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Drale251 profile
Digital Artist, Dungeon Master, Writer. Most of my work is around my cast of characters or my DnD world and is (for the most part) digital art that is SFW with some NSFW. Though the amount has started to increase recently.


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PNGtuber Update '24I know its not much, but just wanted to share the PNGtuber updates I've made s...

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Master Drale

An Inn Keep, a Tavern Master. Much passes through Drale's bar. But he enjoys each one instance, each patron, each story. Though he won't stand for threats to his home and place of business.

My update to my personal Sona and will probably be made into an update for my PNG tuber later. But glad I did this redesign. I think it feels and looks better than the original design. ALSO, this took me a lot longer than expected. =v=;;; I also meant to have this posted earlier today, but somehow forgot to schedule the post last night.
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Drale Sona '24 UpdateConcepting out an update for my Drale-sona and gonna see about getting the P...

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