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from 21 Jul, 2024

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from 14 Jul, 2024

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from 07 Jul, 2024

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Chapter 111

Previous Chapter
Hermes let out a long exhalation, simply craning his head back in his seat, dipping his hat forward in an affectation of sleep.

Things in the Dungeon were not going according to the normal way of things.

There were other things not going the normal way of things - apparently, Telskyura had fallen, and now it had been renamed Stefyurga, ruled by the Darlinja Drake Holt (yes, that Drake Holt) - but the Dungeon was much more of a problem, given that his familia was an exploration familia.

At least on paper.

Other stories swirled around, too. Irene Belserion, exiled Queen of Dragnof, had been seen in Orario. Filvis Challia had returned from exile. There were talking monsters in the Dungeon, a simmering conflict between the Loki and Freya familias, and a thousand other stories that were rather less plausible. Others were dead certain: the previous Record Breaker, Rei Maxwell, had been outdone by a young girl and member of the Hestia familia; Alise Lovell had returned from death. He had to wonder whether there was some common thread behind them all he couldn't quite see.

For all its horrors, Orario was a place that was ordinarily quite a bit quieter than it was at present. All this noise, and much of it revolving around Drake Holt and his women.

He let out another exhalation at that. He would be the greatest hero of the age, in all likelihood. If not him, then one of his many wives and lovers... but it was not nearly so inspiring to the next generation to have a hero who got to fuck dozens of girls. Even less, to be one of those dozens of girls, simmering in quiet jealousy over your beloved's inability to keep it in his pants.

He was interrupted from his reverie by a hand pulling off his hat. He jerked around to find the Black Agony standing there, idly trying on his feathered cap. "Do you think it makes me look good, Hermes-chan?"

"Hermes...chan?" Even though this woman had threatened him with death not that long ago - the wedding of Drake and Haruhime and Setsuko, no? - those were the first words that left his mouth.

"Well, I can't call you Hermes-kun, you're not my boyfriend or young! And I'm definitely not calling you Hermes-sama!"

Asfi practically dashed into the room at that point. "L-Lord Hermes?" She asked, confused at the Black Agony's presence.

In fairness, he was confused too. Still, he steeled himself and presented an amiable smile to the young lady. "Might I ask the reason for your visit?"

"Ah... well..." She pulled the hat off, spinning it around on her fingertip, rolling it around and around - and then she lost her rhythm and it went smacking off a wall and fell in the waste bin. Or, rather, she did that on purpose and pretended it was an accident, because she was a Level Four and she would not have made such a rudimentary error of coordination. "Oopsie!"

"Yes, oopsie indeed," Hermes said.

"Oy, jagoff!" The door swung open again, and there was Loki standing there. "...why did you come here before me, Drake's bimbo doll?"

"Ehhhh," the Black Agony replied, scratching her cheek. "I just think me and Hermes-chan have great chemistry, and I was going to ask him for a threeway!" Lie.

"...great," Loki said, shaking her head, then refocusing on Hermes. "You know why I'm here?"

"I honestly don't," Hermes said, finding the frank confession easy. "Or why she is here, for that matter."

"The monster in the Dungeon," Loki said. "It's serious business."

"It is, but my familia is hardly capable of-"

"Shh, shh," the Black Agony said. She planted one finger in front of her mouth, even as Asfi stared her down. "Shh. Lying is no good, Hermes-chan. It's not cute at all!"

"Cu-? No, the point is, Hermes, I know two things about your little familia." Loki planted a finger on his desk. "One. You're lying to the Guild about your Levels. Two. You've got a grimoire that my familia could make a lot better use of."

"Ah! That's right! Goshujinsama will even pay you for it, as soon as he gets the money together, which could be a while."

"I was under the impression that Drake was now a monarch." Asfi twitched at that. She'd been the one to relay the information to him in the first place, and her response, however mild, made him curious. But now was not the time for such curiosity, now was the time to feign ignorance as though his life depended on it.

"How much money do you think the Stefyurgans have?" The Black Agony asked. He shrugged. "Not much! Plus, all his wives need to be lavished with love and affection now that they're his horny, breedable wives!"

"Yeah, yeah," Loki said, waving her hand. "Grimoire, now, or I tell the Guild you're lying about your Levels. I need that, specific, grimoire."

Hermes sighed. "I suppose I have little choice," he said. "It cost our familia six hundred thousand valis," he said, stepping back from his desk, opening a trapdoor, and finding the grimoire inside. "I do wish to know how you knew of its presence?" He held it in his hand even as Loki's hand snapped out for it, creating a momentary tug of war.

"I'm ve~ery sneaky," the Black Agony said. He did notice it was not actually an answer to his question...

"Gimme!" Loki demanded, huffily, yanking on the grimoire with both hands. He let it go, and Loki lost her balance, tumbling backwards - the Black Agony practically snapped behind her, catching her before she hit the ground. "Ha... a beautiful girl, carrying me in her arms... I'm in love! Marry me, bitch!"

"Loki-sama, I'm straight," was the Black Agony's succinct reply, earning a loud huff from Loki.

As she left, he was quite sure he heard Loki muttering under her breath about, "This straight stuff has to be made up, right? Yeah. It's made up. Fictional. It doesn't make any sense. Why would a girl not love boobs?"

"Lord Hermes," Asfi said, and Hermes glanced her way. She looked about to say something, and to then change her mind before saying something entirely different. "That grimoire did not cost six hundred thousand valis."

Hermes chuckled. "Obviously not. But if they're going to just come in here and take the book from me, they owe me a bit extra on top." He plopped back into his chair, reaching up to dip his hat downward again, then remembering that the Black Agony had taken it off. He sighed. "Asfi, could you get me my hat?"

"Lord Hermes, you can get it yourself." She slammed the door shut for emphasis on that point. She had seemed on edge the last little while. Around the time she brought news of Stefyurga.

Probably just that time of the month. Or, more likely, the letter telling her about Stefyurga also had bad news in it.

With a heavy heart, Hermes got up from his chair to go brush his hat off, and promptly got back to pretending to sleep.

* * *

"Six hundred thousand valis," I muttered as I looked at the grimoire, holding it with all the care an item of that value had. "Is it the right one?"

"I can't know for certain, goshujinsama," Julia said, "but it's hard to imagine that Hermes got a completely different grimoire!"

"Yeah, I think I know who sold it to them, they've got the right kindsa spells," Rei said. "Also I'm pretty sure it wasn't six hundred k."

"Six hundred is a reasonable number," I said, recalling that Noriko's had only been as cheap as it was because Briar hadn't sold any grimoires beforehand. "We are coercing him into selling it, anyway."

"Hey! We're saving adventurers from death, Drake! Stealing's okay when it's for a good cause, and also I benefit!" Loki said. "Now where's the cutest little foxgirl in the whole wide world?" Loki's hands wiggled in the air excitedly, and I'd probably have dope-slapped her if Haruhime didn't like Loki in return.

"I'm bringing her here," I told Loki. "Let her read the grimoire before you grope her."

"Ehh, but then she'll be unconscious, it's no fun if they don't react!"

Haruhime followed after my other body, arriving in the room with her bright green eyes confused, more than anything else. "Ah, my love, did you want me for a... group sexual event?"

"How does her woobie act make those words less hot rather than more hot?" Loki asked me.

"Empathy, probably," I teased her back. "No, Haruhime, I didn't ask you here for that." Her cheeks glowed in embarrassment at her jumping to that conclusion, and I handed her the grimoire, which she held, her eyes widening and her tail sticking out straight as she realized what she was holding. "We want you to read this grimoire. We have good reason to believe it will greatly increase the power and usefulness of your magic."

She gulped at that. "I... this must have been very expensive."

"It is," I agreed, squatting down a bit so that I was looking up at her rather than the other way around. "I know that you often feel like a burden to me, but you aren't, ever. This in particular - even if I had no interest in you as a woman or even a friend, I would want you to read this grimoire. I do love you, and want you, and want you happy, but I bought this grimoire because it will make you stronger."

"Also 'cause I told him to," Rei added.

"Ah. Thank you, then, Rei-sama," Haruhime said, with a small bow of her head. She clutched the book against her for a moment. "What do I do?"

"Ya just read it," Loki said. "Oh, and sit down first, you'll pass out when you're done."

Haruhime nodded, sitting down on the edge of the bed, sucking in a deep breath, and starting to read. Her eyes glided over the pages, and her expression shifted similarly to how Noriko's had, back when she'd read. Eyes reading with increasing interest, leaning in towards the book, her lips parting, her pupils dilating, and finally her eyes rolling up and her simply passing out into the book.

Loki showed a startling level of sweetness as she laid Haruhime down on the couch.

"Ah, Loki-sama, was Drake lying about those things he said about Haruhime?"

"Obviously not, duh," Loki said, with a roll of her eyes.

Julia's look as she turned back my way was a beatific smile. "Goshujinsama, you're soooo sweet," she said, just stepping over to me and hugging me tight. "Why don't you ever say things like that to me?"

"Because you're an insane masosub," I told her, patting her head. "I'm the one who needs the aftercare after our sex," I added, and Rei snorted. "Plus, you know I love you already. Otherwise we never would have even met."

"Ah! True! Rei and I literally only exist because goshujinsama wanted to fuck us in all three holes!"

"That's not-"

"Oh, so you don't want to fuck us in all three holes, goshujinsama?" Julia asked, pretending to be confused.

"Just go along with her," Rei said, idly smacking Julia's ass. "Oh, dude, we should fuck on top of sleeping Haruhime! Or, I guess, maybe you and Loki since Haruhime has yet to realize how great I am."

"Joousama, I'm not sure that's really something Haruhime would like."

"Come on, babe. Imagine passing out and waking up to seeing Drake's mega bitchbreaker plowing my cunt. Hot, right?"

"Yes, joousama, but you and I are in the top one percent most horny perverted sluts on the planet!"

"And yet you won't eat my pussy," Loki said.

I just sat down on the bed, gingerly raising Haruhime's head, and she nuzzled into my lap, her tail beating a bit in her sleep, one leg idly kicking. I scratched at her ears as Loki, Rei, and Julia all had a long and involved argument about how perverted they really were. Rei claimed she was totally normal and it's just socialization that makes women act all chaste. Loki claimed they weren't sluts at all since real sluts would eat her pussy whenever she asked. And Julia was the outnumbered voice of reason.

Eventually, Haruhime woke up, soft little breaths escaping her throat. For a moment, she snuggled quietly into my leg, just happy to lie there with me. I couldn't help but admire her, enjoying her warmth against my skin, the pleasant intimacy, the light and happy smile on her lips as she just closed her eyes.

As I suspected, though, she was actually like that because she forgot about why she'd passed out, because she jerked up after a few seconds of that. "Ah, my love, I forgot why I passed out."

"Oh, mornin', cutie," Loki said, stopping the argument to make Haruhime blush. "Let's check to see what spell you got!"

Haruhime nodded, swallowing softly and glancing my way, one finger teasing at the nape of her top, to question if it was alright for her to disrobe.

It was alright in my book for her to disrobe - but I understood that she found the idea of doing anything sexual with someone who wasn't me distasteful. "Julia, Rei, either turn around or leave," I told them. Rei made a whiny noise, while Julia readily obeyed. Julia even laid her hands over her eyes to extra-clearly emphasize she wasn't looking. I glared at Rei, who eventually turned around with a belabored sigh. "Okay, Haruhime."

Once Haruhime's top was lowered, revealing her back and breasts as the clothing practically wrapped around her wrists, Loki pricked her fingertip and dropped ichor on Haruhime's back. She waited a second, then clapped. "Yep! Kokonoe, just as planned!" Loki gave Haruhime's shoulder a companionable squeeze. "How abouts we send those couple of half-baked sluts outta here and have a real nice time to celebrate? You need to recover Mind Down anyway, so how about the three of us have some fun together?"

Haruhime's blush was very bright as she pulled her top back up, hiding her breasts again, creamy flesh obscured from sight. But then she looked my way for confirmation it was okay - and when I didn't object, she nodded quickly.

"Oy, Rei, Julia, get outta here," Loki ordered. She quickly rubbed her hands together excitedly, pulling off Haruhime's top with vigor, revealing her breasts to the open air, her hands just sinking into the large, soft things, letting out what sounded more like a howl of pleasure and excitement than anything else. "Ooo, I love these big titties, Haruhime," she said, leaning in and just nibbling the blushing Haruhime's ears. "How are we gonna fuck her, Drake?"

"You don't have any ideas?"

"You have like seven zillion wives at this point, you're the world's leading expert on MFF threesomes!" I blinked as I realized her words might very well be true. Well, not the seven zillion wives part, but the idea that I had more MFF threesomes than any other man, past or present...

"MFF...?" Haruhime muttered in confusion.

"Male-female-female," Loki explained, leaning down to give Haruhime a kiss on the cheek. "That's the kinda threesome we're about to have, cutie."

"I actually have two bodies here," I pointed out. "So how about you two sixty-nine, with Haruhime on the bottom, and then I fuck you both?"

"Sounds great to me!" Loki agreed, and Haruhime nodded too, flushing as she wiggled her way out of her clothes, revealing her slick sex and blonde bush in hardly any time at all, while Loki only finally peeled her hands away once Haruhime was completely naked. "Only problem with a sixty-nine is it's hard to grope those gorgeous titties of yours, sweetheart," Loki said, as she pulled off her own top.

"I'll carry you," I told her. "That way, your hands can go wherever you want."

"Ooo, what a keeper, right, Haruhime? What a sweetheart sex genius we got in Drake, eh?" Loki took the opportunity to peel her way out of her short-shorts, her modest bust bouncing and jiggling pleasantly from the movements. Rei may not have made her tits as big as Loki wanted, but she certainly made them look good.

Even Haruhime was briefly distracted by the show, her brain restarting once Loki had kicked off her shorts. "A-ah! Yes. We- I am very lucky to be his wife, and you, ahm, well, you are wonderful too, so I do not know if it is right to say you are lucky..."

"So sweet!" Loki leaned in to kiss Haruhime on the nose. Haruhime's cheeks glowed at that point, her smile seeming even more bashful somehow. "Now get on your back cutie patootie, I want to grope those big tits while suckin' on clit and getting railed from behind!" Haruhime obeyed Loki's suggestion, lying on her back, spreading her legs nervously, exposing her slick sex to me. I got in between her legs, pointing my cock there, and my other body got up behind Loki, similarly lining up there. My hands gripped Loki's hips firmly, and the goddess tested lifting her arms up - and of course, didn't lose her balance even the slightest bit. "It's go time!"

Loki leaned forward at that point, and I helped her along, letting her reach Haruhime's slick sex, licking it, her clit, and the tip of my dick, with an energy that was infectious. I lowered her hips further south so that Haruhime could reach her sex, and then I started to push inside Loki, enjoying the tight feeling of her pussy. "Sorry that I don't have the megadick right now," I told Loki.

"Hey, no apologizing!" Loki pulled back from Haruhime's sex for a moment, twisting her head up at me. "If I want the megadick, I know I gotta apply in advance! If you apologize for something like that, you're gonna reinforce Haruhime's over-apologizing! She's on the mend! You're going into an Apologizers Anonymous meeting and cracking open a case!"

"You're right," I told her, and took the moment to stick my dick into Loki's mouth instead of Haruhime's pussy, enjoying the quiet little glee of shutting up my sexy goddess with my dick. She certainly didn't complain, just noisily slurping and licking on my dick for a moment. Haruhime glanced up at the show, and at that point, I popped out of Loki's mouth. "Ready, Haruhime?"

"Yes," Haruhime said, nodding rapidly, and at that point I lined my spit-slick cock up with Haruhime's sex, gingerly sliding into her. Loki leaned down again, starting to lick and suck on Haruhime's clit, going absolutely crazy with her tongue, occasionally brushing against my cock in the process. I just let out a soft groan as I started to pump my hips inside Loki. Haruhime leaned up, licking at Loki and me both, her tongue far less experienced than Loki's, but having that same soft, sincere movements it always did.

Loki's hands drifted down to grope and caress Haruhime's breasts, and it fell to me to keep her balanced as a consequence - which was trivial, given I was a Level Seven by that point. "Fuck me harder, Drake!" I upped my pace into Loki in response, making her bounce a bit from the force of my repeated thrusts. She moaned happily at the feeling, leaning back down to lick at Haruhime and me both, tongue dancing back and forth excitedly - and soon enough, she came, moaning happily as her inner walls gripped my dick, her mouth halfway attached to Haruhime's pubic mound as she just drooled and jerked in wild pleasure.

The body that was fucking Haruhime compensated for Loki's distraction by sliding one hand up her thigh, finding my way to her clit, brushing against it softly and prompting Haruhime to let out a gentle moan. Loki wriggled forward a little, halfway sucking and licking on my tongue, in the process brushing up against Haruhime's clit in a way that Haruhime clearly liked. The cute little squeaks that escaped Haruhime's throat soon enough transformed into a full-throated moan, her tail beating loudly back and forth on the bed beneath her as she came on my cock, her pussy spasming around my dick.

I just enjoyed them both like that, pumping into Loki nice and hard, but going more methodical and gentle with Haruhime. When Haruhime finished coming, I spoke up. "Either of you want Celestial Bliss Trick?"

"I do!" Loki practically shouted. "Give it to me!" I reached in between her breasts, plucking that strand of Fate, wrapping it around my thumb, and then getting back to pounding her pussy. I could feel her tighten on my cock in anticipation, hot breaths spilling out of her mouth, and she went back to licking at Haruhime's clit. She was even more enthusiastic at that point, probably because she knew soon enough she wouldn't be able to do it once the magic kicked in.

Haruhime squirmed on my cock, pausing her licking. "Ahm... I do enjoy it... but then I can't participate..." Haruhime said uncertainly, voicing her thoughts even as I kept fucking her.

"Who cares about participating! Drake's nice as fuck, he'd pluck that string and let you ride it out for the rest of your life if you asked!" I felt Haruhime tighten at that, her pleasant inner walls caressing my cock and largely arresting my movement for the moment.

"Then, if it's okay with you..." Haruhime breathed out, and I reached up in between her breasts, snaking around Loki's still-groping hands to pluck it. Once again, Haruhime's pussy tightened as she felt her body start to get more sensitive, her little squeaks becoming more regular, and louder, as I kept fucking her.

Neither of the pair orgasmed before Celestial Bliss Trick kicked in, but once it did, Loki just moaned and flopped forward, letting me rail her cunt to high heaven without complaint. Haruhime had a few seconds of quietly suckling her goddess's clit, before the pleasure hit her too, and she turned into a thrashing, rolling mess, tail beating around frantically. Loki's hands even lost their grip on Haruhime's tits in the throes of pleasure, and as such, I pulled her backwards, letting her and Haruhime get face-to-face - and giving me a better position to enjoy the view of Haruhime's naked body.

Loki, even as she moaned and drooled and spasmed on my cock, turned out to have enough sense to lean down and forward, pressing her lips into Haruhime's sharing an upside-down kiss with the renard. Their makeout was noisy and sloppy, and Loki's hands eventually found their way back to groping Haruhime's boobs, while I just fucked both of them at the same time, their pussies going absolutely wild around my cock as I pounded Loki and softly, lovingly fucked Haruhime.

In that moment, for whatever reason, it struck me just how lucky I was. I had the gorgeous, vivacious Loki on the one hand, who cutely loved me in a way she hated to admit as being anything other than pure carnality, currently speared on my cock, happy to get fucked absolutely senseless by yours truly. I had the equally beautiful Haruhime, a sweet and earnest young woman who saw me as her personal savior and loved me with all her heart, who would accept pretty much anything I did to her (an acceptance I would never take advantage of, to be clear), happily squirming under a makeout and grope session form Loki as I fucked her.

And I had both of them for the rest of my life - which would probably be approximately forever.

It was to that particular thought that I lost control, going balls deep in both women and coming hard.

When I finished coming, I got right back to fucking both of them absolutely senseless, knowing that at least at sex, I was the best.

* * *

The entire reason we'd bought that grimoire is that the monster was clearly strong. It had killed multiple parties without leaving anyone alive to speak of it, and the only reason anyone had gotten away was running at the first sign of danger, and hurling magic stones off to one side. It wasn't part of the books, at least not as far as Rei or Julia recalled.

Most likely, then, it was something from later in the books... which meant it was probably crazy powerful, since it would have to go up against the Level Sixes and Sevens that the books had.

Thus, the Loki familia's contribution was heavily focused around me. I was the strongest member of the familia by that point, and also the one least negatively impacted by getting killed. It wasn't that I was the only one in the Dungeon, but that I was generally the vanguard and scout, with others moving slower or in large numbers to clear out alternate paths. We split the work with the Freya familia, pretty much slicing the chunk of Dungeon that the monster could be in straight down the middle.

So, when I finally found it, it was by my lonesome. A caravan replete with Level Sixes was about two minutes behind me, and Haruhime was nowhere nearby, though my body nearest her told her what was happening, and I used the maps to try to triangulate positions so they could get closer.

The creature itself lacked much in the way of a clear form. I let my anima glow to light up the dim of the Dungeon better, sapphire blue light bathing the walls, but the monster's form still seemed to resist easy identification, slithering and bubbling against it. "Ohhh?" Came a feminine voice from the creature, twisting and rolling uneasily around. I didn't have any particularly great ideas for how to kill something that big, and I was mostly buying time for others to catch up, so I let it quietly twist and pop and bubble and eventually produce what looked to be the upper body of a young girl from one part of it. "Oh! It's an adventurer, and it's all alone!"

"I'm not alone."

"Yes you are! Don't lie to me." The creature puffed up, swelling its flesh appropriately. "You're alone, and you glow, which is interesting! I wonder if glowing things taste better?" At that point, it surged, a massive maw seeming to form in what had previously been an uneasy surface, Venus fly trap teeth snapping out towards me. I took a leap backwards, narrowly outpacing the movements, and hurled a knife out towards the apparent head. It just sank in, seemingly harmlessly, the creature not even seeming to notice. "Hey! You jumped away, huh? That's not nice!" I yanked on the knife, tearing out a chunk of the face, but again, it might as well have been nothing. "Stop moving so I can eat you!"

"No," I said, continuing to dart backwards as it chased after me. I threw out invisible threads of Fate to yank myself along, each chomping movement of the creature's teeth missing me by only a foot at most. It would surge forward, try to bite, and I'd narrowly yank myself beyond its maw.

I opened a scent bag, the horrid smell hitting me and making my eyes water, then I hurled it into the creature's mouth as it moved after me. It just swallowed and gulped it down. "Oo, that tastes interesting!" Was the creature's response, seemingly unnoticing. "It tastes kind of like that gas that sometimes escapes after I eat an adventurer! What is it, huh? You have to tell me!"

As it demanded answers, of course, it didn't stop chasing me down. Its mouth snapped at my heels, and again and again I narrowly escaped it. With the aid of a map held in another body's hand (one safely off in Stefyurga) and some careful timing on my part, I drew the creature right past a T bend - and on the hook, Riveria finished her chant. "...flense them, wings of Hraesvelgr! My name is Alf!"

The entire group on the caravan were over a hundred feet away, but were pushed back, vehicles knocked over. The body nearest the T-bend was hurled bodily forward, losing its balance altogether and rolling repeatedly across the ground before I managed to throw out a strand of Fate and heft myself up off the ground. The monster itself had a huge chunk ripped out the middle of it, flesh just sagging awkwardly around the injury. It moved almost like it had been impaled against the wall, its body plastered against it on both sides, but I could see the gaping wound as it shuddered and jerked in place.

"Ehn? Ehhh? You can't- you're not allowed, to, to do something like that! It hurt!" The body slowly peeled itself off the wall, and the group with the caravan decided to abandon the carts to just run away.

All save me and Riveria. "Chant again," I told her, and she nodded, beginning the very-long chant of the Vas Windheim spell.

The body guarding Riveria hurled a knife at the face that was talking, but despite landing crosswise and pretty neatly cutting the head in two, the thing didn't seem to even notice. "Hurting me isn't allowed! I don't like it! I'm going to- that's it! I'm going to eat you! Oooo! You made me mad now!"

"You were already going to eat us," I pointed out.

"I'm not getting tricked into talking to my food!" It had finally gotten itself unstuck from the wall, and just hurtled towards me and Riveria. I leapt towards it, just bodily throwing myself into its mouth, two knives out as I approached. The mouth snapped shut around me - or, it would have, if I hadn't Ducked Fate. The creature paused in a mix of momentary confusion and the attempt to digest me, as I landed on what might be called its back, stabbing knives into it sharply, over and over. A tentacle reached around backwards towards me, cutting into my back, and I cut at it frantically. My other body - the one scraped up by the force of Vas Windheim - attacked from the opposite side, carving into its back, and the creature wriggled as it tried to get out of place.

"...flense them, wings of Hræsvelgr!" Riveria finished, not even seeming bothered as she spoke. "My name is Alf!"

I had to Duck Fate twice over, as the massive gust of wind ripped through the flesh of the monster, peeling apart and away the mouth, leaving it twitching and jerking as it was once more compressed and flattened against the far wall, flesh now splayed out. The movements were belabored and sluggish as it twitched in place. "Huh, huh?" It sputtered in confusion. "This isn't... um... you have to stop now, time out."

Riveria showed no sign of mercy to the creature. She didn't even say a single word beyond the next chant, this one for Rea Laevateinn: "The flame will soon be released. Creeping war, unavoidable destruction..."

"Hey! Hey, no more spells, they hurt! They hurt they hurt they hurt!" The creature hurled itself bodily towards Riveria, and I only barely managed to arrest its movement by hurling a strand of Fate both it, and the far wall - even that wasn't really enough, with the wall ripping free and the creature starting to move again. "Stop i~it!"

"Burn them through, Sword of Surtr - my name is Alf!" Riveria finished, and a gigantic gust of flame hit the creature, with Riveria herself letting out a sagging noise, collapsing to one knee, fingers clenched tight to her staff.

"Not fair not fair," it sputtered out, flickers of flame now illuminating its body. Unlike Vas Windheim, Rea Laevateinn was completely discriminate, so I was unharmed (beyond the extent to which the creature had already injured me). "Magic is not! Fair! I don't use magic, huh, so you can't," it declared, continuing to writhe and wriggle towards Riveria, who just looked up at it with an exhausted expression that told me clear enough that she had no chance to get away.

At that point, Haruhime both arrived around a corner - carried on my back - and finished her incantation. In a scant moment, all three of my bodies on the scene were endowed with power, and I just tossed the exhausted Haruhime away behind me, trusting one of the people following us to catch her.

Then, with three bodies currently as strong as a Level Eight, I went to town on the monster, carving into its flesh deep, peeling away layers, seeking out its magic stone. It gave up on Riveria, instead trying to cut into my flesh, but I made quick, defensive slices that protected my body and cost it tentacle after tentacle. It made various whiny wails of complaint about how none of this was fair until I managed to find something hard beneath the flesh, cutting towards it. "Wait, stop! Stop stop stop! That really, no! No no no! Stop that, you can't-!" It shrieked in panic, twisting in on itself as I burrowed my way towards what I figured had to be the magic core. "No no no no stop stop you have to stop I don't- no! No no no!" It squawked in increasing panic, cutting at me, crushing the body that was getting towards the core - but I managed to dig in anyway, despite the crushing pressure and slices and acid that seemed to rain down atop me in response. I grabbed the core at that point and smashed my knife into it, making the creature creak and squeal and crush me all the tighter.

Two more smashes of my knife and the thing broke on the core - but now there was a fingers-thick crack in the material, which I could stuff both hands into and just rip. The entire time, the pressure of the creature pushed down against me, my two other present bodies using strands of Fate to pull back at the flesh trying to relieve the pressure.

All its panicking got more energetic, more noisy - and then, at last, I cracked its core in two, and it instantly fell silent and inert, simply collapsing against the ground in a bubbling, frothy mess of flesh, steaming as it evaporated into the air.

At that point, the nearby groups could regroup on my position. Cass cradled Haruhime in her hands, my renard bride unconscious from casting that spell, and she gave me a quiet look of disapproval as I emerged from the creature's corpse. "Sorry," I told her. "I didn't want to endanger Haruhime."

Cass stared at me, then nodded quietly. "She could... have gotten hurt..."

"Less than if that thing got its hands on her. And you caught her, right?" Cass nodded. "I figured it would probably be you - I threw her underhanded to make sure somebody could catch her."

"Still... be extra nice... when she wakes up..."

"Of course," I reassured Cass.

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Chapter 110

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Darkness stared at the massive, engorged, throbbing cock, attached to her interdimensional rapist/slaver/master. It just quietly twitched in front of her face as she stared up at it, the thing towering over her, silently telling her that she was utterly beneath it, that she was an intrinsically inferior being meant to get fucked and used like a living fleshlight.

Her unused cunt quietly throbbed as she stared at it, going cross-eyed. Her clit ground against her bodysuit, her lips half-open, a bit of drool slipping out of her mouth.

All her most debauched, wild, terrible fantasies had come true...

Well, no, not quite all, the man who owned her didn't whore her out to make a quick buck, didn't drink, never threw anything at her head, and also he was much more fit and handsome than she'd imagined.

Other than that, though, he was perfect.

Perfectly terrible.

His cock was the sort of bitchbreaker that she had thought didn't exist in real life, and he just idly smacked her face with it, a quiet denigration to remind her of its sheer power and girth. She let out a hot pant, and he chuckled darkly down at her. "Enjoying yourself, Darkness?" He asked her, a sneer on his lips.

He could see through her. He had to see through her, to ask questions like that, didn't he? "N-no!" She stammered out, feeling the heat in her cheeks as she gulped. He smacked her face with his cock again, earning another soft pant from Darkness, her nipples perky and scraping against her top as she was disrespected like that. "I... you're... your cock is just... big, so I'm... startled by how big! It's probably because, I don't know, your mother fucked a horse or something!"

He frowned at that, his expression seeming annoyed. He grabbed a tangle of her hair, yanking her up off her knees, and just pulling her up by the hair until she was dangling in front of him, her legs a few inches off the ground. The look in his eyes was one of scarcely-restrained malice, as if he were looking at the worst person he had ever met. She tried not to moan in response, just biting her lip and staring back as defiantly as she could manage. "Don't insult my mother," he told her. His voice was sharp and uncaring. "Do you understand, Darkness?"

She gulped as she stared up at him. She wanted... wanted to see how hard he would go if she kept insulting his mother... but also she loved him, and it clearly actually upset him... plus he was smart and not completely controlled by his savage, brutish, rapist instincts, but capable of resisting the urge to rape her if he felt she was misbehaving. "Y-yes, Master, I'm sorry... I wasn't thinking."

"You do that a lot, don't you? Fail to think?" He let go of her hair, and she collapsed to her knees a moment later, once more kneeling right in front of his monstrously glorious cock, the cock designed to turn a woman's holes inside out. She went cross-eyed again as he slapped her. "You can't think too well when you've got a cock in your face, is that it?"

"Yuh, yes, I can't, Master," she breathed out, drool running down her chin and splashing her tits. Was that too much of a confession? "It- it stinks! The smell, it's so-!" She was cut off as he stuffed the very tip of his cock up into her nostrils, forcing her to snort his thick, stinky, delicious precum, her brain frying for a moment at the sudden shocking sensation.

"How are things between you and my other women?" He asked her, and she looked up at him, delirious as his cock continued to just rub at her nostrils, smearing that thick, masculine scent around. It was the best thing she'd ever smelled in her life. "Rei, Loki... I'm sure they enjoy using my noble knight turned slave girl, don't they?"

"Ahm..." Darkness gulped loudly, staring up at Drake. "I... Loki... thinks I'm 'too easy!' Which- which is absurd! You kidnapped and raped me, you b-b-b-b-b-bad person!" She couldn't make her say the word 'bastard,' even though he absolutely was a bastard! She just loved him too much! (And also was worried that sort of name would get a negative reaction like the reference to his mother!)

"Rei doesn't mind easy bitches," he told her, casually peeling his cock away from her nose, then letting it flop against her face, resting along her features as she trembled beneath it. She wanted him to stuff it in her throat. "How are things with her?"

"Goo~ood," she breathed out drunkenly, staring at the cock as it rested across one eye, occluding her view.

"Beg for it," he told her. "Beg for my cock, and I'll rape your throat like you so dearly want."

"I don't," she whimpered out, pitifully. She knew no one could believe her, not with the way she warbled and twitched, but just admitting to it was all wrong.

He shook his head. "Liar," he told her, smacking her face with his cock again, making her almost collapse to the ground in bliss. "One day, you're going to learn to beg, Darkness," he told her. "You're immortal now," he reminded her. She wasn't sure if she believed him, but he'd said it lots, and the other women he had - the ones who weren't his sex slaves - said the same thing. "You're going to live forever. You're going to live long enough to learn that begging is what that mouth of yours was made for - not sucking cock." He took a step back, his cock moving away from her mouth in the process, and she let out an involuntary whimper, worried that he wasn't going to fuck her at all. "Once you learn to beg, I'll pop your cherry and turn you into my broodmare."

She whimpered at that, too. All her natural womanly instincts - both her love of Drake, and her love of sadistic domination - were telling her that she wanted to be his broodmare, that she wanted to get creampied by his fat cock and knocked up with his children. To be forced to carry his children...

She opened her mouth, but no words came out. It was pure sexual instinct, her tongue dancing invitingly in the air, hoping that he'd fuck her face anyway, that he'd treat her with the casual contempt of a man who knew what he wanted, who knew that her opinion didn't matter - and she got another cockslap for her trouble, tumbling down to the ground this time. He planted one foot on her cheek, just holding her in place down there. Her pussy wept in anticipation, her eyes widening as she wondered if she was about to get bred regardless of her opinion.

Then the door opened, and she saw another one of Drake's bodies, and Rei herself, the large-breasted lesbian grinning sadistically down at Darkness. Drake removed his foot from Darkness's face, grabbed her hair, tugged her up and forcing her to stare into Rei's eyes. Rei herself just clasped Darkness's cheeks, squishing them together, her brain delirious with arousal from the way she was being manhandled. She was a piece of meat as far as these two were concerned. A rapeable piece of meat. "Drake says you were a bad girl who didn't admit what she is and what she wants," she said, a vivid grin on her lips, as if she was describing how she'd just gotten the most wonderful Christmas present.

Darkness hadn't been very interested in women before being kidnapped to Orario, but then, she'd never known they could be so deliciously sadistic as Rei was! She was even worse/better than Drake! "No... I don't want this," Darkness said, panting softly.

"Yeah?" Rei reached into her mouth with two fingers. "Then bite me," she dared Darkness, as her fingers rubbed along Darkness's tongue. The rubbing movements made her ever more aroused, her breathing becoming ragged, her chest rising and falling with each passing movement. Darkness didn't bite her, knowing it would be fruitless. "That's your tongue done," Rei said, as casually as if discussing the weather. "Now the palate." She flipped her hand upside down, and the same spreading arousal hit the roof of her mouth too, her whole body quivering at the intense stimulation, saliva dribbling freely from her mouth. Rei pulled her fingers out of Darkness's mouth, leaving her to pant softly, staring with dim eyes at the Japanese girl. "Your throatpussy needs some modification too."

"My- throatpussy?" She sputtered the words out, and then Rei dragged her into a kiss, forcing her mouth open, her tongue seeming obscenely long as it slipped into Darkness's mouth. It ran right past the back of her mouth, sliding into her throat and rubbing all along, squirming and slapping and writhing. She quivered as that same intensity and arousal, jerking softly, feeling just about ready to come before Rei peeled back and out of her mouth.

"There. I fixed your mouthpussy," Rei declared, grinning maliciously down at Darkness. "Now it's time to learn your place, bitch," Rei said - and then she wore an obscene expression for a moment as their eyes locked.

Darkness's pussy gushed, her clit throbbed, a low moan escaped her throat involuntarily. She just squirmed in Drake's grasp, her brain frying as her arousal spiked and peaked and she orgasmed without any direct stimulation. The man himself used his grip on her hair, forcing her to her feet even as her knees knocked against one another. His other body grabbed her hips, twisting her around, ripping off her bodysuit's leggings, pointing his cock at her asshole and just ramming it inside her, making her orgasm in the midst of her first orgasm.

She could hardly think, as Drake stuffed another cock into her mouth and throat. The feeling of it rubbing along the inside of her throat was intensely arousing, and Rei herself collapsed onto the ground, panting and moaning as she watched the scene from below, quivering in pleasure as if it was her who was getting fucked. "If you had just said that you wanted to suck my cock, then none of this would be happening," Drake told her, as he rammed her face with his massive bitchbreaker, his balls repeatedly slapping her chin as her throatpussy got pounded. Her asshole was being thoroughly reamed as well, the man groping and squeezing her ass cheeks as he mashed into her from behind, and since he was taller than her, she was on her tiptoes, her body mostly held up by the reality that she was being spitroasted by Drake.

She quivered in blissful pleasure at the treatment, of course, going cross-eyed as she got her mouth and sphincter raped by the brutish cruel rapist slaver that she loved. Saliva dribbled out of her mouth as she lost herself in the moment, her tits swaying back and forth, her nipples scraping along her top, her pussy just gushing freely now that her bodysuit had been ripped away from her lower body, thighs growing slick and wet as she was used and abused by Drake.

She was coming her brains out, too. Orgasm after orgasm hit her, like a hammer to the skull. Her beloved rapist was absolutely right in everything he said. She was a needy little slut being put in her place properly by an interdimensional slaver, her mouth and asshole roughly used for his own selfish pleasure. (Never mind that she was coming her brains out...)

The fact that her virginal cunt was going unused only added to the delight of the experience, and she almost - almost! - asked him to plug up her pussy and creampie her, to irrevocably turn her into his broodmare with his ultra-virile seed. She managed to hold out, just barely, and let him rape her mouthpussy and asshole instead.

He said some mean things to her but she didn't really process much of them, to be honest, since she was coming too hard. She was pretty sure he called her a slut, a living fuckdoll, and a needy little whore, and told her that she just needed to accept her place as a mindbroken fuckslave, that her virgin pussy was something he wasn't fucking only because it wasn't worth fucking it as long as she was a recalcitrant slave, and some other things like that. Even if she would probably still rather he was ugly, he was such the perfect brute that she didn't mind his handsome body.

When he finally came inside her from both ends, he just flooded her mouth with his delicious cum, some of it spurting up out of her nose as she shivered in bliss, her asshole feeling like she was being completely filled with truly obscene quantities of semen, which she probably was, because when he pulled out, a puddle of the stuff dribbled out onto her feet and the floor beneath her.

He just dropped her then, letting her tumble onto the ground in a messy heap. He got himself dressed, hefted up Rei in the sweetest bridal carry, and abandoned her alone in the room, the thick scent of his cum clogging up her nostrils, her asshole leaking out his thick creamy load. He didn't even spare her a glance as he departed.

The casual, contemptuous way he treated her was one of the reasons she loved him.

Well, that and the mind control, of course.

Less than a minute later, that other sex slave - the tall girl with the short hair and small breasts - came into the room, gently hefting Darkness's head and planting it in her lap. "Are you alright, sister-slave?" She gingerly ran her fingers through Darkness's hair, and Darkness could only nod, her throat still fucked raw and sensitive from Rei's wicked, sensual magic. "I heard that the master was very rough with you..."

"I... ahn... it's so good, the way... the way he rapes me," she got out, gulping as she spoke. "I can't resist it."

"He says you resisted telling him that you wanted to suck his cock."

She let out a hot breath at that memory. "Ahn... but I was rewarded... err, punished, for my resistance," she said.

"Mmm, he did mention that, too," her sister-slave said, sliding two fingers into Darkness's mouth, rubbing along her tongue. She squirmed, leg kicking like a bitch's at the sensation - and then slapped away the girl's hand.

Like she wanted to have consensual lesbian sex with her fellow slave! The only way she'd fuck another slave is if Drake cruelly ordered her to, purely so he could enjoy watching before raping them! "Don't put your fingers in my mouth."

Her sister-slave snorted at that. "Not unless Drake says to, right?" Darkness squinted and nodded.

"He never uses us at the same time anyway," Darkness huffed. The fact that her master/rapist/lover/owner could give her, and multiple other girls, gangbangs at the same time, was incredibly hot, but mostly he just raped her while Loki or Rei watched and/or played with her.

"Mhm," her sister-slave said. "You enjoyed yourself, though, right?"

"H-how could I not... he magically alters my body, my mind, just to make me a better fucktoy for him..." She shivered and drooled, his thick scent still clogging up her nose. "I can't resist the pleasure..."

"Of course. Of course," her sister-slave said, patting her gently.

* * *

Pauline cracked open the dead Grand Treant, popping out the crystal. It evaporated appropriately before she tossed the stone to Jenny. She hummed to herself as she worked, remembering a pleasant working song that her mother used to use when she was cooking.

"I'm getting a bad vibe," Thran said from the head of the party, sniffing at the air as his tail twitched behind him. "I'm not smelling the green."

"Smelling the green?" Denner asked, as Pauline just cracked open the next Grand Treant.

"Yeah. Grass, trees, vegetation. The scent's weaker than it should be."

"There are fire salamanders on a neighboring level," Denner said.

"If I smelled crispy stuff, I'd have said so, Denner. It's like the Dungeon ate all the trees from here on out, or something." Thran grabbed a lamp from one of the other adventurers, twisting a knob to expand its light, hefting it over his head. Pauline spared a glance that way... and he was right. The walls ahead were scraped of vegetation, and the floor wasn't much better, cool dirt replacing wet grass. "We should turn 'round. I don't like this."

"It just means less stuff to hide the Treants, no?" Denner asked, idly scratching his arm where he'd gotten surprised by one. The healing potion had left no visible wound, but Denner always complained about the injury itching afterwards.

"This is the Dungeon," Thran started - then stopped. His ears twitched, and he dropped the lamp, drawing his bow and aiming into the darkness. The whole party went on edge, with the animal-folk's ears swiveling towards something that Pauline definitely couldn't see. She just squinted into the darkness, catching only glimmers of the lamp's overblown light against distant walls...

"Ah, ah!" The voice from the darkness was female, playful, gregarious. "Oh, there's a lot of magic stones! A lot a lot!" Childish, too. A pallum, or a young party member? Maybe a supporter who got separated? Or maybe she was with her party, but there weren't any other voices joining her. "Please give me all those magic stones and then enter my belly, thank you!"

That was the last thing the creature said before it just rushed out of the darkness, a monstrous shape that Pauline scarcely got time to recognize as a thing rather than a weird shadow, before it had bitten Thran right in half. She responded instantly, and with the best idea she had - she grabbed Jenny's bag, hurled it past the monster in the hopes of momentarily distracting it, and took off with Jenny's hand in hers.

Some instinct told her that fighting that thing was a fool's errand.

The fact that only her and Jenny made it back to the surface told her she was right.

* * *

Ottar stood quietly behind his goddess, who was idly stirring a cup of tea. Other members of his familia had arrayed themselves across their half of the room - Allen leaned against one wall, handing off death glares to Drake, the Gullivers quietly seated next to one another, also giving death glares to Drake, Ragnar and Selland having a stare-off with one another. On the other half of the room were arranged much of the highest Levels of the Loki familia. The old guard - Tione, Tiona, Bete, Finn, Ais, Riveria, and Gareth - and part of the new wave - Drake, Cassandra, Erza, Rei, the Black Agony, and Haruhime. Technically, Erza and Rei were just Level Three or Four, but their unique abilities made them far stronger than that would suggest.

Of course, as far as the rest of his familia was concerned, 'the new wave' was just Drake's harem, and they hated him because Freya hated him. There was no need for any complicated 'thinking' about the matter.

Loki herself had planted herself in Drake's lap, and was rubbing her butt against his groin while giving Freya a look that dared her to complain. Drake looked at Ottar with a cold glare of his own, presumably because Ottar had tried to have the Black Agony killed.

Freya sipped her tea, pretending to be oblivious to the acrimony and the fact that the two familias had just barely avoided a war over the past year. Ottar knew she probably regretted that fact more than anyone else... but you couldn't put the egg back in the chicken, or the Red Dragon back in the Dungeon. What was done was done.

"So what are we here for?" Loki called out to Royman Mardeel, a fat, older elven gentleman. "Hope you're not tryin' to make us play nice, because that sure ain't happenin'."

"Our familia-" Freya began.

"Oh, shut your yaphole," Loki interrupted, and the entire Freya side of the room bristled. Including Ottar himself, whose glare became razor sharp as he stared at Loki.

"It's a mouthpussy," Rei provided. "I've seen her coming her brains out while choking on Drake's cock. If she did that more instead of using her mouth for giving her shitty thoughts about stuff, she'd be a lot cooler." Freya impassively raised one hand, telling her familia not to attack without sparing Rei so much as a glance.

"Syr ain't Freya," Loki replied with a dismissive wave of her hand.

"Ahem," Royman interrupted, coughing loudly. "This is not related to the issues between your two familias," he said, dabbing his forehead of sweat with a napkin. "Three adventuring parties, each with at least one member of at least Level Four, have been wiped out in the Dungeon over the past two weeks."

"The Dungeon is a dangerous place," Freya said mildly, sipping her cup, keeping her eyes on it.

"You are correct, Lady Freya. However, the last of the groups to be wiped out, from the Ra familia, had two survivors. A pair of supporters who fled in the opening moments of the battle," he explained. "They saw the monster that did it."

"Oh? What kind of monster is it?" Loki asked, leaning forward.

"I will probably describe it inadequately," Royman said, dabbing his head once more. "So if you would allow, I can ask the two young ladies to come in and tell you their story."

"Oo, and they're cute girls?" Loki asked. Even her own familia gave her a look of casual disgust. "What? I'm just asking!"

* * *

"...and it looked like, um, a giant mouth, kind of, with really long, thin teeth, kind of like this," Pauline explained, her fingers miming lacing together. "It was kind of hard to make out the shape, but I'm pretty sure it had, like, tentacles," she continued, clearly not used to being the center of attention in a large group like this.

"It didn't have a, um, clear... what's the word... silhouette!" Jenny added. "I think that's part of why Thran didn't see it until it was too late."

"From what you tell us, it sounds like it was too late the moment the creature attacked," Freya said. She raised her head up from staring at the tea at that point, closing her right eye and turning her head to the left, entirely obscuring the Loki familia from her gaze as she focused her left eye on Pauline. "You say it spoke?"

"Yes! It asked for our magic stones, so I, um... well, I threw the magic stones past it. I was hoping that it would distract it from the rest of our party."

"But you fled before finding out if it did," Freya said. Pauline gulped and nodded. "Don't look so ashamed. You survived. Because of that, your familia will be avenged by the full might of the Loki and Freya familias, working together. Other familias that might have fallen will be saved."

"Ehh? I didn't agree to help with this crap," Loki said, arms crossed. "If you want to do it, you can do it."

"Freya's... right..." Cassandra said, and Ottar instantly knew that was why Freya had been so eager to offer her support. "We should... help..."

"It's not the first talking monster we've had occasion to deal with," Finn said, which made the 'new wave' of the familia all turn their heads his way. All of them save Rei and Drake, at least. "The creature with Revis's stone in it," he reminded them.

"Oh, right," Julia said, tapping her head. "I forgot!"

"Revis's stone...?" Pauline asked.

"Nothing terribly important," Finn said, with a gentle smile. "Thank you for the information, Pauline. We will handle the creature, and ensure it cannot harm anyone else."

"Thank you, um, both of... all of you," Pauline said.

"Ehh, anything for a pretty girl," Loki said. Everybody once more looked at her with contempt. "Two pretty girls, my bad."

"I don't think that's what anyone is annoyed by," Drake said, wrapping his arms over Loki's belly and pulling her into a tighter, more intimate hug. The woman in question blushed at the touch and hold, but also showed no signs of complaining.

"Yeah, yeah," Loki said.

"You two may take your leave and mourn your comrades," Freya said. "If we have any further questions, we will see to asking them of you." Pauline and Jenny understood the message, leaving the two familias alone in the room once more. Freya just returned her attention to her cup, even though by this point she had drained it of tea. "How will we be dividing up the labor, exactly?"

"I'll do all the work, and you can take all the credit, how's that sound, bitch?" Loki asked. "That sound like your kinda thing?"

"This monster sounds very, very powerful," Freya noted. "Ottar is the strongest adventurer in all Orario."

"Nah, that's my beau here," Loki said, her fingers reaching up over her shoulder to run along Drake's cheek. "Wait, I mean boy! Boy!"

"Ottar has consistently had stats over 900 every time he Leveled up," Freya said. "They are the same Level now, and Drake does not have stats of over 900 now, or on every previous Level."

"Yeah, but Ottar, he only has one body, so he can only fuck you in one hole. Drake has like... how many bodies do you have now, Drakey-wakey?"

"Thirty six."

"Yeah. Thirty six," Loki said, stupid smugness radiating from her body. "Plus he's got extra powers that make him good at fighting, whereas all Ottar is, is a dumb lug."

"Could you please stop sniping Freya?"

"She tried to kill your wife," Loki said, gesturing towards the Black Agony with disbelief.

"That was my own action," Ottar said. "Lady Freya did not ask me to do any such thing. I acted on my own, without her guidance or approval. Nor did I tell her of my intent."

"Ugh. Stupid lie detector bullass," Loki sighed, leaning back into Drake.

"I imagine that our two familias would have difficulty working together on this matter," Freya said, "so it would probably be for the best if we created 'hunting parties' and divided up the appropriate Floors of the Dungeon. Does that sound fair to you?"

"Sure, sounds great, then my kids don't get any more of your loser bracket harem's stink on them. But you could at least look me in the eyes when you talk."

Freya sneered, raising her gaze from the teacup at last, fixing completely on Loki. "Perhaps if you had not brought that loathsome filthy little maggot-soul here," Freya snapped out. "Besides, it's quite rich hearing complaints about not making eye contact from Little Miss Fox-Eyes," she added, before turning her gaze back to the teacup, then rising from her seat. "Come along." She waved, and Ottar - and the rest of the familia - followed after her.

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Chapter 109

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The city of Orario came into sight in the distance, the tower of Babel looming over the horizon. Rei pushed her tongue against her lower lip, contemplating just flying there, glancing at her twin, who seemed to be thinking the same thing. "Nah," the other Rei said. Rei raised one eyebrow, not sure where she was coming from, which felt genuinely weird. Normally all the Reis were pretty much on the same page - but normally, she was divorced from her clones by less than a week of subjective experience.

Wait. She was the clone. Fuck. She hadn't reabsorbed herself long enough thoughts like that escaped her for a second.

"We could turn into a bird, sure," the other Rei continued, oblivious to Rei's own thoughts. "But what if something grabs us in the air? There's gotta be predatory bird-monsters. Or like, pterosaur-monsters."

"We could turn invisible."

"Ehn." The other Rei wiggled her fingers, and Rei already knew the response before she said it. "Birds have really fucking good vision, and we're not like Julia when we stealth or when we get surprise attacked. Best to wait to reach port."

"You're right." She chuckled as she had a thought, and the other Rei just furrowed her brow, misinterpreting it. "I was just thinking, it's such a fucking Drake thought to be all, Imagine how dumb I'd feel if I died literally right before getting home because I got impatient. But that's what I'm thinking."

The other Rei chuckled at that too. "Yeah, I fucking hate this shit. Feels like my entire being is sitting out on the edge of a cliff, ready to fall to my death." She paused. "Dibs on Julia," she said, rushing towards the cabins.

"Oh fuck off," Rei countered, racing after her.

"You can enjoy Ketra!"

"We're still teaching Ketra how to eat pussy!"

"Yep! Ganbatte!"

"Wait, fuck!" Rei said, transforming for a moment into a kelpie to catch up to the other Rei. "I just got a fucking awesome idea," she explained, and luckily all that Blue Vervain Binding worked on herself, because mostly she whinnied. "Let's make Julia teach Ketra how to eat pussy!"

"Holy shit. That little cuck would fucking love that," the other Rei agreed, a grin curling across her lips. "Plus, teaching threesomes are the hottest sort of threesome."

"Foursome," Rei said, transforming back into her normal body.

"Yeah, yeah," the other Rei said, brushing herself off as she got up. "Great idea, glad I thought of it."

* * *

Drake had told Rei #1 that she should head out to greet the other two Reis, since they were antsy about getting back together. Apparently so antsy they'd stopped in the middle of a threesome (foursome, technically) with her new lesbian Amazon girlfriend and Julia both. Fuck, she actually missed Julia, and not just the pussy eating. Drake was cool, but he was a huge geek, reading and talking about history and philosophy and biology and politics and other yawn-as-fuck subjects. Julia was a pure strain otaku, right down to the hime cut, who had no interests more sophisticated than Kangoku Senkan or Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

Well, Julia was a bit of a gun geek.

Either way, she saw the other two Reis arrive at the gates, groan in annoyance as the gate guard didn't instantly let them in, transform into snakes, slither in, and just dive into her arms, one on either arm. Memories and experiences and senses of self merged and flowed into one another, and she took a long moment to just suck in a breath as her sense of self reintegrated.

She'd never been this separated from one of her clones, and her brain needed a moment to properly deal with all this new info.


Stefyurga? Fuck. The entire kingdom of Amazons were self-Stepfordizing right now and she was half a continent away. That sucked. They were straight, too, which meant it sucked even more. (Because even if she moved to Stefyurga or they moved to Orario, they still wouldn't eat her pussy. At least she had Ketra.)

Oh, and Drake married Ais while they were out. Riveria would probably pitch a fit, but that was what that cockblocking bitch deserved. Rei had been the one to help Drake seduce Ais, so she felt personally slighted by Riveria's opposition to the match. (Also the fact that Riveria kept calling her "a perverted little gremlin Ais should under no circumstances listen to" didn't help.)

Oh, holy FUCK! Drake had RAPED that Kali bitch and it had been the hottest shit ever! Fuck, she needed to jack him off with the Ishtar onahole while he told her how it felt to put that nasty bitch in her fucking place They could synchronize the fucking, so she's jacking him off with Ishtar while he's jacking himself off with Kali.... God, the fact that he was such a good guy normally but he'd just snapped and raped the ever-loving hell out of Kali... hnng fuck yeah. It was like corrupting Julia, kinda. Maybe sexier? Maybe not, actually. Hm. Julia was the heroine who wanted to be corrupted, while Drake was the nice guy turned to evil without any sexy impulses involved...

She shook her head clear. With all those memories reviewed, there was still one very important thing that Rei #1 had been missing, and that emotional sensation hadn't been washed away by the absorption of her clones. "Bitch!" She called out. "Where the fuck are you?! My pussy ain't gonna eat itself!"

"You are a master of romance," the gate guard said with a long-suffering sigh. She just stuck her tongue out at him.

* * *

Ketra's newbie lesbian act was hot as fuck, and Rei was enjoying it. The only downside was she didn't know how to eat pussy at all, but that's what Noriko and Julia (and Starfire, and Loki, to a lesser extent) were for.

Well... on the other hand, she only got one chance to turn the lesbian girl into an eager fuckpuppy. Rei pushed her tongue against her cheek as she thought about it. She wanted to get to the part where Ketra knew what she was doing and she had her very own lesbian girlfriend just for her... but also she wanted to enjoy teaching her how to eat pussy. Nn, but teaching threesomes were hot too...

Ah! She got it! Duh! She'd teach Ketra herself - with multiple bodies! A lesbian gangbang was just what the doctor ordered!

* * *

Strawberry could only cower in the bag as she heard the sounds of battle going on outside, the chittering sound of monsters she didn't recognize resounding even louder in her ears as she cowered.

Maybe she could have gotten away when Irene had been talking to that couple. But... she would have been stuck as a mouse forever. Plus, she was deep in the Dungeon, and it probably would have killed her with monsters.

She hoped that Irene planned to turn her back into a human eventually.

The chittering had stopped, so Strawberry poked her head out of the bag to see the strewn-about corpses of eight-armed monkeys, smeared across the jungle that surrounded them. Irene was a dangerously powerful monster of a mage.

Maybe more than just a mage, given she was chomping down on magic stones like a tasty treat.

Some kind of monster? A monster that could look like a human, could talk like a human?

But no. The Dungeon didn't sic monsters on other monsters. It was just one of the things the Dungeon didn't do...


Whoever she was, whatever she was, Irene plucked Strawberry out of the bag again once she got done chomping down on the monsters, holding her in front of her face. "Why did I decide to keep you around in the first place, again?" She asked, and Strawberry could only quiver under the woman's gaze. "I feel like there must have been a reason, but it really is escaping me, Maybell."

Maybell was her mother's name! She hadn't even asked Strawberry's name before turning her into a mouse!

Strawberry didn't say that, though. She just chirped frantically, waving and gesticulating, hoping that it came off like she was trying to explain things to Irene.

Irene just chuckled at the show and put her back in her bag. "Ah well. You're no threat to me," she said. "Even if I turned you back, you couldn't do anything to me. When was the last time a human set foot on this floor, do you think, Maybell?"

Strawberry swallowed at that. She- she'd never paid much attention to the very deep floors, but... yeah... she'd never heard of eight-armed monkeys. Was this deeper than the Loki and Freya familias had gone? Was Irene that powerful?

"Consider this a moral lesson," Irene said. "Don't be cruel just because you can get away with it. Yes, that makes sense. I'm teaching you a lesson."

But aren't you being cruel to me just because you can get away with it?

Strawberry didn't say that, of course. She wouldn't have, even if she could speak.

* * *

"Disappear, Disappear," Irene repeated, each short chant accompanied by an explosive blast that burst out from her staff. Strawberry had gone back to hiding in the bag the first time she'd seen the explosions, but she could hear as flesh and vines were torn asunder, wet, sloppy noises accompanying each blast as Irene tore through them.

"Who is it?" A voice asked, sounding curious and intrigued at the same time. "Huh? Huh? Who is it? You're destroying my nice walls, okay? I'm going to eat you now because of that," the voice said, and Strawberry risked a glance out of the bag.

It looked absurd. A giant mouth, full of razor sharp teeth as tall as Irene herself. Atop it was a humanoid upper body, somewhere between animal and vegetable. "Disappear," Irene said simply, and the explosion ripped apart the creature, tossing off the upper jaw, smashing the teeth to shrapnel, and disintegrating entirely the humanoid upper body.

"Eh? Eh? Why'd you do that?" The voice was the same, echoing from elsewhere, and the walls of flesh seemed to bubble, a new face bursting free. "What's going on, why are you doing these things?"

"You said you were going to eat me, so I decided to kill you." Irene's voice was cold and uncaring, her staff coming up once more to point at the alien monster.

"Oh. You can't do that, silly," the creature said. "But I guess I can not eat you, if you really want... but you look super tasty..."

"You can't eat me," Irene said. "What are you?"


"I asked, what are you," Irene repeated.

"Oh. I'm the Demi Spirit? I think?" It seemed confused by the whole idea of names. "Ahh... have you seen Revis, by any chance? She's supposed to come back with Aria soon."


"You didn't even ask what Revis looks like!" The creature sounded pouty. "She has red hair and green eyes, okay? So have you seen her?"

Strawberry felt herself be lifted up out of Irene's bag, the woman holding her. Oh no. No no no no no. No! She wasn't Revis! She had red hair and green eyes, but-!

The staff bonked her on the head, and she suddenly weighed a thousand times more, and she was still being held by the skin of her neck by Irene. "Is this Revis?"

"No, no, that's a different one, that's a human! Revis isn't a human!"

"Ah, I'm sorry, please don't turn me b- squeak squeak squeak!" Strawberry hadn't even gotten to the end of her sentence before she'd been transformed back into a mouse and stuffed back in Irene's bag.

"In that case, no. I have no idea about this 'Revis.'"

"Ahhh... maybe she got killed? That'd be really sad, Revis was suuuuper strong," the Demi Spirit said. "I'd need a bunch of dead adventurers to make a new one."

"Yes, yes," Irene said, utterly uninterested. "I'm surprised there's a monster with any intelligence in the Dungeon," she noted. "I would have thought you'd have escaped."

"I want to, ohhh I want to, but I need Aria! Have you seen Aria? She's blonde and has a sword! Ah! She looks kind of like this-!" Strawberry watched as the figure twisted itself up, face crumpling inward like a wadded up piece of paper or thoroughly chewed gum. Then the face reshaped itself, and even Strawberry could recognize the resulting features.

Ais Wallenstein.

"What do I have to gain from telling you about her?"

"So you know her? Bring her down here so I can eat her, okay?"


"No?" The Demi Spirit sounded confused, as if it had never been told 'no' before. "Okay, I'll just-" Vines reached out towards Irene, but she simply waved her staff, and without even a word, explosions rang out in every direction around her, the vines vaporized by the sheer magical power of the woman in question.

Once more, Strawberry shivered in terror at the being that held her as its captive.

"Ah! You blew up a bunch of me, that's not very nice!"

"You were planning to eat me," Irene said.

"No, I was going to make you like me."

"I'm already like you," Irene said. "But even stronger. You're a weak child compared to myself, little Demi Spirit."

"Eh? Eh, you can't say things like that! Nothing's stronger than me, you know? Revis was super duper strong for a human, but she was weak to me and had to do whatever I-" Another explosion rang out, and Strawberry watched as the face was simply vaporized.

"Does it seem to you as if I am weaker than you?" Irene repeated. "I am getting tired of speaking to a moronic beast such as yourself. Offer me something of value, or I'll scrape you off these walls until there's nothing left."

"That's not very nice-" Another explosion rang out through the room, shaking Strawberry in her bag. "Hey! Stop tha-!" Without even looking, Irene had raised her staff and blown up the just-forming face of the Demi Spirit.

"Make me."

A mouth formed on the ground in a seeming instant, snapping shut around Irene's thighs, cutting just slightly below the bag that Strawberry was held in. She clung tightly to the bag as the mouth twisted, ripping and tearing at flesh. "Disappear," Irene said, and the mouth - and her legs - exploded into chunks of flesh.

"Haha, that serves you right, now I'm gonna- huh?!" Irene was already standing up, and pointed her staff at the Demi Spirit's confused features, which promptly exploded into a shower of gore.

That surprise attack was the best one that the Demi Spirit managed to get off, with Irene elegantly dance-leaping around the room, more and more of the Demi Spirit's flesh getting flensed off the surfaces, revealing cracked and cratered bits of stone wall and densely-packed earth. It screamed in increasing anger, stupefied by the idea that something was stronger than it.

Eventually, though, the creature seemed to realize its mistake, cowering backwards. At least half the room was coated in gore that had once been its body, and Irene looked utterly pristine. "Sorry, sorry!" The Demi Spirit said, genuine fear in its voice. "Sorry, I won't attack you, please don't hurt me any more, okay?"

"Very well," Irene said, sounding bored more than anything else. "That was exhausting. I want food in exchange for not killing you. Magic stones. Now."

The Demi Spirit seemed bewildered by the demand - but as Irene raised her staff, it squealed in fright. "I'll do it, okay, I'll do it?!" Vines snapped to life, and the creature hurriedly scrambled out of what had once been its lair, a bizarre mess of flesh and limbs.

Irene huffed softly. "Time to head deeper," she declared, and Strawberry let out a soft whimper. Irene chuckled at that. "Don't worry, Maybell. You're perfectly safe at my side."

Strawberry really wasn't sure about that- but it wasn't like she had much choice.

* * *

Rei laid huffing on the bed on her back, alongside Reis #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #8, and Ketra, who was coated almost head to toe in their juices, the sexy lesbian Amazon having been thoroughly used by the seven of them. She was definitely improving in her sex skills, and Rei was making sure that she was coming her brains out, turning her tongue into an erogenous zone and making her clit, tits, and pussy super sensitive whenever she played with her - only to reset it back to normal, after she was done. She wanted Ketra to associate coming her cute little Amazon brains out with Rei touching her, after all.

The thought dizzily came to mind that she could do something similar with Ellie... well, she already did something like that, but what if she slowly but surely lowered Ellie's sexual sensitivity when it wasn't Rei doing it? Eventually, her and Alex would just accept they shouldn't fuck each other any more, and they'd both be much happier using Drake and Rei as sexual proxies for their sexual relationship...

Was that idea immoral or whatever?

Ehn. Drake'd probably be mad if she did that, even though the end result would be her moms having the best sex life ever.

She looked at Ketra, who was staring at the ceiling, her beautiful big round tits rising and falling. She was seriously considering giving her personal lesbian a boobjob. She was certainly enjoying turning the girl into an eager fuckpuppy, and making her tits even better...


There was one thing missing.

Well, there were lots of things missing. Julia wasn't here. Noriko wasn't here. Starfire wasn't here. Loki wasn't here. Ganko wasn't here.

More importantly, though... Drake wasn't here.

Ugh. That thought was so gay, especially because Drake was absolutely fucking girls that were off limits to Rei (because they were straight, or hated Rei, like Syr/Freya). But... it kinda felt lame to not share with Drake. She'd shared Ketra with Julia, her other favorite person.

Wait. Hang on.

Did she actually prefer intimacy in sex?

That sounded gay as all fuck. Sex was about fucking and orgasms, duh, by definition. But, like... bitches were supposed to be hers, right? Like, she wasn't going down to the Entertainment District to find a pussy-eater in a brothel. Or, if she did, she'd buy the bitch's contract posthaste so she was her personal pussy-eater.

Wait, damn, that was a good idea. She should write that down. She was rich as fuck on account of being an incredibly strong and skill adventurer. She could buy any ho she wanted. Well, not the Amazons, since the only gay Amazon (?) was right there next to her. But still...

Fuck. The mental image of Drake's bitchbreaker absolutely wrecking Kali... of the Stepfordized Argana getting fucked stupid by him... it was definitely hotter because it was Drake. If it had been Bete or some other equally-hot guy she didn't care about... yeah, waaaay less hot.

Was she becoming more mature? Or, what's it called, where you figure out your likes and dislikes? Self-aware.

Anyway, it didn't matter. She couldn't share Ketra, on account of the girl had zero interest in Drake. She was totally aware that Drake was hot as fuck and had saved all Telskyura from the kalyori and so forth and so on, but she was a lesbian so that didn't get her pussy wet.

"Ah!" That was Haruhime's voice. Rei raised her head up, squinting at the sexy blonde foxfu for a second as she stood captivated in the doorway. "You... sorry," she said, hurriedly closing the door. "I... I suppose I should have knocked, but you might also wish to lock the doors when you are using the rooms for... such relations..." Haruhime said.

"Yeah, sorry or whatever," Rei said, and Rei #8 stumbled over to the door to click it locked.

Then Rei #2 spoke up. "Holy shit, wait a fucking second," she said, sitting up straight. Everybody looked at her. "Haruhime had a huge androphobia problem, and Ketra's gay, don't these two problems have the same solution?"

It took Rei only a fraction of a second to understand what she meant, and she instantly grinned ear to ear.

* * *

Rei was sort of rambling about how she was my wife, she'd changed her name for me, how it was hot that I had so many hot babes who gladly bounced on my cock, how she loved watching me fuck girls, and so on. "I'm just saying, you know, love is about love and sharing and stuff, so when I give you something nice, you should do something nice for me..."

"I have basically endless money, so I can buy you anything you want, Rei," I told her, and she wore a cute little smile at that.

"Fuck yeah. Got myself a hot-ass sugar-daddy. Oh, I did have an idea I wanted to run past you..." She trailed off for a second in a way that made me suspect the idea was less than beneficent. "Anyway, that one's for later, this one, it's for you. Like, a gift, y'know."

"I'm listening," I told her.

"Right. Ketra. She's gay," Rei said.

"I don't mind you having a partner you can't share. At least as long as it's a woman, and I'm still first in your heart."

Rei rolled her eyes at that. "Gaaaaay. No, look, dude, this is about Ketra. She's totally down for threesomes and gangbangs and stuff."

I just frowned. A threesome with a lesbian involved? I guess I could fuck Rei while Rei ate her pussy, or fuck Rei's mouth while Ketra ate her out... but... well, I guess I fucked Alex and Ellie for Rei's sake, even though they were head over heels in love with one another and had only sexual interest with me. Still, another girl being present but not finding any appeal in my presence... "I don't really... think I'd enjoy that."

"You didn't let me finish!" Rei objected. I gestured for her to go on. "So, I asked her, what if there was a hot-as-fuck chick with a dick, right?"

"I really don't want to become a futa." I had zero interest in the whole concept.

"Listen to me!" Rei yelled. I felt bad, and mimed zipping my lips. "Thanks. Now, I already asked and everything, but let me outline the scenario to you. Cute little lesbian Ketra, the one Amazon with zero interest in cock," she explained, licking her lips. "But what's this? There's this hot, six foot three chick with a honking huge clit... well... Rei says it's fine, so she can spread her legs and 'scissor' that babe. It sounds interesting, so she doesn't mind. The girl is hot right? And the girl is hot. The hottest," she said, a grin on her lips. "If you pick up what I'm putting down."

"I think I'm missing something. Are you asking if you can give Julia an engorged clit? I'm pretty sure you've-"

"No, idiot! Ugh. You're supposed to be the smart one of my harem." The possibly-concerning thing is that was probably actually true. Not in the sense that I was stupid or anything, but just - well, I was older than most of my wives. "Use the Resplendent Destiny thing to look like a prostitute or something! She'll be turned on 'cause you'll still be hot, and also a woman. Bingo bango, lesbian gladly getting pounded by a bitchbreaker while she eats my puss. I've been training her in pussy eating, she's getting pretty deece."

"Oh. Okay." I didn't mind the idea, but... "And to be clear, she knows that she'll 'really' be having sex with a man, right?"


"Rei, that's actually very important. You want a healthy, long-lasting relationship with Ketra, right?"

Rei rolled her eyes and made a jerking off motion. "Fine, fine, I'll tell her. She'll be fine with it, though, I'm her teacher in the sapphic arts so she just does whatever I say in the bedroom, pretty much. Making her come her brains out doesn't hurt, so use Celestial Bliss Trick on her."

* * *

Ketra was definitely cute. Short, messy blonde hair, dark skin, brown eyes, full breasts, and an athletic build. She also came off as shy, more than anything else - unsure of herself sexually in a way most Amazons weren't. At the very same time I was eyeing her up, hiding behind a Resplendent Destiny (Rei had protected her mind from it in advance, so she was seeing me as my normal self), I had numerous bodies off in Stefyurga, which by this point was thirstier than the Kaios desert.

"H-hello," Ketra said, fidgeting in front of me, hands behind her back. She was speaking a mix of Koine and Telskyuran, trying to use words from Koine when she could but mostly falling back on her native language. Luckily, I had used Blue Vervain Binding so I understood her perfectly. "You're, um, pretty," she tried.

"Thanks. You're very pretty yourself," I told her, and she blushed. My cock was definitely hard in my pants, and Rei wore the smuggest look as she just casually wrapped an arm around Ketra's hip. "Now, I want to make sure we're clear on what we're doing."

"Right," Rei said. She gave Ketra's ass a squeeze. "Tell her what's happening right now."

"Ah..." Ketra started. "Rei wants to have a new kind of threesome with me," Ketra said. "And so she, um, made her husband disguise himself as a woman. You make a very pretty woman. Is that rude? Sorry if it's rude."

"It's not," I reassured her. "I'm taking it as a compliment. You're fine with this?"

"Yes. Rei is... um... she's been teaching me a lot about sex, and she's very good at it. She says part of that is thanks to her husband, which is you, I think. So... I am happy to try it."

"Right." Rei agreed. "So we're gonna be popping your cherry the classic way, but it'll just feel like a thick clit going in your pussy. A variation on scissoring."

"Scissoring?" Ketra asked, confused.

"That's when we do this," Rei said, lacing her fingers together appropriately.

"Oh," Ketra said, nodding.

"Right, let's fucking go, babe," Rei said, grabbing Ketra's wrist, practically throwing her on the bed. Ketra was only a Level Two, so Rei was actually stronger than her even in her normal form. She cracked her knuckles, clambered up atop Ketra and stared the other girl in the eyes - and I could see she made a lewd face, both from her profile and the way Ketra squirmed in reaction. For my part, I stripped naked, my hard cock bouncing free as Rei herself moved around on the bed above Ketra.

My dick was huge at the moment, with Rei having made it a foot-long monster - though less thick than she normally went for, when I fucked Julia or Loki with it. That small realization did bring a little smile to my lips - it was one of those little, unspoken ways Rei showed she cared (despite being utterly unwilling to ever say as much). Rei got into position, kneeling just above Ketra's face, enough that Ketra could glance up to see my cock. Ketra opened her mouth in a small "o" as she saw my dick, my length throbbing as I contemplated that expression on her face, and Rei casually reached down for her pussy, teasing her clit and fingering her at the same time.

"Are you ready for it, Ketra?" I asked her, as Rei worked her for a few seconds, Ketra's hips squirming underneath Rei's ministrations. Ketra bit her lip, then nodded. "I'll go slow, tell me if it hurts."

"Don't worry, babe, it'll all feel fa~antastic, trust me, Ketty cat," she said, which - judging by Ketra's expression - was a private pet name they used when fucking. Rei licked her lips and just watched as my cock slowly slid inside of Ketra's pussy. "Fuuuuck," she half-moaned, quivering in place. "Ohhh, fuck yeah, fucking, nnn, harder," Rei said, obviously getting the direct sensation of Ketra losing her virginity to me. She planted her pussy on Ketra's face before the other girl could say anything, and apparently Ketra was pretty well trained, because even getting her pussy fucked, she noisily started eating Rei out.

For my part, I just reached up to remove Ketra's top, revealing a pair of nice, perky, full breasts - which Rei promptly started to grope like a horny monkey. "Ohh, fuck yes, this is so good, hnngod, fuck yeah," she grunted, grinding her pussy down against Ketra's face. "Lick me, Ketty cat, lick my wet pussy with that extra-great tongue of yours." Her eyes fell on where my dick was pushing into Ketra. "Fucking go balls deep, stud, don't worry, I made you ju~ust the right size to fucking wreck this little Amazon lesbian but not hurt her, hngo~fuck!" She squealed out the last words as she came from a mix of my continued push into Ketra, and Ketra's own noisy licking.

I just kept going inside of Ketra, relishing the sensation of her tight sex around my cock, even as Rei spasmed, her tits bouncing around as she moaned in delight. It was only when I completely hilted inside of Ketra that the Amazon came hard on my cock. Her pussy spasmed wildly, her hips bucking up into mine, her legs wrapping around my hips. She ground me around inside her, and I just groaned in pleasure at the feeling, while Ketra herself scraped and clawed at the bed.

Rei, of course, had her own orgasm redoubled, her pleasure now joined with Ketra's own ecstasy, twitching atop her new girlfriend. I leaned forward, wrapping one hand around the back of her head, making her look at me - then kissed her firmly on the lips, enjoying a sloppy makeout session with my favorite horny gremlin. Our tongues danced together like that, spit dribbling out of our mouths and onto Rei's tits as she just quivered in pure pleasure, Ketra's cunt working my cock over wonderfully.

I started to thrust inside Ketra at that point, taking my time with the first couple pumps, just moving a few inches back and forth, grinding my cock deep within her. The lesbian quivered in pleasure beneath me, continuing to just squirm in bliss even once her orgasm ran out. With my hands, I explored both women's bodies, hefting up Rei's tits, teasing her nipples; letting my hands drift down to grope her butt cheeks as she ground into Ketra's face; sliding my fingers along Ketra's breasts, eventually lacing my fingers together with Rei's so we were both groping the other girl together; and at last making my way all the way down to Ketra's clit, teasing the little nub and prompting another orgasm at that point, her pussy just spasming around me.

Rei moaned into my mouth for a few seconds before breaking off the kiss, slurring her words as she tried to speak. Luckily, I had Blue Vervain Binding. "Fuuuck her harder, fuck her harder, Ketty cat, tell her you want her to fuck you harder, tell her you want her bitchbreaker clit just railing your tight virgin cunt and showing you just how good sex can be when it's me teaching you."

Ketra squirmed a bit beneath Rei, her pussy twisting and undulating around my cock in the process, making me gasp in pleasure. But then she spoke up, her voice muffled by Rei's cunt but comprehensible as well. "Yes, fuck me harder, please. It'll be fun, I know, because Rei says so, and Rei is a sex expert. A sexpert." She let out a noise like a giggle at the pun, which prompted Rei to come again on her face.

I decided to oblige her, first increasing the depths of my strokes with a similar increase in pace, and when she responded by just moaning into Rei's cunt, I upped my pace again. Her pussy spasmed wildly around my cock, as I began to thrust inside her, starting to really pound away, and Rei started to lose her balance, leaning her weight half into Ketra's tits.

I helped her out by grabbing her cheek and pulling her into another forceful kiss, enjoying the way her mouth mushed against mine, our tongues dancing together, saliva dribbling out of our mouths. She was sloppy and incoherent, driven to a state of obscene pleasure by everything she'd done in preparation for this moment. "I love you, Rei," I told her, and I felt her moan intensify as another orgasm hit her in the midst of the previous one.

That was how things went for a while, Rei pretty much an incoherent mess, me fucking Ketra, and Ketra eating Rei's pussy (apparently very well). Eventually, Rei spoke up, slurring her words into my mouth as she kept up the kiss. "Don't forget Celestial Bliss Trick, stud. Make this lesbian's brain fucking melt on your cock."

"Celestial Bliss Trick?" Ketra asked in confusion, even as I reached between her breasts and plucked that certain strand of Fate. Rei moaned in my mouth as she felt the tingling anticipation that came with the plucking, Ketra squirming that little extra bit.

With that strand of Fate now twined around one finger, it didn't take long for Ketra to start just coming her brains out on my cock, moaning and thrashing about beneath me in a continuous stream of pleasure. Rei's own moans became just as lewd and incoherent, and when I released her head and broke off the kiss, she tumbled forward, cheek getting planted on my chest and just drooling against it as her tits hung low, the pleasant warmth and intimacy of her touch adding to the delight of fucking her girlfriend right alongside her.

"Tell Rei you love her, Ketra, she really likes that."

"No I don't. That shit's gay," Rei mumbled into my chest, though mostly the words were just burbles with drool escaping her lips.

"You're getting eaten out by a lesbian right now," I told her, idly stroking her hair as I fucked her girlfriend hard.

"A-ah, I, I suppose... um... thank you for letting me enjoy sex like this very much, Rei! I- I really do like you and appreciate you sharing these things with me, I always thought I was alone back in Telskyura, and I was, but now I'm not alone any more thanks to you!"

At that point, I bottomed out inside of Ketra and just came. "Knock her up, knock her up, stud," Rei incoherently begged, though I completely ignored the command.  Rei would say that about literally any woman she ever met.

When I finished coming, I went right back to fucking Ketra, much to both women's delight.

* * *

The Demi Spirit came back to where she'd left Irene, piles of magic stones gathered in her fleshy hands... but the mage was nowhere to be seen? That was weird... had somebody else killed her? She hoped so, that woman was so mean. She didn't even have the courtesy to lose her legs when they got blown off!

...but probably she'd just left... so the Demi Spirit should wait here with the stones, right? The stones looked soooo tasty, though...

She could probably eat a couple without Irene noticing they were missing. Her maw opened wide and she gobbled up one... then two... ahhh, they just tasted so good, how could she resist? She'd just get some more when she finished them, yeah, Irene couldn't complain about that!

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