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Darkra profile
NSFW content everywhere, sexy stories and elves, plus my comic🍃Mark of the Wild🍃
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Opal pot

A FREE tier where I will keep you informed of what I do! (and you can get some free surprises)

305 assinantes SubscribeStar All Subscribers
USD mensal
Argonite Pot $2

💜Thanks for your support!

This tier works basically as a Tip Jar, however you'll get access to News, sketches and WIPs.

18 assinantes VIP
USD mensal
Sapphire Pot

💙Thanks for your support! 💙 Early access to all my content (Including my comic Mark of the Wild) 💙 Extra versions HD 💙 Videos and Animations SFW / NSFW 💙 New: Apply your OC for "Lulusa's Long Nights" each month (Doodles with or w/o my Oc in a sexy scene 😏)

73 assinantes VIP
USD mensal
Emerald Pot

💚Thanks for your support! 💚 Previous rewards 💚 Early access to all my content (Including my comic "Mark of the Wild") 💚 PSD File (Except Mark of the Wild comic) 💚 Videos and Animations SFW / N S F W (.mov - mp4) 💚 Priority on private commissions slots 💚 New: Apply your OC for "Lulusa's Long Nights" (Doodles with or w/o my Oc in a sexy scene 😏) (4 to 10 OCs chosen each month)

51 assinantes VIP
USD mensal
Tip Pot

⭐You get all previous rewards! ⭐This tier is a special way to show additional support for me as an artist and my projects. Your contributions make a big difference and help fuel my creativity. Thank you for your generosity and support!

0 assinantes VIP
USD mensal
Master of tips Pot

⭐You get all previous rewards! ⭐This tier is the ultimate way to show your extraordinary support for me and my projects! Thank you for being a huge supporter of my arts!

4 assinantes VIP


  • 💜Exclusive early access to the latest pages of my comic 🍃 Mark of the Wild🍃 comic before they're released to the public.
  • 💜Lulusa's Long Nights: A monthly selection of OCs eligible for a free sketch with Lulusa (6 to 10 OCs chosen every month).
  • 💜Joining to our Discord Server: News, WIPs, raffles, sneak peeks.
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Pleasure Incarnate - Last pages 9-10

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