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Cowardlion profile
NSFW Illustrator, programmer, game designer and streamer | He/Him | Gay | 24 years old | Come support me and get access to full res drawings, speedpaints, games and giveaways ;3

A Vacation Mode enabled

Cowardlion has decided to take a break from September 08, 2024 till January 01, 2030, but you can subscribe anyway.
Cowardlion has left this message for you:

About the future of my subscribestar:

Hey folks. I've been thinking about this and I've decided it's better if I close my patreon and subscribestar. It's a big responsibility to maintain them and I haven't been doing that properly for these last months.

If anyone wants this month's money back then I'll be happy to send it. Sorry about that.

I’ll keep making arts and games, but I won’t be asking for money to support me from now on and I don’t plan to open commissions for the next months.

Thanks for your patience and support, folks <3

(I'm putting the page on vacation mode so that the site pauses billing)


  • Raffles for free drawings every 5th day of the month!
  • Access to games, high res Illustrations, pools and timelapses
  • A discount when commissioning me!

Creator Stats

2 subscribers
183 posts


I'll make the second drawing of Spencer's growth sequence ;3 (And I'll keep making more parts of the sequence as it hits it's goals)
$6 of $28
per month
Make a 3 pages comic to comemorate! (And you get to vote on the comic theme!)
$6 of $60
per month
The monthly winner of the free drawing can choose to have either two characters or a detailed background on it from now on♥
$6 of $120
per month
I'll start giving a free drawing to two subscribers per month instead of one!
$6 of $250
per month
I'll get the equivalent to my country's minimum wage just throught subscribestar! I would have to ask you folks for what I should do as a way to thank you for that

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