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The Coomer Cinematic Universe.

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Cultured Apprentice

Any and all support is greatly appreciated! Vote on upcoming content! (1 Vote). Access to our discord with the given role: "Cultured Apprentice." Discord access.

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Cultured Adept

Early access to the latest update! (3 Days early). Teasers for upcoming content. Vote on upcoming content! (2 Votes). Immortalised in the game's patreon credit wall. Access to our discord with the given role: "Cultured Adept."

1 подписчик SubscribeStar $5.00 tier ; Cultured Adept
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Cultured Expert

Early access to the latest update! (5 Days early). Teasers for upcoming content. Vote on upcoming content! (3 Votes). Immortalised in the game's patreon credit wall. HD illustrations from the latest update. Access to our discord with the given role: "Cultured Expert."

3 подписчика SubscribeStar $10.00 tier ; Cultured Expert
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Cultured Master

Early access to the latest update! (5 Days early). Teasers for upcoming content. Vote on upcoming content! (5 Votes). Immortalised in the game's patreon credit wall. HD illustrations from the latest update. Access to our discord with the given role: "Cultured Master." Less about benefits and more for those who would really like to show their support.

0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $20.00 tier ; Cultured Master

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  • Potential early access to the latest version.
  • Teasers for upcoming content.
  • Vote on upcoming content.

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.5b is Out!

Hey cultured gamers!

The latest update is here.

It did take a couple days longer than I expected due to some last-minute issues with some of the new animated scenes, as they can be quite finicky sometimes, but it should be all good now!

As I explained before, there wasn't an update last month due to me almost becoming homeless and having to trouble across the state to live with my sibling temporarily, but thankfully that's been resolved, so this update is a bit bigger than the other monthly updates we've done with two spicy animated scenes, plus a couple normal ones.

So no long-winded post this time; there'll be the usual changelog below. Please enjoy the update!

Thank you all for your wonderful support! - The Cultured Gamers

For the best experience, please start a new save file.

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.5b Patch Notes:

Bugfix: Fixed text wrapping in a lot of the new scenes.
Bugfix: Fixed dialogue wheel not disappearing when talking to Saphira.
Bugfix: Fixed Renfrey mention in "Special Cargo" scene if quest hasn't been completed prior.

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.5a Patch Notes:

Bugfix: Fixed potential game soft-lock when entering Flower Demon's Grotto.
Bugfix: Fixed prisoners sprite flickering in Riverside Cave.
Bugfix: Fixed Vermen AI in Riverside Cave.
Bugfix: Fixed bug allowing player to repeat "Consolation Prize" scene with Ranfrey.
Bugfix: Fixed "Nocturnal Happenings" quest from stopping player's progress.

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.5 Patch Notes:
Performance: We've spent a bit of time trying to improve performance; it can be a bit tricky to get extra performance out of RPGMaker, but running on our own machines, we've been able to get at least an extra 10-15 FPS, so hopefully the game will run a bit better on those older PC's.
Added: A couple new scenes.
Added: Two spicy animated scenes.
Added: A couple new quests.
Added: A couple new items to collect (started to add alchemy-related items for later).
Added: 3 new locations: Embrya's Workshop, Tradehouse-Upstairs, Riverside Cave.
Added: And more.

If you find any issues, bugs or glitches please comment below! Additionally you can post them in the bug report page on our discord and we'll try to fix them as soon as we can!
Please be as detailed as possible and what version and platform of the game you're running!

Thank you all so much for the support in helping develop Netorare god; Netorase devil! -
The Cultured Gamers

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Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.5b is Out!

Hey cultured gamers!

The latest update is here.

It did take a couple days longer than I expected due to some last-minute issues with some of the new animated scenes, as they can be quite finicky sometimes, but it should be all good now!

As I explained before, there wasn't an update last month due to me almost becoming homeless and having to trouble across the state to live with my sibling temporarily, but thankfully that's been resolved, so this update is a bit bigger than the other monthly updates we've done with two spicy animated scenes, plus a couple normal ones.

So no long-winded post this time; there'll be the usual changelog below. Please enjoy the update!

Thank you all for your wonderful support! - The Cultured Gamers

For the best experience, please start a new save file.

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.5b Patch Notes:

Bugfix: Fixed text wrapping in a lot of the new scenes.
Bugfix: Fixed dialogue wheel not disappearing when talking to Saphira.
Bugfix: Fixed Renfrey mention in "Special Cargo" scene if quest hasn't been completed prior.

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.5a Patch Notes:

Bugfix: Fixed potential game soft-lock when entering Flower Demon's Grotto.
Bugfix: Fixed prisoners sprite flickering in Riverside Cave.
Bugfix: Fixed Vermen AI in Riverside Cave.
Bugfix: Fixed bug allowing player to repeat "Consolation Prize" scene with Ranfrey.
Bugfix: Fixed "Nocturnal Happenings" quest from stopping player's progress.

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.5 Patch Notes:
Performance: We've spent a bit of time trying to improve performance; it can be a bit tricky to get extra performance out of RPGMaker, but running on our own machines, we've been able to get at least an extra 10-15 FPS, so hopefully the game will run a bit better on those older PC's.
Added: A couple new scenes.
Added: Two spicy animated scenes.
Added: A couple new quests.
Added: A couple new items to collect (started to add alchemy-related items for later).
Added: 3 new locations: Embrya's Workshop, Tradehouse-Upstairs, Riverside Cave.
Added: And more.

If you find any issues, bugs or glitches please comment below! Additionally you can post them in the bug report page on our discord and we'll try to fix them as soon as we can!
Please be as detailed as possible and what version and platform of the game you're running!

Thank you all so much for the support in helping develop Netorare god; Netorase devil! -
The Cultured Gamers
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Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.5b Download

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Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.5b


Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.5b - Not Officially Supported


Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.5b  - Not Officially Supported

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