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Join for free to receive email notifications about new posts submitted to paid tiers. Kind of mailing list to know what I'm doing.
Every month you will receive all the finished pages I produce at high-res (3000pix). Usually I do two updates per month: two bunches of pages during the second half of the month. You will receive a huge virtual hug per month too. Coax loves you!
You will receive the usual updates with comic pages, plus an additional update at the end of the month with some extra stuff of illustrations, drawings and sketches. This reward also gives you access to the archive of previous posts. Coax adores you!
You will receive the usual updates with comic pages, plus an additional update at the end of the month with some extra stuff of illustrations, drawings and sketches. This reward also gives you a random comic in pdf from my long catalogue. One every month! If you stay a full year you'll get 12 comics. Coax adores you!
I've collected mostly all my digital comics in one single post. The fastest, easiest and cheapest way for newcomers. Yeah, you'll receive hundred of pages of fetish comics! My fetish production of many years! Coax is raptured in ecstasy!
Note: this is obviously a one-time-offer. After you download all the comics remember to decrease your amount before 30 days or you will be charged again.