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Revenge of the Equalists Pt.4

 Helpless and incapacitated, Bolin thought back to the golden days of team Avatar, his friends, and their adventures. He reminisced on the relationships he built with the people he cared about most. How did it all come to this?! Despite his despair and disbelief he was at the mercy of Twee and Sho and whatever humiliating plans they had for him, at least until his bending returned, or so he thought. Having these twins terrorize him made him think of Dezna and Eska, although he knew those two wouldn’t even stoop to this level. 

Sho gently grabbed Bolin, helping him up and over Twee’s knee who held the massive wooden paddle in his hand, looking at Bolin like he was a piece of meat. Now Bolin may be a known earthbender, lava bender, and all around strong and talented individual, however he was not well known for his pain tolerance. To his own surprise the paddle was much more painful than he anticipated, taking only a few short blows before he was audibly yelping at every smack. He attempted to wiggle off Twee’s knee with what little motor control he had thanks to the chi blocking, but Sho did a good job making sure he stayed put. 

Bolin thought it would never end, taking smack after smack until there were tears running down his face. Midway through Sho looked up to see Liang in the distance, giving his best 2 members an approving nod as he watched them bring Bolin to his knees. In truth he knew breaking Bolin wouldn’t be difficult, in the end he knew it was just a means to a greater prize, but that wasn’t going to stop him from enjoying every single second. Speaking of enjoyment, Twee was having the time of his life brutalizing Bolin’s bottom. 

“You benders are all the same, thinking you can skate through life relying on a gift you don’t deserve, and never having to take accountability for your actions!” Twee said as he brought down the paddle once again, eliciting quite the wail from Bolin. 

When the twins finished their onslaught and finally let Bolin to the ground, he was a crying mess. He could feel the heat irradiating from his backside, not daring to touch it just yet. Before he had time to process anything else, Sho was there again, turning him to laying on his back on the play mat as Twee brought over a large case, the contents of which Bolin was afraid to see. Twee dug in, looking through the box for an appropriate size, pausing here and there to take another stare at Bolin’s less than impressive manhood, commenting on how it was “Below average”. A red faced and tear stained Bolin didn’t even have the energy to take offense. Finally Twee pulled out one he was satisfied with, giving Bolin a first look at the device. It was a small metal thing, cylindrical with a base ring. He’d never seen anything like it and in truth had no idea what it was for, though the pit in his stomach didn’t want to find out. 

 “It’s funny, the metal bender we had make these had no idea he’d unwittingly become a victim of the cruel devices he created. Who knows, you may meet him in one of the communal play areas here soon.” Twee said as he kneeled down, getting uncomfortably close to Bolin’s naked body. 

Bolin felt chills run up his body at the feeling of another man touching his most private places. Thanks to Sho holding him down he couldn’t even see what was going on down there, but based on sensation alone he knew it couldn't be anything good. Twee finished quickly, having had much experience at this particular endeavor. Bolin was finally able to see what happened, looking down to see the device securely locked on his dick. 

“Now this should help prevent any unwanted little pokey bits like we had earlier” Twee said.

“Hehe yeah brother, we wouldn’t want this little guy getting too excited!” Sho said, clearly excited about this part of the process. 

“Now let’s get this guy into a clean diaper, since he absolutely flooded the last one!”

That last comment from Twee made Bolin blush as he remembered that he did in fact piss himself. He tried to reason with himself, arguing that it wasn’t his fault, that they pushed him to it. When in reality he knew deep down that he had gotten aroused from the diaper and that he only peed himself because the paddle, and the thought of being beaten with it, had scared him.

Sho took his time gently changing Bolin, lifting his legs up and carefully applying lotion to his sore butt. Bolin flinched at his touch, but relaxed upon the realization that Sho was only trying to make it feel better. Was this some good cop bad cop routine? Bolin thought, reminding him of the days when Mako was a detective for the Republic City Police. Once Sho had taped the embarrassingly cute diaper on him, he helped him sit up, bringing him into a hug as he got him situated on his lap. They sat quietly as Sho rocked back and forth, rubbing his back and whispering that everything would be ok. 

In truth this was unexpected yet needed. After this long awful day, Bolin didn’t realize just how much an ounce of kindness would do for him. He allowed himself to relax into Sho’s arms, knowing he couldn’t run away even if he tried. Bolin didn’t realize that the steady rocking and back rubbing was causing him to doze off to sleep until it was too late. Twee and Sho gently got him up and into one of the cribs, then expertly poking their fingers to various points of his body, ensuring his lack of motor control continued into tomorrow. 

Twee walked away, proud of the job he’d done today. In his mind any day where he got to spank and punish a bender was a good one. Sho agreed this was all necessary and that benders needed to be punished, but he had a much kinder heart than his twin brother, enjoying the more loving and caring aspects of the job. Unbeknownst to both of them, this was why Liang always put them in charge of their VIP’s, knowing well that the balance of care and severe punishment is what pushed even the most strong will’s back down to infanthood, forcing their regresse’s to attach and bond to their caregivers.

Liang approached Bolin’s crib, carefully examining him. The sight of muscular grown men in cute printed diapers, subdues and docile never ceased to bring a maniacal smile to his face. He wondered how long it would be before the right people came looking for him, and how devastated he’ll be when he’s in too deep and the effects of regression became permanent. He gently parted Bolin’s hair and toyed with his paci, making sure it was in place, then walked away knowing everything was going exactly according to plan. 

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Revenge of the Equalists Pt.3

 Liang stared into Bolin’s eyes with a terrifying interest, like he was staring into his soul, digging for all of his insecurities to exploit and play with. Bolin still had not accepted his inability to move or bend, wiggling in a futile attempt to stand on his own or crush some equalists with a boulder. The pathetic attempts at regaining control of his body only made Liang chuckle with amusement, after all his favorite part of the job was taking the ones with strong wills and shattering them.  

“Twee and Sho, have fun with him, I’ll check in later to see your progress.” Liang said to the 2 people who were holding Bolin by the arms, who proceeded to drag him into a secluded play area, separate from the areas where many captives were grouped together. 

Once Twee and Sho let Bolin free, confident the locks on the playpen gates were secured, he was able to get himself up into a sitting position on his padded butt. Bolin hated how inconvenient the diaper was, a constant barrier. He could fill his bladder pulsating, he needed to piss bad and would need to find a way out of here soon. There was no way he was going to willingly piss himself.  

“Oh this one is going to be fun, Don’t you think Twee?”

“Oh very much so, brother.” Sho said back to him. 

It was then that Bolin looked up to see the faces of the people who'd been dragging him around, and who he had to thank for the gag in his mouth. They looked exactly the same, Bolin thought as he examined their faces, realizing they must be twins. Bolin found himself wondering how a set of identical twins found themselves a part of the Equalists, specifically turning benders into helpless babies. He didn’t have much time to think about it before the twins were on him, literally. 

The twins were all over Bolin, poking and prodigy, seeing if he was ticklish, wiggling his toes, sticking their fingers in the leakguards of his diapers. He felt very much overwhelmed, but surprisingly not in a bad way. They continued cooing over him saying things like “Aww is the little one ticklish?” and “Aww he’s so adorable Twee.” Bolin was helpless to do anything against their loving assault; he'd never had anyone give him this kind of attention before, considering how bleak his childhood had been. 

To Bolin’s utter horror he could feel himself becoming erect in his diaper. He was so confused, that somehow the twins cooing and playing had aroused him in the most perverse way. Unfortunately for him, the twins were vigilant and instantly noticed his little predicament. 

“What’s THIS Sho?”

“Uh oh, looks like SOMEONE got a little too excited!”

“Oh oh he’s gonna be even more fun than I thought, so many more possibilities now!” 

If Bolin didn’t know better he’d think the twins were having the time of their lives, like they truly loved doing this to people. Sho was down between Bolin’s legs, after nudging him onto his back, poking the diaper where his bulge was, teasing him as best he could. 

“Ohh Twee, I think he likes his diapers.”

“Aww that's adorable brother! But we can’t have our little guy getting too excited!”

“You’re right, sounds like we need to do something about that.”

Bolin felt his entire body shake as shivers ran from head to toe at their comments, terrified over what they had planned. 

The twins walked towards the playpen gate, opening it up and stepping out. They looked back at him with joy in their eyes. 

“You coming little dude?” Twee said to Bolin, like they wanted him to follow. He tried his best to stand up, but couldn’t. Whatever kind of advanced Chi Blocking they used on him it was powerful. Sho chuckled watching him try to walk. 

“Silly boy, babies don’t walk, they CRAWL.”

The last word sent another wave of chills through his spine, realizing the twins wanted him to crawl on his hands and knees like an infant, humiliating himself. He couldn’t do it, he wouldn’t do it. It was bad enough he was being humiliated like this against his will, but he wouldn’t actively participate in his own embarrassment. He settled, slamming his butt to the playpen mat and crossing his arms in protest, Bolin wasn’t going to play their game. 

Sho got super excited. “Twee look! He’s throwing his first tantrum, isn’t it cute?”

“It’s always cute when they think they can just shut down, Sho can you go get me a paddle?”

Sho shook his head up and down in excitement as he ran off to get the paddle for Twee. 

Bolin’s eyes shot open wide when he heard what the twins said, in response he eagerly turned around and made his way in the opposite direction. He tried to get his feet to lift him up but it was still no use. As he tried to move he naturally started crawling on his hands and knees, realizing it was the only way he’d be able to get anywhere. He turned his head back as he was crawling only to see Twee in the same spot smiling as he was watching Bolin’s futile escape attempt. 

Twee was having so much fun watching Bolin, there was something about a buff grown man helplessly crawling around in a diaper that brought a smile to his face. The punch to the ego that regression did to people was Twee’s favorite part, seeing them slowly accept the reality of their situation. He knew Bolin would take a while to get there, but nevertheless he was enjoying seeing him in the panic stage, and was looking forward to the denial phase. 

Bollin was crawling away, still looking behind him, when he ran right into the opposite end of the play pen. He looked forward to see a primary colored plastic fence right in front of him. He looked up to see it wasn’t very tall, confident he could climb over. He reached up as high as he could with one hand, his fingers barely reaching just below the top of the fence. He stretched as hard as he could until he finally had a hold of the rim. He pulled with what little strength he had, getting up a couple inches before collapsing back down to the ground. No matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t get himself to his feet. 

“Whatcha trying to do little guy?”

Bolin pivoted around to see both Twee and Sho right behind him, with a foot long

 wooden paddle firmly in Twee’s hands. 

“Get him Sho.” Twee said to his brother, who swiftly grabbed Bolin, throwing him over Twee’s knee. 

Bolin was in a panic, scared and embarrassed to the point that his bladder finally released, soaking his diaper front to back right as he leaned over Twee’s knee. 

“Sho look! It happened! Haha usually the newbies hold out way longer than that, guess this plus how pokey he got earlier means this really is for him, right?”

“Haha you’re definitely right brother, he’s a natural!”

The twins continued to go back and forth enjoying Bolin’s predicament, all while the former hero struggled to accept what he just did. A tear rolled down his cheek as he awaited what he figured to be the first of many spankings he’d get for the foreseeable future. 

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Revenge of the Equalists Pt.2

Bolin Found himself wandering the grounds of Air Temple Island, he knew this memory, and hated having to relive it in what was clearly a dream. The trees swayed gracefully in the wind on what Bolin remembered as one of his saddest days, Korr and Asami were off exploring the world, Opal had left, and now his brother Mako was telling him the last thing he wanted to hear. 
“Bolin calm down, it’s not a big deal.”
“NOT a big deal?! Bro you’re all I have left, what am I supposed to do without you?”
“We aren’t kids anymore, grow up. Make some friends, or find a girlfriend or something. You can’t hang on to me forever like when we were kids. GROW UP!”
The memory of his brother yelling at him jolted Bolin to consciousness. Bolin sat up to feel a tear rolling down his cheek, he hated to be reminded about how selfish he’d been and how childish he’d acted the last time he saw his brother. He was ashamed of himself for wanting his friends to halt their lives for him.  
A sharp pain in his head took his attention as he squinted his eyes and tried to put his hand to his forehead. Bolin looked puzzled as he realized how hard it was to lift his arm, almost like it weighed a ton. The feeling was familiar in an unfortunate way, chi blocking. Bolin had a lot of memories from those nasty chi blockers back when Amon tried to take over the city. 
It wasn't until now that Bolin put his head pain to the side to take in his shocking surroundings. The first thing he noticed was the metal bars, rising around him in all directions, connecting directly with the ceiling to prevent someone from climbing over. The mattress he was on was raised from the ground, almost like a baby's crib that extended all the way to the roof. Speaking of babies, Bolin yelped out loud when he looked forward, seeing that his clothing had been removed and all he was wearing was a thick white undergarment with the earth kingdom symbol on the front. With some effort Bolin poked and prodded it, and wiggled his legs, only to find out it was indeed a diaper.
Bolin did his best to try and get up, all of his limbs were half numb making the feat almost impossible. Eventually he had himself sitting up, and immediately attempted to bend the earth in the ground to break himself out with no luck. He closed his fists and did all the right movements to move the rock but nothing happened. In a panic he decided to put it in the back of his brain and chalk it up to the chi blocking, confident his bending would return as soon as he regained control of his limbs. 
  Suddenly 2 people entered the room in red and black equalist outfits, their faces masked as usual. 
“Let me out of here, or you’ll get it!” Bolin yelled hoping they would recognize him. 
The 2 guards said nothing, instead they used a key to lower the crib bars. They reached in to grab Bolin, who struggled as much as he could. It was no use, he had no strength and they were able to easily pull him out of the crib, one on each arm. Together they easily dragged him out of the room, down a hallway, and into a similar room. This room had a desk instead of a crib though. 
The 2 guards let Bolin go on the floor and walked out of the room, closing the door behind them. Bolin was able to crawl around a bit, but other than that his body just didn’t have the strength. He looked up at the desk where a woman was sitting looking through various papers, seemingly ignoring the diapered hunk on the floor. 
The woman blew a bubble with her gum, popping it and continuing to chew as she glanced in his direction. 
Bolin decided to break the awkward silence. 
“I’m friends with the Avatar!”
The woman glanced up, looking at him over her glasses which were at the end of her nose. “Uh huh, look hun I hate to break it to ya but you’re not going anywhere. Now I’m gonna save you a lot of time and tell ya how it is ‘kay?”
Bolin was confused by the woman’s abrupt statement, she continued talking before he could muster a response, standing up and pacing around him in a circle with her hands behind her back. 
“Benders are like children you see, They walk through the world with privilege they didn’t earn, they demand what they want. Spoiled brats. Amon’s mistake was thinking he could make change through brute force, and we won't be making that same mistake. You will be retrained and re-educated from the ground up, and you will be treated the way you deserve to be treated. If you step out of line you will be punished, and if you behave and excel you’ll be rewarded and be able to serve our cause in a more meaningful way.”
Bolin tried to speak up, only to be interrupted by a gag being forced into his mouth from behind, realizing the 2 guards had re-entered the office. He felt a part of the gag inside his mouth, soft and bulb like, almost like a large nipple. 
The 2 guards grabbed him by the arms again, dragging him from the office. As they left the woman in the office made eye contact one more time. 
“Oh and a little word of advice, I wouldn’t tick off Liang if I were you, he can be…. Creative when he punishes the little ones.”
The guards turned down the hallway, severing Bolin’s visual of the woman just as she cracked a grin at him. He tried to flail and speak, but the gag was secured tightly behind his head. He couldn’t sort out in his head what was going on, why would the equalists put him in diapers, and what did she mean by re-education and retraining? None if it made sense. Thankfully he didn't have to think about it long, as he was being drugged into a huge open room. It felt like the space was the size of the pro bending arena, Bolin couldn’t even see to the other end of it.  
He looked from left to right seeing a wall lined with massive baby cribs, and another wall lined with tall padded tables with storage underneath, he gulped at the thought of what he thought those were, not quite brave enough to think on it too much. AS he examined the room further he noticed large sections closed off with knee high gates. One of the sections was full of small toys, another had individual stations with desks, and one had a huge sign next to it that said “Timeout area”, Bolin did not want to find out what happened there. 
“Well who do we have here?”
Bolin’s eyes shot forward to a massive man standing in front of him, who was looking at him like a piece of meat. 
The man looked him up and down from gag to diaper, then knelt down to meet Bolin’s eyes. 
“I’m gonna have fun with you Mr. Mover Star.” 
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Revenge of the Equalists Pt.1

A Bolin Story
An ABDL Legend of Korra Fanfiction 

Republic city was a beacon of diversity and community, filled to the brim with people from all walks of life, including spirits. Ever since Avatar Korra defeated Kuvira, or “The Great Unifier” as her fanatics called her, the citizens and spirits of the city have lived in harmony, especially considering the giant spirit portal emanating from the center of the city. 

Thankfully the city had cleaned up the mess that Kuvira’s metal monster left behind and rebuilt the damaged and destroyed buildings. Nobody had seen Korra or Asami since that day, and the rest of team Avatar had gone their separate ways. Tenzin and his family were busy repopulating all the air temples, as well as leading the team of humanitarian airbenders that dedicated their lives to helping people regardless of nation, partially because of Master Jinora’s dedication. Mako had been reassigned, and was the chief of the unified Fire Nation police force in Capital City. Everyone had found their home, their love, their meaning in life, well except one. 

Bolin spent most of his time at city hall, assisting the new leaders of the city. It helped keep his mind off of more important things. Spending his days doing what he was told, organizing documents, sending telegrams, and being the link between the mayor and the rest of his staff. He did his best to not think about Opal, he knew deep down he did the wrong thing supporting Kuvira, and he hated himself for how that decision had alienated Opal from him. He had hoped his actions in helping them take down Kuvira would make things right, but unfortunately that wasn’t good enough for Opal. She left republic city long ago, spending her time rebuilding the air nation with Tenzin and Jinorah, in truth she had stopped replying to Bolin’s letters long ago. 

The sound of screeching tires could be heard echoing through the dark alleyway and Bolin skidded to a stop in his scooter. This was the last part of town he wanted to be in, finding himself having flashbacks to the days when he and his brother lived on the streets as children, often taking odd jobs in this part of town to survive. After Bolin mistakenly read a crime report that passed through his hands at city hall he knew he had to investigate. A report of a victim found near here completely immobilized and unable to bend anymore gave him nightmares of Amon and the equalists, waking up in a cold sweat multiple nights in a row. As hard as he tried to ignore it all he could think of was how powerless and vulnerable Amon had made him feel all those years ago. After another sleepless night, he knew he needed to look into it himself since the police had all but coughed it up to a one time thing, but Bolin had a terrible feeling in the back of his head that it was just the beginning. 

The report was terrifying to read, Bolin constantly had thought about the details he had read over a week ago. Apparently the person was found crawling in the alley crying for help, when they got him to the hospital they discovered that not only had his bending been taken away, but some advanced form of chi blocking had been used to render his movements minimal to say the least, the poor guy could barely manage to crawl on all fours. Unfortunately he’s been in and out of consciousness and they haven’t been able to get much info from him. The worst part was that there were sections of the report that were completely redacted, meaning there’s more to the story that was too gruesome to put on paper. 

After multiple hours of looking down alleyways, asking people on the street if they knew anything, and peeking through building windows, Bolin had nothing. Maybe this was a stupid idea, he thought to himself just as Pabu ran up to him, Bolin’s pet fire ferret. Pabu squeaked and stared at him then looked down a nearby alleyway. 

“What is it Pabu? What did you find buddy?” He said, prompting the ferret to run away and Bolin to follow into the darkness.Finally Pabu stopped at a window on the ground, looking into a basement, squeaking in approval. Bolin was shortly behind him, stopping hyperventilate, putting his hands on his knees and bending over to catch his breath.  
“Huh Pabu, you run whew… too fast. What did you find?”

Bolin got to his knees to look through the window, inside his worst fear was immediately confirmed when he saw 2 people in unmistakable clothing, Equalist chi blockers. Covered head to toe in dark clothing complete with green glass eyes in the helmet. Bolin felt his whole body shiver, as he wondered how the Equalists came back. His mind was spiraling, Was Amon back? Is Tarrlok back? They both disappeared after the battle with Amon at the pro bending arena and haven’t been heard from since. 

Bolin stared in awe, watching the chi blockers roll in 2 large cages, where he immediately saw people inside trying to break free. One was grabbing the bars and shaking, while the other looked like he was trying to fire bend, but with no luck. As quickly as the cages were rolled in, they were rolled back out into another room. Bolin knew he needed to get to chief Beifong with this information before it was too late. 

However, just as Bolin stood up he felt a distant but familiar electric shock surge through his body, shaking it uncontrollably. After a few seconds it stoppen with Bolin collapsing to the ground, smoke emanating from his body. Behind him stood a masked equalist holding up an electrified glove, one of their favorite toys. 

Before Long Bolin was laid out on a metal table unconscious, surrounded by Equalists arguing over what to do with him. 

“What are we supposed to do, he’s one of the Avatar’s friends, do you really want that kind of heat?”

“The Avatar hasn’t been seen in months, we can’t risk letting him go and ruining everything we have built here.”

“Then what do YOU suggest we do with him then?”

A new figure burst through double doors wearing a white robe, commanding the fear and attention of everyone in the room.

“We do with him what we’ve done with the rest, he’ll make a fine addition to the group. Make sure you get him ready before he wakes up, and keep me informed of his progress.”
“Yes Sir” the rest responded. 

The new figure approached, masked in an outfit of all white, they stood over Bolin looking at him for some time. The other Equalists waited with anticipation for what they knew was coming. Finally the person in white reached out a hand, slowly removing their glove. They reached down making contact with Bolin’s forehead, breathing in, then out causing Bolin's body to convulse slightly. 

“There, it is done. I have taken his bending. Make sure the rest is done, if he isn’t chi blocked and put with the others in the retraining group before he wakes back up you’ll all face the consequences.”

The figure made a dramatic exit from the room as the Equalists again got close around the table looking down on Bolin.

“Alright I put the diaper on the last one, it’s someone else's turn.”
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