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Aspiring Software Developer for Adventures with an extra erotic Touch.
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Títulos de Assinatura

USD mensal
I just want to play

With this tier this you'll be able to help support our continuing development, and gain access to the patreon pre-release builds/patreon section of the discord. It ~replaces the old "Be a Patron" 1$ tier, save that it does not allow voting.

  • The Pre release Download
  • A Discord Role to see the exclusive Patron Channels
139 assinantes Subscribestar
USD mensal
Subscribe here

With this tier you'll get access to the pre-release versions/discord, and will be able to vote in all polls.

  • The Pre release Download
  • A Discord Role to see the exclusive Patron Channels
  • The right to vote on any poll
81 assinantes Subscribestar
USD mensal
"Full of surprises"

With this tier you'll have access to pre-releases, be able to vote AND be able to make suggestions for scenes/items to be included in polls (for example suggesting which scenes should be candidates for illustration, or suggesting new items, or the recent "corporate retreat" polls where some of the beach activities were suggested by Subscribers).

  • The Pre release Download
  • A Discord Role to see the exclusive Patron Channels
  • The right to vote on any poll
  • Once you can suggest new clothes/items
11 assinantes Subscribestar
USD mensal
Outsized influence

With this tier you'll have a greater input into future content, being able to access pre-release, make suggestions for polls, and have your vote counted 10x normal. In addition 1 member at this tier per month will be selected to suggest a small scene (1-3 passages) to be written into the game.

  • The pre release download
  • A discord role to see the exclusive Patron Channels
  • Ability to vote on any poll (counts as 10 votes)
  • Suggest new Items/Clothes/Features in the Inquiry Threads
4 assinantes Subscribestar
USD mensal
Fashion Designer

With this tier (limit: 5 Patrons at a time) you'll be able to have direct input on the game, with the same basic features as "Outsized Influence" (pre-release, 10x vote, suggestions in polls), but you'll also be able to dictate 1 item/month to be added into the game.

  • The pre release download
  • A discord role to see the exclusive Patron Channels
  • Ability to vote on any poll
  • Your vote would count more (counts as 10 votes)
  • Suggest new Items/Clothes/Features in the Inquiry Threads
  • Suggest get one new item of your own choosing per month
Assinaturas limitadas (0 de 5)
USD mensal

With this tier (limit: 2 Patrons at a time) you'll be able to have direct input on the game, with the same basic features as "Outsized Influence" (pre-release, 10 x vote, suggestions in polls), and you can work with our writer to have a scene added to the game. This scene can involve an OC of your own specifications. If you pledge for 3+ months the character will get unique art, otherwise it will use the generic art system.


  • Access to the pre release download
  • A discord role to see the exclusive Patron Channels
  • Ability to vote on any poll (counts as 10 votes)
  • Suggest new Items/Clothes/Features in the Inquiry Threads
  • One scene/month added to the game (possibly involving an OC)
Assinaturas limitadas (2 de 2)
Limite alcançado
USD mensal
V.I.P. Overtime

(limit: 2 Patrons at a time). This is an overflow for when the VIP tier runs out of slots if you really want to keep our workers busy. The perks are the same as VIP: you'll be able to have direct input on the game, with the same basic features as "Outsized Influence" (pre-release, 10 x vote, suggestions in polls), and you can work with our writer to have a scene added to the game. This scene can involve an OC of your own specifications. If you pledge for 3+ months the character will get unique character portrait, otherwise it will use the generic art system.


  • Access to the pre release download
  • A discord role to see the exclusive Patron Channels
  • Ability to vote on any poll (counts as 10 votes)
  • Suggest new Items/Clothes/Features in the Inquiry Threads
  • One scene/month added to the game (possibly involving an OC)
Assinaturas limitadas (0 de 2)


  • Subscribers will get there hands on a pre release version
  • Also Polls for new content or what the development team should focus on next.

1. 0. 5. 1 "When You're Evil" pre release

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
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Player Survey V: The Empire strokes Back

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1. 0. 5. 0 "When You're Evil" pre release and features

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
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1. 0. 4. 5 "Running out of witty titles" public release

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
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Publicação pública "Running out of witty titles" public release

Okay, so this release has the experimental Canvas Renderer and Stacked Image Renderer for the Avatar. It has a slight drawback and only works online so far. We are working on a Windows version with a loader that will also work but for now you have to either play it online or run a local server. One of the easiest way to run a local server is to use [Pyhton].
If you have python installed you can run the following command either in the command line or power shell, in the directory containing the secretary html file:
$ python3 -m http.server

then you can use any browser and use the address:
You can find a more detailed description [here]. We are working on a Windows Release, that does not need a server which will be part of the 1.0.5.x release.
You can change the render mode in the options.
Also, thanks to the power of Canvas, custom hair colors will be a feature in the near future (around 1.0.5.x). Also we're working on a Windows (and potential Mac and Linux) release (as in an executable you can simply put on your PC and run), so no need to set up a server for the Canvas Avatar in the hear future. 
Password: secretary
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Game Dev Poll VII: We’re Still Taking Requests

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