Update 10/9/22
My postings have caught up to my writing, so I don't have anything to publish this week. I think I can finish Discovering My Little Sister Chapter 9 soon, though. I am going to try waiting until I have part of Chapter 10 on SubscribeStar before publishing that to Literotica.
I discovered www.storiesonline.net a few weeks ago. The site is actually quite large and well-established despite my discovery so recently. I started reading a series called Arlene and Jeff that had a new chapter posted every week from 2006 until about two weeks after I discovered the story. In all, this led to a story just shy of 4.2 million words (your standard novel is 70,000 to 100,000, though some go down to 50k and sci-fi/fantasy can be up to 120k, so that's about 42 long novels). I don't plan to read the whole thing, but I'm eight chapters in and it's a pretty darn good sex story, if lacking in literature. The characterization is weak, but I kind of like that - the supposedly loyal wife seems to use no synonym for "have sex" except "fuck," making for this character that I'm supposed to believe wants to be loyal despite falling victim to her desires, even though she speaks in a very trashy way. Which, frankly, grinds my editor gears but makes for a really hot character (that sentence before this one is also grinding my editor gears, but would you rather I write this or Discovering My Little Sister?). The author claims that in the middle of book two we'll learn some background to her so I guess I have to keep reading.
Do I plan to post at Stories Online? Don't think so, they seem to be sort of restrictive on their authors, so while it's a good place for some riskier stuff, their non-content related guidelines are a bit much.
I'm also working on wrapping up another story that won't be under the Doublethink name - too many personally identifiable details. So let's just say keep an eye on Literotica's Romance section and that's the last you'll hear of that story from Doublethink34.