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Chapter 7: Rise of the Red Ribbon, Part 1

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Revival of the Saiyan Race, Chapter 6: A Tournament and a Prize



As it happened, Master Roshi didn’t ever return from the bathroom, meaning that it was just Bulma and her mom together for the entirety of the tournament - not that she was complaining. If she had to deal with that old pervert trying to grope her behind - or her mother’s - there was a good chance she might murder him.

The tournament itself started…inauspiciously. Goku’s friend Krillin was up against someone named Bacterian, whose main method of attack was apparently extraordinarily abysmal hygeine. Everyone else in the crowd ended up clutching their noses, but it was so much worse for Bulma, who was only now really coming to appreciate - and curse - her new form’s enhanced sense of smell. Every second of the fight, she felt like she was going to puke just from breathing the same air as the guy, and when Krillin looked like he was about to lose, she nearly found herself fainting from the implication that she would have to sit through another fight with this guy.

However, during that time when she was trying not to black out, Krillin had somehow managed to turn things around, and Bulma (as well as everyone else) breathed a sigh of relief as Bacterian was dragged off to hopefully get an enforced shower.

The next match was between two unfamiliar fighters - Yamcha the Desert Bandit and Jackie Chun. The former was a young man that Bulma thought she might have found attractive before her wish - the latter was an old man that reminded Bulma far too much of Master Roshi to be comfortable.

That being said, it was the latter who showed himself to be a much more capable fighter. Yamcha certainly seemed quick and skilled, but Jackie Chun evaded each and every one of his moves with ease - before sending him out of the ring with a blast of air, of all things!

Match 3 was the most even one so far - though not quite fully even. Namu was quite skilled in his own right, but he was up against a woman named Ran Fan, who…yowza. Bulma couldn’t figure out whether to be impressed by her willingness to use her femininity to her advantage or facepalming over the decision to take her clothes off mid-battle. The woman certainly was confident in her sexuality - too confident, that is. Sure it worked surprisingly well against Namu, but as soon as he closed his eyes he took her out in just a few seconds. 

One thing was for sure - Bulma’s erection, which had managed to be quelled by this point, was now back with a vengeance.

It wasn’t helped by the fact that Goku’s fight was next, and the entire time Bulma kept thinking about what she’d like to do to or have done to her by the pint-sized menace.

Other than that, the match was pretty unremarkable - Goku would have had the big monster guy (Giran was his name) out of bounds in a minute were it not for the fact that he had wings. He kept pulling out little tricks, too, be they trying to take advantage of Goku’s naivete, or this strange substance he spat out that seemed to have the properties of both rubber and gum.

In return, Goku had had to call on the power of the Nimbus to save her from getting thrown out of bounds, which wasn’t exactly fair either - but the tournament judges allowed a one-time exception, which was honestly surprisingly generous of them. From there, Goku had had to use her wits - and her tail - to keep out of Giran’s grasp, eventually managing to get out of his gum as well - at which point the apparently cowardly monster surrendered.

From there, it was on to the second round - first, with Krillin up against Jackie Chun. Unfortunately, this was where Bulma first began to worry that Goku’s training might not be enough to win her the whole thing. Even if Krillin wasn’t as strong as Goku, he was constantly on the backfoot against Jackie Chun’s superior speed. Things got to the point where Bulma couldn’t even follow the action!

Krillin did seem like he was going to win at one point when he knocked Jackie Chun out of the ring - only for the old man to pull out the Kamehame-freaking-ha and use it as propulsion to get back to the ring. From there, he took out Krillin with an afterimage, of all feats.

…Bulma had to admit, if the first four fights had lulled her to sleep, this was where her interest was picking back up again. Already she was seeing some incredible feats - and becoming uncomfortably aware of just how far behind she really was.

The second round concluded with Goku vs Namu - a fight that seemed honestly more straightforward at first. Namu was a skilled fighter who actually managed to rebound from Goku’s powerful attacks - then Goku tried a weird spinning top move that only served to make her dizzy.

That was when Namu decided to jump absurdly fucking high and descend like a meteor from the heavens to take Goku out. However, the first strike failed - and when Namu tried it again, Goku outdid him, zooming so high that Bulma had trouble seeing her. She could barely tell what happened up there, but in the end, Goku came down first, and promptly took out Namu on the landing, securing her a place in the finals.

And what a final match it would be…


If Jackie Chun expected an easy time against Goku, then he was sorely surprised - the two’s clashing Kamehamehas made that clear. After that, it was a clash of afterimages - then, a clash of odd styles, between Drunken Master and Mad Dog. And so on and so forth - neither side seemed willing to give an inch.

…At least, until Jackie Chun took the easy way out and put Goku to sleep.

“Okay, that’s got to be cheating,” Bulma muttered angrily as the tournament announcer began a ten-count. “Right?”

“It does seem a bit unfair,” Panchy remarked, which from her was the equivalent of finding someone deeply unscrupulous.

…Goku wasn’t going to get up on her own, so… Bulma took a deep breath, and shouted as loud as she could. “HEY, GOKU! DINNERTIME!”

She couldn’t help but grin when it paid off immediately - Goku’s head shot up, her tongue lolling out. “WHERE?!”

Honestly, the fact that she was so focused on finding the promised food immediately afterwards was probably a blessing, as she was too out of it for her innocent ears to hear Jackie Chun’s extremely colorful exclamation.

Well, once Goku was convinced to focus more on the fight again, it was back to brass tacks - punches, kicks, all kinds of martial arts - and Bulma began to feel heartened again. Jackie Chun was growing visibly frustrated, while Goku didn’t seem to be losing steam.

Of course, her burst of confidence in her friend suddenly dwindled when Jackie Chun stilled, dropping his hands to his side, and spoke. “...I’m sorry about this, young lady. But I’m afraid I have no choice.”

…Oh, god DAMN it! How many tricks does this old geezer have?!

“You’ve done incredibly well to force me to use this move,” Jackie Chun said firmly, rolling up his sleeves. “In fact, you’re only the second to have done so. The first…was your grandfather, Son Gohan.”

Goku stiffened. “Wait, you fought my Grampa?!”

Jackie Chun didn’t seem inclined to elaborate, however, slamming his palms together before holding them outwards - and finally, crying out… “Bankoku-Bikkuri-Shou!”

Bulma had to shield her eyes as a new blast of light - not steady like the Kamehameha, but crackling like electricity, flashing with blinding colors - rocketed across the stage towards Goku. And then -


Goku’s agonized scream cut through the air like a knife. Bulma’s heart dropped - she’d never heard the girl sound like she was in so much pain before! Sure, she knew she wasn’t invincible, but this - this was…

“Give up, now!” Jackie Chun’s voice roared, the old man seeming suddenly far more threatening. “Unless you want to keep going till you die!”

Die?! Bulma put a hand over her mouth, suddenly feeling sick. Just as quickly, that nausea was overwhelmed by rage. How dare he? She felt herself gripping the edge of the audience seating with enough strength to crack it, on the verge of vaulting over and assaulting the man to get him to stop -

“N…n…” Goku’s voice broke her out of it, the girl gritting her teeth even as she was enveloped by electricity, before opening her mouth to yell out - “Nnneverrr!!!”

Everyone was taken aback at that, Bulma included. Before she knew it, she was calling out. “Goku, no! It’s not worth it! Just give up!”

“I don’t…” Goku squeezed her eyes shut. “I don’t…wanna…!”

Please! I don’t want you to die!” Bulma yelled desperately.

Goku didn’t say anything for an agonizing second, before... “F…fine…I give -”

Everything stopped.

The next few seconds happened in slow motion. Bulma became aware that Goku had stopped talking suddenly - then, she noticed the girl had her eyes open and was staring upwards with a transfixed look. Bulma followed her gaze, and -

- and why was her vision suddenly so much darker?

It took a single second to click - after which Bulma’s eyes widened, and a roar suddenly echoed out across the arena in perfect unison.

How the absolute FUCK did I forget about checking the status of the moon?!

An absolutely perfect full moon stared down at her, albeit much much dimmer thanks to her auto-dim contact lenses. Lenses that Goku didn’t have.

It was like watching a trainwreck. Bulma couldn’t look away as Goku’s form bulged outward, screams echoing from all around her as the girl transformed. Jackie Chun’s ultimate technique was shattered as the girl reached full size, the old martial artist stumbling back in a shocked daze.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK! God damn it, Bulma, this is your fault! It didn’t matter if it wasn’t technically her responsibility to make sure Goku didn’t end up seeing the full moon - she was the only one who had known, and negligence was a crime in and of itself.

Ok, Bulma, calm down. Not an easy task while a giant monkey was rampaging, but Bulma did her best to do so. Think. How to solve this mess?

The annoying part was, she didn’t have enough data. She hadn’t put any effort into researching her new form’s transformation, because she hadn’t really wanted to risk that transformation. So she didn’t know exactly what went into it, or how to stop it. …save getting rid of the moon, but that wasn’t going to happen.

…she had had a hypothesis, though, hadn’t she?

The tail had a pair of organs she hadn’t been able to identify the purpose of, and she’d speculated that it was what caused the transformation.

Which meant…

“JACKIE CHUN!” She had to call at the top of her lungs to be heard over the panicking crowd, catching the attention of the old man who’d been prepping what looked like a Kamehameha. “THE TAIL! GO FOR THE TAIL!”

For a second, she feared the old man hadn’t heard her - he had barely looked at her for a fraction of a second before refocusing his attention on the threat in front of him - but then he sprang into action. Energy blazed at his hands, before forming into a sharp, cutting shape - then, he dashed forwards, and with a swift motion, severed Goku’s tail.

Once again, everything stopped - including the giant monkey. It came to a sudden halt, letting out a low, loud groan - before slowly beginning to shrink, until finally, it was simply Goku once again, naked in the rubble.

Bulma breathed a sigh of relief. Crisis averted.


“Well. That was…an interesting experience.”

Sadly, the tournament had come to a close with Goku’s loss. Even though the girl had managed to awaken before the ten-count was up, she had been drained of her energy - that, combined with the loss of the tail that gave her balance, meant that Jackie Chun had easily been able to defeat her.

Honestly, it was disappointing - but considering the alternative had been Goku going on a prolonged rampage, Bulma figured sacrifices had to be made.

…Though I don’t know if Goku would feel that way. She lost a LIMB, for crying out loud. The girl had seemed chipper, but she still wasn’t sure how she was taking it…


Bulma became aware that Panchy had continued talking, and blinked as she looked over. “Did you say something, mom?”

“I was asking if you do that too,” Panchy asked with some bemusement. “...You know, grow into a giant monkey.”

“Ah.” Bulma flushed. “Well, possibly? I’ve been wearing these auto-dim lenses to avoid looking at the moon, though - you shouldn’t need to worry.”

“Well, that’s good to know,” Panchy said with relief - before chuckling. “Though I’d probably be singing a different tune if you kept your cock when you grew.”

“Right,” Bulma agreed automatically - before doing a double-take. “Whuh?!”

“Well, it would grow too, wouldn’t it?” Panchy said, tilting her head. “It only stands to reason. But I couldn’t see it at all while she was big. And she definitely had it when she was small…”

True, Goku’s genitals had basically been on display to the whole audience. Surprisingly, no one had really reacted that much - Bulma supposed the ‘turning into a giant monkey’ thing kinda took precedence over mere hermaphroditism.

…Anyways…she was busy trying to process what Panchy was saying. “I don’t - you - what? …Never mind.” Bulma quickly realized that doing that was only threatening to break her brain in half, and instead decided to think about something else. …like the fact that Panchy was right, the big monkey form didn’t have a cock - wait. No, she didn’t want to think about this either. Think about the tournament. The tournament.

Thankfully, there was a lot to think about in that regard. For instance, Bulma was now certain she wouldn’t have lasted too long - semifinals at best, and that was if she got a good opponent. She’d have been able to take the likes of Ran Fan, and Bacterian wouldn’t be a problem if she managed to suppress her disgust - and possibly even Giran would have been a surmountable obstacle. …but anyone else? No, their technique would have dissected Bulma, her improved physique meaning little if they could simply maneuver in a way to get her out of the ring.

I have strength now, certainly - but that’s not all that’s needed in a fight, Bulma mused.


Jackie Chun’s afterimages, which Goku followed up on and improved…


Krillin not blinking for a second, staring straight ahead in order to catch Jackie Chun’s fast-as-lightning attack - which Goku could do easily…


Namu jumping higher than you could possibly imagine, only to be surpassed by Goku in the very same fight…


Goku battling against her fatigue to stand up and continue the fight, even if she lost…

And, crucially, instinct - so many of those fighters had had to think quickly in an instant and come up with something tricky, otherwise they would have lost. Be it Goku using the Nimbus or his tail, or Jackie Chun lodging himself into the ring - Bulma wasn’t sure if she had the mindset to come up with that as she was now.

…but she could improve. She was sure of that.

And the first step would be to ask how Goku had improved.


Speaking of which…

Goku didn’t come up at a run, but rather at a walk, her balance visibly a little unsteady from the loss of her tail. She was followed by Krillin, as well as…ugh. Master Roshi.

Actually… “And where have you been?” Bulma demanded of the old man irately. “Seriously, did you even see any of the tournament?”

“Well of course I did!” Roshi said indignantly. “I found a great seat, too - right next to this hottie who -”

“Oh, for - never mind, I don’t want to know,” Bulma groaned, massaging her face. “So, what now?”

“Well, now, I’m treating Goku and Krillin to a great big dinner for their performance,” Master Roshi chuckled - and then paused upon seeing Bulma clap a hand over her mouth as her cheeks bulged. “Something the matter?”

“N-nothing!” Bulma snorted. Oh god. He doesn’t know what he’s in for, does he?!

Her thoughts were broken, however, by the sound of someone yelling out. “M-master Roshi! It’s you, right?!”

They all turned at once, to see…was that the tournament competitor Yamcha? He was running up to them, shortly followed by…what looked to be a floating blue cat of all things. He put his hand on his knees, panting. “You two…Krillin and Goku…you’re the students, so…you must be him - the Turtle Hermit - right?!”

“I am indeed,” Master Roshi confirmed. “And you are Yamcha, correct? What can I do for you, young man?”

The man in question immediately prostrated himself. “Please - I’m begging you! Take me as your pupil!”

“...Well, this is quite sudden. Are you sure, young man?” Master Roshi asked with surprising seriousness.

“I’m sure,” Yamcha said with a nod. “I’ve…strived to improve at martial arts for years. I’ve always heard about your legendary prowess. And, today, when I asked Jackie Chun to take me on as a student, he declined - but then told me you were here, today! And I knew I had to learn under you.”

The old hermit raised an eyebrow. “...So I’m only your second choice, eh?”

Yamcha froze. “That - no! That’s not what I meant at all -” He was cut off by Roshi laughing. “Hoo hoo…I’m only teasing you, young man. You showed promise in the tournament today. I will take you on as my student…on one condition.”

“Name it! I’ll do anything.”

“Bring me…” Master Roshi’s sunglasses gleamed. “A hot girl!”

Bulma kicked him in the ass. “Agh! You - what was that for?!”

“You know what that was for!”

“Ah…” Suddenly, Yamcha’s face had frozen. “Um…I…”

“That…might be a problem.” Bulma blinked upon realizing the cat had spoken. “See…Yamcha has this issue…he freezes up around girls.”

“Oh.” Master Roshi glanced down at the man. “I see…hm. Perhaps you truly do need my guidance, then.”

Yamcha blinked, snapping out of it. “M-Master?”

Master Roshi placed a hand on his shoulder gently. “Young man…I shall teach you. Not just the ways of the martial artist…but the way to truly deal with the ladies!”

“M-Master!” Yamcha’s eyes shone. “You mean it?!”

“I do. Chin up, young man! Your future lies ahead of you, shining bright! This is just the beginning!”

“M-Master! T-thank you so much…!”

Goku tilted her head suddenly. “What’s that sound? It sounds like someone’s grinding rocks together.”

Panchy giggled. “I believe it’s Bulma’s teeth, Goku.”

“Oh, okay.”

As it happened, Bulma did in fact get her revenge - by fully unleashing her exacerbated appetite alongside Goku’s and eating Roshi out of house and home. And she got a good meal out of it too! She was starting to understand Goku’s fixation on such things…


“You want me to help you look for the Dragon Balls?”

After the meal, whereupon Roshi despondently tallied up the remaining money he had for the trip home, Bulma had spoken up and asked if she could take Goku with her to Capsule Corp, saying she had some stuff she wanted to chat with the girl about. Roshi hadn’t batted an eye (in fact, he seemed absolutely ecstatic to get the dinner-devouring girl away from him), leaving along with Krillin and Yamcha - the former of whom seemed very excited to have a junior pupil to lord over…height notwithstanding.

Once they were in the helicopter heading home, Bulma had popped the first question she’d been planning to ask Goku. She figured she knew the girl’s answer, but asking was still polite.

Still, what she actually said ended up catching her off-guard in a different way. “Sure! I was meaning to go look for Grampa’s ball, anyway!”

Bulma stiffened. She had, in fact, completely forgotten that she’d originally tricked Goku into letting her take the four-star ball under the pretense of giving it back afterwards - and then, of course, it had flown away with all the others. …Doing it then had been easy when she’d barely known Goku, but now…she felt she had to be honest. “Uh…Goku, you do realize I’m planning to use them again, right? And then they’ll go away again.”

“Well, yeah,” Goku said with a shrug. “But it’ll be fun to go on an adventure with you again! And besides, I can just look for Grampa’s ball next year as well.”

Bulma found herself blushing a little, even as a warmth filled her heart. She smiled, reaching over to ruffle Goku’s hair affectionately. “You really are something else, Goku, you know that?”

“She certainly is!” Panchy apparently wasn’t content to be left out, as she added her own hand, cooing as she did so. “Honestly, she’s so adorable…”

Goku didn’t seem to know quite what to make of this attention, looking a little confused - which just made the two of them giggle. Panchy then leaned back, sighing. “I’m envious, though - you two going on an adventure together, spending all that time alone…”

“...You know, you could come with us,” Bulma offered. She hadn’t really considered it before, but when she took into account how strong Goku was now, she found herself doubtful they’d really run into much trouble they couldn’t handle.

However, Panchy thought about it for a second, before shaking her head. “Hm…no, I’m not sure I’m really the adventuring type. I’d prefer to stay at home, rather than roughing it out in the wilderness - even with your father’s capsules.”

“...If you say so,” Bulma frowned. “You sure you won’t get lonely?”

“Oh, I definitely will,” Panchy chuckled. “But I think that just means I need to get the most out of tonight, don’t I?”

Bulma couldn’t help but smile at that. “Yes, indeed. Let’s make this special.”

“Make what special?” Goku asked curiously.

Bulma licked her lips. “Why, your prize, of course~.”


“...My prize is sex with you?” Goku asked curiously as she and Bulma got undressed. “But we do that all the time.”

Not as often as I’d like anymore, frankly…but hopefully that’ll soon change, Bulma thought to herself. “Well, I’m certainly going to be involved, but that’s not the special part. You’ll see.”

Goku tilted her head in confusion as Bulma led her along, the older girl unable to suppress a feeling of arousal as the two walked naked through the corridor. The privacy of her own home notwithstanding, the taboo nature of what they were doing felt exhilirating.

Soon enough, they were at the entrance to the master bedroom - previously just her mother’s room, but Bulma had taken to occasionally sleeping there rather than making the trek back to her own after sex, with the larger bed making things much easier.

For instance, the larger bed made it much easier for Panchy to lie sensually across it, utterly naked and displaying every inch of her voluptuous body to them as they entered.

“Well, hello there, dear~,” Panchy purred, even as Goku stiffened and stared. “Like what you see?”

It was clear Goku did, even if from the look on her face she clearly didn’t know why - her cock was quickly hardening, growing to its full erect length - oh? And look at that, Goku seemed to have grown a bit since the last time Bulma had seen her. Perhaps she was nearing ten inches now?

The sight encouraged Panchy, who licked her lips, pulling herself upwards and maneuvering herself till she was now on her stomach, her luscious boobs hanging over the side of her bed as she crooked a finger towards Goku in a ‘come hither’ motion. “What are you waiting for~?”

Goku put her new speed to good use, zipping up to Panchy fast enough that she actually wasn’t able to stop herself in time to prevent her shaft from slapping onto the older woman’s face. Despite the fact that it was clearly uninentional, it also clearly turned Panchy on, the MILF taking in a shuddering breath and inhaling the musk that was even surely now filling her nostrils.

Bulma, for her part, was content to sit back and watch - for now. She was sure she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from joining in eventually, but she wanted to let the girl have her prize first~.

Panchy scooted back a little ways, allowing space to bring her tits up and envelop Goku’s cock. The girl let out a moan, precum beading at the tip as Panchy smushed her breasts up and down the length. “Mm…you like that, too, don’t you?”

“Y…yeah…” Goku moaned. “Your…your boobs are amazing…”

The tiny bit of precum she had already emitted was growing into a steady flow, which Panchy, of course, noticed. She gave the head a quick lick, causing Goku to shudder. “Mm~...just as good as Bulma’s. Go on, dearie - let it all out for Mommy~...”

Bulma wasn’t sure if she should feel jealous, indignant, or aroused at Panchy also being Goku’s ‘Mommy’ - but apparently, it was good enough for the smaller girl. Her cock began to pulse as it readied to unleash its load, and Panchy managed to get her mouth over it just as Goku tilted her head back and let out a sharp cry. Cum spurted from the corners of Panchy’s mouth as she struggled to swallow as much as she could of Goku’s monster load. She didn’t make any attempt to back away - not that she would have been able to, as Goku had clutched the sides of her head in an effort to steady herself.

Eventually, Goku’s orgasm petered out, and she released Panchy from her grasp - who in turn pulled her mouth off of Goku’s cock, letting out a loud gasp as a surprisingly small amount of cum spilled from her lips. Surprisingly, that is, for anyone not familiar at just how good she was at swallowing.

“Mm~, just as virile as Bulma, I see,” Panchy said breathlessly. Goku, also looking somewhat winded, tilted her head. “Vir-wha?”

“Never you mind, dearie~,” Panchy giggled. “Now then…” She swiveled herself back around so that her feet were at the edge of the bed, spreading her legs to reveal her glistening pussy. “I don’t think I can wait much longer for this~…”

Goku’s erection immediately returned, the girl looking like she was on the verge of pouncing and plunging right in, ready for the main course -

…Huh. Actually, that gave Bulma an idea. “Hey, Goku?” Her voice drew the two’s attention as a grin spread over her face. “Before that…want me to show you something else you can do in sex?”

“Sure!” Goku seemed excited by the prospect of learning another thing to make her feel good. “What is it?”

Bulma pointed at Panchy’s entrance. “Well, you start by putting your mouth on there, and then -” She paused. Hmm…how best to instruct her on this? Bulma considered the right words…and then decided ‘fuck it’. “You know what? Just devour her pussy. I think you should be able to do that just fine.”

A wide smile spread across Goku’s face. Food was her territory, while sex was Bulma’s - and if the latter was telling her the former would come into play here, she wasn’t going to think twice. “You got it!” Then, she dove in.

Goku’s method of cunnilingus was not at all precise, nor skillful. It was her first time, and she’d been given as vague a set of instructions as possible. However, Bulma had had a feeling things would work out, given how ravenous Goku tended to be - and as she watched Goku reduce her mother to a howling mess, it seemed to be paying off.

Goku was positively slobbering all over Panchy’s pussy, her tongue moving at a mile a minute and hitting every square inch of it with full force. It didn’t matter that she didn’t have technique, because it was impossible not to be affected by the ferocity of it. Honestly, as much as Bulma thought she’d still probably prefer her cock to this, the sight of Goku eating her mother out was making her very wet.

…And hard, too - a hand of hers was drifting to her cock, the limits of her ability to just stand there and watch being breached. Slowly, she began to stroke, jacking herself off steadily.

Unlike her, who was slowly escalating her arousal, Panchy had clearly only not come because she was trying desperately to hold on to the moment as long as possible. Unfortunately, she could only last so long with Goku’s intensity set to max - soon, she was screaming at the top of her lungs as she squirted all over Goku’s face.

Goku, of course, wasted barely a second in licking up every bit of excess that she was splattered with. “Man, this stuff is tasty,” she said excitedly. “That was great!”

“Glad…you liked it, dearie…” Panchy croaked, looking a little out of it from her previous orgasm.

Goku looked at her for a second, before glancing over. “Hey, Bulma! You want to join in?”

Bulma paused in surprise, her hand still on her cock. “Huh? Really?” To tell the truth, she hadn’t thought she’d be able to hold back from doing so for much longer, but for Goku to actually ask her straight-up was kind of a surprise.

“Yeah! It’ll be fun!” Goku’s wide smile was so innocent that it almost made Bulma forget what they were talking about. “...I realized a while back that food always tastes better when you eat it with friends - and I think sex is the same!”

…Wow. There was something…oddly touching and endearing about that. Bulma couldn’t help but smile softly as she moved over, taking Goku up on her offer.

…That being said, it also made her want to make this special. Hmm…

“Mom? Can you move?”

“Oof…” Panchy sat up awkwardly, still breathing heavily. “Yes…just needed a second to catch my breath. What…what do you need me for?”

Bulma smiled. “If you’re up for it…and feel free to say no if you’re not…I was wondering if you might…put on a little show for Goku and myself?”

At that, Panchy’s face lit up. “Oooh, baby…I like the way you think.”

She was off the bed in a second, her previous fatigue gone like dust in the wind. Bulma motioned for Goku to sit down on the edge of the bed, and did the same right afterwards.

Panchy sashayed out in front of them, hands on her hips and a sultry smile on her face. Once she was in front of the bed, she turned slowly in place, showing off every part of her beautiful body and thick curves, until she’d done a full 360 - then, she began moving her hands, and other parts of her too. Her boobs and butt jiggled as she moved, purposefully giving each of her motions heft to make them do so. Whenever they weren’t, it was because her hands were playing with that same body part, showing off its squishiness.

Both Bulma and Goku were at full hardness, but Bulma wasn’t content to just sit there and watch - she tapped Goku on the side, causing the girl to glance at her, then pointed at her tail, snaking over towards her cock.

Goku understood what she meant instantly, and her face lit up. Her tail similarly moved towards her own cock, and soon, both pairs of appendages were wrapped around the logs of meat.

The feeling of giving herself a tailjob was still indescribably pleasuarable - but it was somehow made better by the scenario they were in. Just like before, they were mutually masturbating, but this time, they had Panchy putting on a show before them, happily exposing herself for their viewing pleasure.

The inherent eroticism of the situation (which mentioning, admittedly, might be sort of redundant) ended up making Bulma cum far faster than she had last time - though that, in turn, set off a chain reaction that had Goku cumming as well. And, just like that time, it was an eruption - a series of successive orgasms that meant there were gallons of semen raining down - mostly onto Panchy.

The MILF in question took it in stride - if by ‘in stride’ you meant being absolutely enthralled by the two’s output. She moaned as it hit her skin, spreading herself out so that she covered as much of the impact zone as possible.

By the time Bulma came back to herself, the woman in front of her was drenched. You could still see bits and pieces of her bare skin here and there, but just barely - most of Panchy was completely covered in white.

Ah, but there was one other part of her completely visible (presumably because she’d wiped it off so she could see) - her eyes, burning with lust. “I need you two in me. Now.” She whispered.

Well, if anything was able to help Bulma recover from the absolutely draining experience that was a tailjob, that was. Her cock didn’t shoot back to full length - that was how much she’d come - but it was slowly stiffening again.

“Alright,” Bulma breathed. “One final round.”

Although she didn’t think anyone would have truly minded doing this in the very cum-splattered half of the room, the bed was chosen for the obvious reason that it was comfortable. Panchy was on her hands and knees, with Bulma in front of her and Goku around back. Truthfully, in this sort of situation Bulma would rather have been taking Panchy’s pussy herself - but Goku still hadn’t gotten that chance, so she decided she deserved it.

Panchy was practically vibrating with excitement by the time they finally got into position - god, how had she never noticed what a slut she had for a mother before this last year? Still, she wasn’t complaining. Hell…she felt lucky. Blessed.

And she felt like she was going to go insane if she didn’t get the payoff of spitroasting this slut with Goku across from her.

She made eye contact with the smaller girl, and nodded - then, they both thrust in at the same time.

On the surface, of course, it felt no different from getting a blowjob from Panchy in general - but the sight of Goku on the other side similarly pillaging the woman’s insides made it all feel so much more special. …The fact that Panchy seemed especially eager as she deepthroated Bulma’s cock this time also helped quite a bit.

If Bulma paid close attention, however, she could feel the results of Goku’s actions somewhat - the tremors as her cock thrusted into Panchy’s pussy reverberating up to her head - meaning that she could, with work, sync up her thrusts as well. And from the muffled moans Panchy was making that were growing slowly louder, that was doing quite a bit for the stuffed MILF.

Eventually… “Can’t…take much more…” Bulma croaked out. “You, Goku?”

“I’m…close too…!” Goku’s eyes were scrunched up, the girl moving forward and back blindly. “Gonna…gonna…”

Bulma finished the sentence for her - though not by choice. “..cccuuUUUUUMMMM!”

The fact that her cock still even had any cum to give was a marvel - and yet, this orgasm felt barely diminished from her normal ones. Panchy’s eyes rolled back as she was filled from both ends, her stomach bloating slightly under the weight of their combined emissions.

At last, they both pulled out, Panchy collapsing to the bed with a dazed look. Bulma found herself slumping backwards as well, feeling winded. Seriously, thinking on what they’d just experienced, it was hard to believe all that had happened -

…and then both Panchy and Goku affixed her with lust-filled stares, and it dawned on her that their ‘final round’ was going to be anything but.


Bulma stopped paying attention to the number of times they went at it after that. Every time she thought even her and Goku’s enhanced stamina would give out, some sexy action ended up giving them enough strength to go back into the fray. And that wasn’t even touching on Panchy, who was seriously making Bulma question her heritage with the fact that she was somehow keeping up with them.

They didn’t keep to just fucking Panchy, though - Bulma fucked Goku, Goku fucked Bulma, they fucked each other - and they all ended up in a big fuckpile more than once.

Eventually, in the wee hours of the morning, the three of them finally fell asleep - Panchy and Bulma embracing, and Goku clutched between them, three cumstained bodies pressed together.

…It may have been super fucked-up, when you thought about it - but Bulma couldn’t say if she had ever before felt so fulfilled.


Man, that felt good. Oddly enough, this feels…DIFFERENT from the other threesomes - or moresomes - I’ve written? Everything in Trickster of Lust is either all-girl or all-futa, and my other fics have only had two girls with one futa in this sort of situation. Having two futas with one girl…I dunno, but it makes a difference.

Anyway, I should probably go through the chapter in order - first off, the tournament. I should probably explain the big change I made - Roshi, instead of blowing up the moon, goes for Goku’s tail at Bulma’s advice. The reason for this is…that action has never made sense to me. I can buy Piccolo in the Saiyan Saga blowing up the moon, but ROSHI? Even at max power, it seems a stretch.

Obviously, at the time, it was more of a gag than anything else (though sort of foreshadowing for the levels of destruction that the series would have in the Z era) but here, I decided to just do away with it altogether. I don’t…THINK that Goku losing her tail will make too much of a difference in the upcoming arc? It’ll regrow sooner or later anyway.

Well, going from a change to veer away from canon to a change that veers back ONTO canon - bringing Yamcha back into the story. Frankly, I didn’t NEED to do this, but I felt bad kinda leaving him out? Besides, he’s a dedicated enough martial artist (at this point in time, at least) to come to the tournament anyway, and from there, it only made sense for him to seek out Roshi. …with a kinda funny scene. To tell the truth, while writing Roshi last chapter made my skin crawl, this time, it actually kinda clicked with me. …even if I’m still going to avoid his antics as much as possible.

Then, of course, we have the main event. …Honestly? Not too much to say. I feel this sex scene did everything I wanted to. I could have had Bulma fuck Goku or Goku fuck Bulma on-screen, but that’s already shown up in previous sex scenes, and the point of this was the threesome.

Anyways, next chapter is the Red Ribbon Army arc…and, uh. I don’t actually know if there’ll be any sex scenes? I’ve somehow managed to work one into every chapter thus far, but I don’t know if that’ll happen this time. Goku’ll be there, but Bulma and her fucking each other would just be more of a same, and while Lunch/Launch is ALSO going to make an appearance, I don’t know if I could justify bringing her into the action just yet? We’ll see.

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The Revival of the Saiyan Race, Chapter 5: The Lead-Up

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