Dimon Demo on Steam!
You read that right, the demo is now on
Steam, play now! It's the same as the build I posted a few days ago, but now Dimon will be in your library!
Dimon Steam Demo - Steam changes
As many of you may know, steam is very strict regarding minors or minor looking characters in adult(? games, their presence or even a hint could lead to the game being banned, with no choice to resubmit.
If Olga appeared in your mind then you guessed right. Worry not for she wasn't removed, she's a character with very important role in the game.
However, I had to make some changes to the dialogue, changing words such as child, brat, kid or anything of the same nature. Small changes but changes nontheless. As much as I dislike changes like these I have to make some compromises.
But the good news is that you can still play the original version of the game!
If you're a sub in my subscribeStar then you don't have to worry about it at the moment, the build uploaded here is unchanged.
For regular players, download the "dimon-patch" file and unzip it, it has the patch and instructions to follow.
Have fun!
This post is public so it reaches everyone.