcome Veteran! While you may get further in the dungeon, don't expect to come out unscathed!

A little more than an Adventurer, this tier includes...

Includes Discord benefits =Patron Chat =Name in the Credits

0 подписчиков Veteran
в месяц

Oh Noble Knight! Dare you be squished by those inside the dungeon or not?

This is where the tiers start getting spicier! At this tier you get...

Includes Discord benefits =Patron Chat =Name in the Credits =Early Access (5 Days Early)

1 подписчик Knight
в месяц


Ah, the minions of the dungeon are here! Get them while they crawl around!

At this tier, you get everything the $20 tier gets!

Includes Discord benefits =Patron Chat =Name in the Credits =Early Access (5 Days Early) =Vote for Side Events

Лимитировано (1 из 15) подписчиков
в месяц

Warrior of the land, battle your way into the dungeon as you would anything else in life!

At this tier, you can enjoy...

Includes Discord benefits =Patron Chat =Name in the Credits =Early Access (5 Days Early) =Vote for Side Events

0 подписчиков Warrior
в месяц


Gorf tier is best tier. Gorf smash enemies and do good. Join Gorf tier!

At this tier, you get everything that the $50 tier gets!

Includes Discord benefits =Patron Chat =Name in the Credits =Access to the DD-Gallery =Early Access (5 Days Early) =Vote for Side Events =1 Custom Render of Your Choice

Лимитировано (0 из 10) подписчиков
в месяц

Steal my heart, steal this deal, newly found Thief!

At this tier, you can steal away with some great stuff like...

Includes Discord benefits =Patron Chat =Name in the Credits =Access to the DD-Gallery =Early Access (5 Days Early) =Vote for Side Events =1 Custom Render of Your Choice

0 подписчиков Thief
в месяц


Be the Janny, become the Janny! Janny is Love, Janny is Life!

At this tier, you get everything that the $75 tier gets!

Includes Discord benefits =Patron Chat =Name in the Credits =Access to the DD-Gallery =Early Access =Vote for Side Events =2 Custom Renders =Early Access (10 Days Early)

Лимитировано (0 из 10) подписчиков
в месяц

The rolling Bard of mystery and mayhem, your presence is highly appreciated!

Kicking it up even more we have now...

Includes Discord benefits =Patron Chat =Name in the Credits =Access to the DD-Gallery =Vote for Side Events =2 Custom Renders =Early Access (10 Days Early)

0 подписчиков Bard
в месяц


The Keeper holds a whole host of their own tricks and treats, an invaluable asset to any dungeon!

At this tier, you get everything that the $100 tier gets!

Includes Discord benefits =Patron Chat =Name in the Credits =Access to the DD-Gallery =Votes for Side Events =2 Custom Renders =Early Access (10 Days Early) =1 Side Character In the Game

Лимитировано (0 из 5) подписчиков
в месяц

Wizard of spells and sorceries too! The ultimate mage, is in fact, YOU!

Sorry for the rhyme. Anyways, here is what you get!

Includes Discord benefits =Patron Chat =Name in the Credits =Access to the DD-Gallery =Vote for Side Events =2 Custom Renders =Early Access (10 Days Early) =1 Side Character In the Game

0 подписчиков Wizard
в месяц
Dungeon Boss


Become the Boss of your OWN floor of the dungeon! Be the Boss you always wanted to be!

This tier gets everything that the $200 gets!

Includes Discord benefits =Patron Chat =Name in the Credits =Access to the DD-Gallery =Vote for Side Content =3 Custom Renders =1 Side Character In the Game =1 Side Event With Side Character =Early Access (10 Days Early) =My Undying Love and Gratitude <3

Лимитировано (0 из 5) подписчиков
Dungeon Boss
в месяц
Dungeon Lord


This is a VERY big tier and besides my undying thanks, you also get...

Includes Discord benefits =Patron Chat =Name in the Credits =Access to the DD-Gallery =Vote for Side Content =3 Custom Renders =1 Side Character In the Game =1 Side Event With Side Character =Early Access (10 Days Early) =My Undying Love and Gratitude <3

0 подписчиков Dungeon Lord

Добро пожаловать!

  • Helps me survive
  • Helps me grab new assets to use for the game
  • Helps me with advertising for the game

Displaying posts with tag Devlog.Reset Filter
Dungeon Days
Публичный пост
Hey yo everyone! It's been another month since v0.07, so as per usual, gonna do a Devlog to keep you all up to date :V
So far, everything has been going smoothly with the update and I've been developing the world lore a LOT lately which has really helped with figuring out the more minute details of the characters different species, histories, politics, etc. So for the most part in the upcoming updates, you're gonna learn a lot more about the world itself of Dungeon Days and what makes these guys tick! Of course, I won't be overriding the main story or make things bogged down in lore dumps because of this... I know better than that! I have plenty of ups and down and inter-character drama, action, comedy, and wholesomeness to dish out that I know everyone already enjoys!
As for the sprite work, it's coming along and I've looked a bunch of information about it. For this update, they are probably going to be super simple in use as an ease in thing but eventually I hope to expand on their applications and just make them relatively more refined over time. Though, I suppose, that's everything for Dungeon Days, lol. Always on the lookout for a better and better experience!
Anyways, there isn't much else to report besides that at the moment, so stay tuned for the upcoming update! Hopefully you'll enjoy it like the rest of Dungeon Days :V
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Dungeon Days
Публичный пост

​Hey hey everybody! Just coming at you with a Devlog since it's been a month since v0.065 :V

I honestly don't have much to talk about for this devlog as things are just going at a pace. Been trying to do some RL things this month as well and as it's the end of the school year, been also having to deal with that storm of nonsense. Despite that, I've been chugging along and doing a lot of new stuff, as this is obviously a turning point in the story :V New looks, new developments, new outfits... I got it all for the upcoming updates :V

Along with that, I've really been looking into what Dungeon Days is about and what I want to say with it. I know that Dungeon Days is just an AVN, but I still wanna do stuff with it that I can look back and enjoy with fond memories. So I really have been diving into reading some other stories, trying other games, and doing all kinds of stuff to expand my knowledge on the stuff. It's been pretty good so far and been helping me develop and refine a better story for Dungeon Days.

Besides that, I think the only other thing I should mention is the Goblin tier for Patreon and Subscribestar. It sort of got put on the backburner but I should be figuring out something for it by the time I release the next update, so stay tuned for that!

With that, I think that's everything that needs to be said so stay in touch for the upcoming update! :V

(Oh, btw, the image is NOT indicative of the next update... just something nice I happened to make :V)

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===Join my Discord or "Twitter" to keep up with everything Dungeon Days related!===

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Dungeon Days
Публичный пост
​Hey guys!

So as you may have noticed, it's been one month from v0.06 going public now and I was able to get fully rested while waiting for it all! Now I'm back, getting into the swing of things once again :V So I thought it would be prudent of me to be more on top of things like what was supposed to be a monthly devlog and make sure that everything is as transparent for you as possible! So with that, let's talk about the new stuff coming up!

As you can see, this is going to be update v0.65, simply because the next update is going to be majorly comprised of visual, audio, and coding improvements as I've mentioned in previous devlogs. But what does this mean, specifically, for you? Well, I have a whole slew of stuff ready for you guys!

  • New music and SFX!
  • New Route Options (sorta)!
  • General touch ups to egregious visual stuff!
  • New Patreon/Subscribstar Tier!
  • New Main Menu image!
  • An easter egg!
  • New social media stuff!
  • And of course, general improvements to the writing!

​Okay, so let's blast through these...

Music and SFX... I've been wanting to do this for a loooooong time now and finally I was gonna use this half-update to improve everything! I've been finding music and SFX for months now and finally had a chance to go through it and...! Turns out, I suck at music. Like... really really bad. I just don't have the right kind of ear for it. So with that, I've finally given that over to someone who's a LOT more musically inclined and will definitely be a boon to help me out :V At least on the music side. On the SFX side, I got everything down pat thankfully so it won't make the process any longer.

New Routes... As I said, it's sorta new routes. It's more that I'll be giving you all the option at the beginning of the VN to choose either All Sex, No Sex, or Choose Sex. It's a quick option that will streamline some things and is just a general boon for you guys :V The thing about the No Sex option that I'm planning on doing (maybe not this update but another), is making it the "SFW" update, censoring the needed parts and whatnot. It doesn't detract much from the game or my time but something I thought I'd want to at least let people have the option for.

General Touch Ups... Basically, I'm going to go and try and improve some really bad clipping or really bad lighting in some shots. Missing pieces, added pieces, continuity errors, etc. That kind of stuff!

New Patreon/Subscribestar Tier... I'm planning on adding a new tier to my stuff that will allow people to request goblin characters from me! I'll be using a template for all this and have several types of goblin/goblinoids but it will be significantly cheaper than the Keeper tier, the tier that usually has the custom character requests. I'm just finalizing a few things like pricing and logistics for it, but it should be out soon enough! Keep an eye out on discord for the announcement!

New Main Menu Image... Kinda self explanatory, as the new UI needs it and the current one has old models of everyone.

An Easter Egg... It's a secret~ :V

​New Social Media Stuff... You might have already seen it but if you haven't... I've made a new Banner for the platforms and a new thumbnail image as well! I've already spread it across everywhere and according to the numbers, y'all like it a lot :V So I'm happy that the change has been accepted so readily!

General Writing Improvements... Yeah, if you have anything in the writing to point out, PLEASE lemme know! I always appreciate anything that sticks out or could be improved! :V

Anyways, with all that being said, I should be done with everything pretty soon so be prepared to see the improvement update soon enough! I know it's not going to have any content, but this was some majorly needed stuff that 100% needed to be added/changed to make Dungeon Days even better! 

As it is an improvement update as well, it will go straight to public once it is all set and ready! ​​​This is one of the few instances where I'll be doing this but don't worry, I already have the scenes and plans for the next two updates already laid out and ready! With what I have planned and the great response I got from this last update, I'm excited to see what you all think of v0.07 coming up! :V Stay tuned and I'll see you in a little while for the improvement update v0.065! :V

===Rate me 5 stars on or f95! Every rating helps!===
===Check out my Patreon or Subscribstar and gain benefits!===
===Join my Discord or "Twitter" to keep up with everything Dungeon Days related!===
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Dungeon Days
Публичный пост
Hey hey everyone!

I know it's been a bit since the last devlog and I'm sorry for keeping you all. I was really holding out for the release but it's just been too long and it's been nagging the back of my brain so to help silence it, I'm just putting this out there to keep everyone in the loop.

So for renders, I have 1 scene left and a bit of another still to do, which shouldn't be too bad. What I can say though is that the total amount of renders will be exceeding 1500 renders, which is almost as big as the initial update! So that's pretty cool!

As for writing (and coding), I have basically written everything out now! Which is a huge step I thought was gonna take longer! I'll need to do some edits to keep things smooth but besides that, it's looking mostly done!

On some side news, I've also upgraded my computer a bit so that should relieve some stress for me and make it easier to work on the game!

Honestly though, I was really hoping I would be done by now and start the monthly updates but for one reason or another (life, stress, holidays, birthday, job requirements, etc), it's been tackling me bit by bit. I can say though without a doubt that I'm in the final leg of things. The finish line is very close now! Just need a little bit more time! And if you don't believe me, join my Discord and yell at me! You'll also see my progress on there too :V

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Dungeon Days
Публичный пост
​​Hey hey guys! Just decided that I should share a bit of an update on what's happening cuz it's been a bit!
I was really hoping that I would make the next devlog be about the update but here we are, post-Thanksgiving, and I am still slugging along! It's annoying when you think that something is gonna take a certain amount of time and then it turns out you are *tripling* the amount of stuff in the scene in some cases... so yeah, I guess taking the bad with the good I suppose. I'm here to basically reassure people that it's all chugging along as fast as I can do it. You ask any of my patrons and they'll confirm I've been putting out frequent WiPs for my patrons to enjoy :V
​The delays have just been in part due to some irl drama and of course the holiday season and my birthday as well :V Lots of celebrating, lots of family shenanigans, and lots of me getting older! I now have this short span of late November and early/mid December of (less) distractions so with any hope, I can blitz through things without anything bothering me! It's all of basically a scene and a half at this point and I just need to push it out, as I've now split the Koko scene into two to help make it make more sense.
Also, here is some great news by the way! The UI changes I was trying to get ages ago? Well thanks to Ketsianto Setai and Chaendizzle, we now went through all the assets needed, got them drawn out, and they all fit and function (hopefully) perfectly in Renpy! So that means... THE NEW UI IS 99% COMPLETE! :V The only thing left is to do some testing really and make sure that nothing glitches out so for the most part, it's DONE! A long time goal of mine is FINALLY all taken care of and now we can enjoy a new (and more importantly unique) design UI for Dungeon Days that actually incorporates everything it should!
As for things like sound effects and music, I haven't had much of a chance to work on it yet since I've been doing JUST renders and some writing. I might not do sweeping music changes in this update because I'm already behind so much as is, so we shall see when I start nearing the end of the renders. It might be pushed back to a month where I JUST do QoL stuff, edits, etc.
Besides that... Yeah. I think that's everything. I pray to whatever that the next Devlog will be "Early Access v0.06" so I can do more stuff lol Anyways, see you next time!
=====If you haven't already, go and rate me 5 stars on or f95! Every rating helps bring up Dungeon Days in the searches!=====
=====If you're feeling really spicy, go check out my
Patreon or Subscribstar and check out the tiers you can opt into with their benefits!=====
=====And if you haven't already, join my
Discord or "Twitter" to keep up with everything Dungeon Days related... or say hi to me :V=====
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Dungeon Days
Публичный пост
Hey everyone! I'm here, like I said I would, for the last update before I release v.06 aka the One Year Anniversary Update! *confetti*
So let me start with where I am at, then talk about what needs to get done, and then other shenanigan's going on.
To start, I have already rendered out almost 510 renders across 5 scenes! Whew! Honestly I wasn't expecting it to be so chunky so far but when the scene needs it, it needs it... and these scenes needed it :V I'm already a majority of the way done with the next scene, also looking to be about 100 odd renders (maybe more) and one snippet of it is the image posted here :V
Besides that, I still have a planned 3(ish) more scenes to do after this one that will be much bigger than the previous ones, then writing, sound effects, music, and editing to do. I have some other things, such as the UI change I've been wanting to happen, new title card, and other potential goodies, that I might have to push back but with any luck, I'll be able to get the resources necessary to have it all together.
As for other shenanigans, I can't say that there isn't too much in the RL world of Buba. I am rapidly doing what I can to try and make the mark of the end of October but as we all know, I'm prone to be at least a little late so apologies in advanced. Unless something drastic happens, I'll be working every day until release!
Anyways, as always, if you want to support Dungeon Days, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check out my tiers on Patreon or Subscribestar! Every dollar helps out and allows me to try new things! Either way, afterwards, go and give me a 5 star rating and a like on and f95! I'm always happy to get a comment too! Once you do that, make sure to come and visit us on Discord and say hi! We are always happy to see new faces round there! :V The more you help out Dungeon Days, the more people will see it and the more it will help out your old pal Buba :V
Alright, with that, I'll see you guys next time... when the update comes out! :V
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2 подписчика
44 поста


$22 of $100
per month
Honestly, this is just the first milestone for me, something thats telling me that people are actually interested in the game! Future goals will actually have a reward benefit!
$22 of $500
per month
The first REAL goal! Nice! I think for the first real goal I'll try and get out two side events for the next update! Extra content for everyone, yeah!
$22 of $750
per month
NICE! It's actually looking like I can start making it with this game! With this, I'll try and commission some special art and music for the game!
$22 of $1,000
per month
AMAZING! I doubt I'm gonna get to this but if I do, I can really start asking for better quality stuff! At this point, I'm gonna see if I can start commissioning for special assets for the environments and characters!
$22 of $2,000
per month
HOLY MOLY! Uh, I'm already running out of ideas now! If we get to this point, I'll be trying to convert everything into fully customized assets such as weapons, gear, outfits, and more so that everyone will have their own unique look!
$22 of $3,500
per month
Okay so this is the really big tier that might have me consider actually quitting my job and doing this as a full time gig. With that, we'll get more frequent updates, more content, and better scenes!
$22 of $4,500
per month
I'll actually start looking into merch at this point, trying to see what I can do to get out some community voted merch ideas!

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