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Cock-N-Tiel Studios profile
Cock-N-Tiel Studios
Cock-N-Tiel Studios
Developing a visual novel game for PC and android.

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💠Access to all SFW Game Previews. Coming soon!

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💠Our sincere thanks!

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💠Access to all Game Updates (Mythical Edition) as soon as it's released. Coming soon!

💠 Complete PDF Walkthrough of the game. Coming soon!

💠Access to All Game Previews. Coming soon!

💠Access to all SFW & NSFW Monthly Wallpapers.

💠Access to WIP Renders & Concept Art (2D).

💠Access to the Game Art Pack. Coming soon!

💠Access to different Polls about characters and storyline progression. Contribute 2 votes per poll.

💠Your name on the game Credits screen, if desired. Coming soon!

💠Baron role on our Discord server.

💠Our sincere thanks!

0 subscribers 🧐Baron [10$]🧐
per month

💠All the previous rewards! plus:

💠Access to Beta Builds. Coming soon!

💠Access to full Comics Library.

💠Access to VIP Channel on our Discord Server.

💠Exclusive streams of devs making and editing game scenes on our discord server. Coming soon!

💠Your name on the game Credits screen (VIP Slot), if desired. Coming soon!

💠Duke role on our Discord server.

💠Thank you so damn much!

0 subscribers 🍀Duke [20$]🍀
per month

💠All the previous rewards! plus:

💠Access to full Cut Content, Game Extras & Comics Library.

💠Access to different Polls about characters and storyline progression. Contribute 3 votes per poll.

💠You can request a scene you'd like to see in the next major game update, message us for further details. Coming soon!

💠You can request 1 monthly custom render with up to three girls. The custom render will be delivered within 1 month of your request.

💠Permanent Founder role even if you stop pledging or edit your tier.

💠A Custom Discord role in accordance with the Patreon/Discord TOS. The role will be removed if you stop pledging or change the current pledge to an amount below 50$.

💠Prince role on our Discord server.

💠A big ass thank you!

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Cock-N-Tiel Studios
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Devs Talk #2 + WIP!

Hey everyone, what's up? AB here again!
We've got a ton going on this month, which is why the posts have slowed down a bit. While working on another project, we also wrapped up the main menu for the game and I managed to render two scenes for the next wallpaper. Check out a preview of the set below:
We'll be dropping a more detailed update soon with everything we've been up to since the last devlog, along with the progress tracker if possible. In the meantime, hop on our Discord to catch some of the WIPs we've shared! DISCORD LINK.
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Cock-N-Tiel Studios

WIP Previews #1 - Episode 1! [NSFW]

Posted for $10, $20, $50 tiers
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Cock-N-Tiel Studios
Public post

Devlog #12 - Episode 1 + Progress Bar

Hello subscribers!
We’re still at it with our upcoming game project, and we have more updates for you on our progress.

All numbers are approximate and subject to change. Please check for updates here!
  • We have begun organizing and collecting the assets for the initial scenes of the game to streamline and accelerate the scene creation process.
  • The kinks menu has been altered to rename a kink that was initially incorrect.
  • We've re-rendered existing portraits and added new ones for the Mythical Edition of the game. All character portraits have been organized, inconsistencies in the older portraits have been corrected, and we've begun rendering and posing the missing ones.
  • We’ve finished and posted the new July Wallpaper Set.
  • Added a new blinking animation for the game renders.
  • Finished optimizing the compression settings for our renders post work, achieving nearly 20x size reduction without noticeable quality loss.
  • Added new outfits or Annie & Ruby.
  • Added more content to the Mythical Edition of the game.
  • Added a new banner to our pages.
  • We are now posting often on X/Twitter and Slushe.
  • The pace of the game’s script writing has been increased. About 50% of the script is done, with 40% of that being completed in the last week or so. Production on this end has ramped up after the completion of our other game project’s Steam page.

We look forward to showing you more, especially as the game’s plot comes together and our scenes are rendered! As always, check out our discord for more discussion and information!:
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Cock-N-Tiel Studios
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Devlog #11 - Episode 1

Hello subscribers!
We’ve been working on development of our next project along with many other things, so see below as to what we’ve been doing!:
  • A very important environment has been gathered and finalised, being the royal castle and its surroundings in the game’s setting.
  • Added the Gueen's guards and edited the throne room.
  • Added three new characters: Control, Ellis and Gabriella. More on these three very soon.
  • AB & Nethuum finished the concept for the Villain's low-rank soldiers as well the other characters mentioned above. They’ll feature in the intros and provide a recurring obstacle for our protagonist as he ventures through his journey.
  • Fully rendered the preview posted last week and two scenes for the Extra Gallery of the game. 
  • All of our Daz assets and rendering folders have been resorted and organized, for better efficiency as we construct and render our scenes.
  • Rendered the first wallpaper for the in-game phone.
  • We’ve completed some housekeeping on our funding platform: We’ve revised our tiers, adjusting the first tier from $2 to $3. Additionally, Nethuum created a new design for the $3 tier, so we removed the old version of the girl that was previously on it.
  • We’ve reached a result for the poll - Jacuzzi Time won, so we’ve now gathered the assets and posed the scenes, leaving the rendering and post-processing for the next wallpaper set.
  • TeraWatt has resumed work on the game’s script, writing and revising scenes after finishing the Steam page for our other game project.

We’re trucking along in developing the game and we can’t wait to show you more! As always, check out our discord for more discussion and information!:
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Cock-N-Tiel Studios
Public post

Game Project Preview - The Queen!

Hello, faithful followers!
We have another preview to show you of our upcoming project. We’re getting to work on the many pivotal scenes, of which this preview is a part.
Meet Ophelia, the royal queen of the kingdom the game takes place in. She’s benevolent, kind, the progenitor of a new era in the game’s world, and perhaps most importantly is just smoking hot. She has an initially small role, but with a very big impact. She basically kicks off the whole plot, starting our protagonist on his journey without him even knowing it.
We look forward to introducing her more formally in the opening chapter of our new game! As usual, you can let us know what you think in our Discord!
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Cock-N-Tiel Studios
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Devlog #10 - Episode 1

Hello subscribers!
Another week of development down and we’re really getting the game together at this point. Have a look as to what we’ve done below:
Regarding rendering, editing scenes and coding by AB:
  • Rendered the protagonist’s new portrait. Added more portraits for the existing characters to be rendered and posed.
  • Added a new environment that will appear in the first build.
  • Rerendered the first preview sent to match the new aesthetic of our renders. The 4K version of the image is available on: June Wallpaper Set.
  • Added the old version of June and a new outfit.
  • New kinks have been added to our Preferences Menu so you can turn them on or off as you wish.
  • Many, many more assets have been gathered for the environments and characters.
  • Rendered the first scenes of the game.
  • We now have 18 characters in total - note that some of them may or may not appear in the first version of the game.
  • We have two characters remaining to decide on the look of and render. When we are certain that all characters needed in the first version of the game are done, we'll start posting the previews of each character with some info about them.
  • Added more features: You will now be able to see which routes you are in and see your relationship status with them.

Regarding characters and post-processing by Nethuum:
  • Finished the character concept and planning for 3 new characters: Death, Famine and War. No points for anyone guessing as to which character is next.
  • They will be among the protagonist’s strongest enemies in the story and are loyal servants of the villain.
  • Finished the post-processing and editing of June's Wallpaper Set (11 images in total).
Regarding writing by TeraWatt:
  • Work has commenced on the script, with the first scenes of the game being prepared for rendering and implementation.
We’re getting pretty close to having a product to show you and we’re both excited and anxious to see how it progresses! As always, check out our discord for more discussion and information!
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