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daxg2001 profile
Writing a selection of erotic stories and fan fiction featuring fictional women, characters and known names from the world of video games and other media.

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
Basic Tier

Thanks for the support! A simple basic tier for those who just want to show a little support. You'll get access to free updates and blog-style posts.

2 подписчика
USD в месяц
Archive Tier

This tier grants access to an updated archive of my erotic fan fiction spanning several years. This also includes stories no longer available online on other sides, as well as newer stories after they've appeared on upper tiers. Some stories will even be available in PDF form.

3 подписчика
USD в месяц
Supporter Tier

Members on this tier get access to the archive. As well as exclusive viewing access to all new stories that I write a full month before they get published elsewhere! At least 2-3 stories each month from a variety of series/universes available to read and downloadable.

43 подписчика
USD в месяц

All the previous tiers benefits. Supporters who can afford to donate a little more can do so if they wish. They will also get 2 votes for the price of one in future polls.

0 подписчиков
USD в месяц

All the Supporter Tier Benefits, but for those who can afford to support even more. Supporters in this Tier will have votes that count for 3 points rather than just 1 in polls.

4 подписчика
USD в месяц
Commission Tier

A super exclusive tier. A special exclusive story written for you that can be published publicly or just written only for you to read.

Stories must fall within acceptable guidelines that I'm comfortable with writing in terms of fetishes, character ages etc, and the story length will at minimum be similar to the size of my usual stories. Please check the Commission Tier rules post before subscribing to this tier to avoid disappointment or refusal.

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  • I am an erotica writer with over 10+ years experience, focusing mostly on fan fiction with famous women including celebrities, female wrestlers, video game & comic book characters.
  • Your support will allow me to continue writing fun stories with a variety of characters, kinks and fetishes on a regular basis. As well as, tier dependent, access to past stories and helping to decide with stories to write in the future.
  • THE PAGE IS SET UP LIKE PATREON - Perks such as the full story Archive will be send out at the start of a new month after payments go through! You will not be charged until the end/start of the month.
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