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I'm Chastity. I write interactive fiction and commissions.
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I'm Chastity, I write a kind of interactive fiction called "quests," where players vote for the actions of the main character. If you're here, you've probably read some of them, but here are a couple of my older, complete quests, in case you haven't: Repeater (a story where a normal man is reincarnated in a world that operates on hentai rules) and Doll Machine (a story where the protagonist gets the power to manipulate the mind and body of a single woman).

You can read a bunch on here, and I also run on Questionable Questing, which unfortunately requires a (free!) login to read; once you have an account, this link will take you to my quests, plus a few other threads I've made. Subscribestar takes your money the moment you subscribe, and you can't message people you're not subscribed to, so if you want to make sure that I'm fine with the specifics of a commission or idea before you give me money, you can contact me at either of those sites first.

In any case, thanks for reading and enjoying my work! I greatly appreciate donations.

I am now doing direct commissions. For $10, you can commission a >500 word scene from me (and I'll write more for more money); 1,000 words being about the length of a typical smut scene in my various quests. You can provide as much or as little detail on the commission as you like, and I'm willing to do fanfic if that's what you want (though I may need time to consume the media in question, if it's not something I'm familiar with).

General Notes:
If you are contributing, you can message me on Subscribestar by clicking the little "Messages" option in the menu on the top right-hand corner of the screen. If you aren't on Subscribestar (yet), it's easiest to contact me with a QQ account, as has an atrocious PM system that makes it easy to miss a message - posting in one of my quest's chats is more likely to catch my attention.

If you're interested in commissioning, here's a general list of what I dislike, so you can make your decision well-informed, and tailor any submissions to it:
  1. Female-perpetrated rape.
  2. "Hard" male submission: bondage, pegging, violence beyond the level of the girl gripping the man's head between her thighs, and so forth. "Soft" male submission (female guiding, on top, diminutive pet names, etc) is fine.
  3. Gore.
  4. Serious, injurious violence (versus spankings, slaps, grappling/pinning).
  5. Yaoi (yes, including traps).
  6. Emotionally uninvested sex, where the characters don't really have a connection, whether positive or negative (hate, love, respect, working relationship, etc). Exception if partway through that connection forms (e.g. man dicks gyaru slut into being his housewife).
  7. Scat (beyond ass-to-mouth or analingus - golden showers are fine, though).
  8. Public exhibitionism (versus fucking a girl in front of another girl, or recording sex and uploading it later).
  9. Bestiality.
  10. Futa.


  • Getting me to write things for you. ($10+, or $3+ with donation.)
  • Voting on which story I'm writing. ($3+)
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Getting Started:
The first chapters of the various stories posted here are available at the following links:

The following story is a "pilot episode," available only to Subscribers, and linked for completeness sake:
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I am planning to write weekly updates of It's Okay To Take My Waifus To The Dungeon for the remai...

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from 07 Jul, 2024

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Chapter 85: Nora Gets Into PornPrevious ChapterAlthough Nora understood that her relationship wit...

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Superheroine Seducing Accountant, Chapter 84: Sexting Is Fun
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Gillian was definitely very different from the other girls I'd been with. Sure, Kate was a sub, but she was shame-faced about it - Gillian was horny, enthusiastic, and eager. It was striking even the fact that it was a difference - she was probably the most aggressive, forward lover I'd had in this universe.

A lot of flirtation is about subtly signaling to the other person that you're interested, in such a way to protect your feelings if you are rejected. You'd comment on the other person's hair, for example, and if they ignored you or brushed you off, you could lie to yourself about the fact that they had rejected you. The problem is that if they give a positive response, then you can't take it as genuine interest - they might just be happy with their new hair cut and glad that somebody appreciates it.

If you cut through all that with brazen obscenity, there can be no mistake about it: you want to fuck the person you're speaking to. The downside is that if the other person tells you "no," you know that they are explicitly rejecting the idea of having sex with you.

But Gillian seemed to be quite shameless, given that her online social media presence was mostly her liking, saving, and reposting images of women in bondage, comics about women being mind controlled and/or raped, misogynistic sexual fantasies, and so on. In that context, it made sense to be similarly shameless in hitting on men: it's not like your reputation can go any lower.

I wound up saving (non-publicly) a few of the more appealing images. They were obviously created for the female gaze - emphasis on guys' chest, ass, and cock - but sometimes there would be a shot where that emphasis came out in a way that was really hot, like the guy's cock resting atop the woman's face as she looked practically blissed out from the experience. It was probably some of the closest thing to actual, for real, old style porn that I'd gotten to enjoy back in my home universe. Even if it was a little kinkier, that was mostly in the dialogue anyway, and I could just ignore that if I felt like it.

She also started sexting me, too.

Gillian: Hi! Thanks for giving me your number, by the way!
Gillian: If you're ever feeling lonely or in the mood, consider me your girl!

Roger: I have a lot of girls I can text whenever I feel lonely or in the mood.

Gillian: That's fine by me, I don't mind!
Gillian: Do you like sexting with those girls?

Roger: I don't sext that much, most women suck at it in my experience.

At least, as far as this world went - Kate's sexts, even now, were mostly pictures of her tits and pussy, which were... you know, nice, but I could look at her tits in real life by walking down the hallway, and they were much better in person. Occasionally she'd step up the hotness levels by taking a pic of her tits at work, still in her microkini top, but I don't even know if she understood why that was hot.

Gillian: Oh! Well, I'm a real man-pleaser, so just tell me what you want!
Gillian: Ah, that makes it sound like I'm the kind of sub who just blankly does whatever you say. >.< I hate that stuff! A sub should be creative, a dom should be creative, they should both be coming up with fun new ideas for how the sub can get fucked, you know?
Gillian: What I mean, goshujinsama, is that I'd be happy to fulfill all your darkest fantasies with creativity and vive!

Roger: I don't know how dark my fantasies really go.

Gillian: I saw you looked through my feed, did you find anything you liked there?
Gillian: I'm an expert sexter, and, I write smut! I have a pseudonym, and some of it's pretty extreme, so I can't really share it with you, sorry. >.<
Gillian: But you can trust me! I'm not going to just come up with the 'sexy' idea of you stepping on my face or something! I'm going to be an innovator!

Roger: Your feeds are full of porn and hentai. How can you be worried about people finding out what you write?

Gillian: Yes, and? All good, wholesome, all-American porn and hentai that follows the laws and norms of the society we live in.
Gillian: Well, maybe the misogynist stuff is too much...
Gillian: Anyway, there's a difference between making it yourself and consuming it from someone else.

Roger: Well, when you trust me more, send me the link. Some of the stuff you save is hot.

Gillian: Thank you! Which ones, in particular? We can do a scenario based on that!

Roger: I saved the pic with the blue-haired chick with a flat chest having a dick laid across her face as she goes cross-eyed.
Roger: I don't even remember the dialogue, the image was hot.

Gillian: Okay, I found the one you're talking about! So you like slapping girls around with your cock? I can kind of see the fun! Like a domme smothering a guy in her tits!
Gillian: 1s, let me think.
Gillian: Are you feeling more, 'I slap you with my cock, and it hurts, so you become meek and submissive,' or 'I slap you with my cock, and it feels good, so you become horny and submissive'? I can do either!

Roger: You can do meek?

Gillian: It's sexting! It's roleplay, silly!
Gillian: Oops! Sorry, goshujinsama, that was disrespectful.
Gillian: Feel free to punish me with your big fat white cock! Silly little women like me naturally submit to them!

I proceeded to sext with her, and it was definitely very hot. She had a creative mind, and it was easy to see her oozing enthusiasm in every text. I was pretty sure she was masturbating during the sexts, though for my part, I was mostly just sporting an increasing hard-on and contemplating which girl I should have handle it. Bup was obviously always available, and Nora kept a body in the apartment...

But there was only one girl I knew who would actively enjoy sucking my dick while I paid her little-to-no attention.

Other than Gillian, maybe.

I kept up the sexts as I walked over to Kate's apartment, knocking at the door, and Kate looked caught somewhere between bleary-eyed and exhausted, and desperate not to seem like she was bleary-eyed and exhausted because she knew that I came to her door for one reason (sex).

"Hey," I said to her. "I'm sexting with a new girl, but I've got a hard-on. Would you take care of it for me, Sow?"

She actually shivered at that. She wasn't dressed sexy by any means - just a nice polo shirt and some jeans, hiding most of that gorgeous body of hers - but the way she responded said she was intensely excited to participate, as she nodded rapidly.

"You're dressed right, under there, aren't you?"

"Yes, Master," she breathed out. "I wear what you tell me to. I always wear it."

"Good girl," I said, patting her cheek affectionately. She was wearing a choker rather than a leash at the moment, but that was fine - I just hooked my finger into it, dragging her back to my apartment by it, and she let out a soft pant as I plopped her right in front of my couch. "Take off those frumpy clothes, they're not sexy at all."

She nodded rapidly, moving to obey, and I turned my attention back to the phone, even as I unzipped and unbuttoned my pants, shifting my hips up to let them and my underwear pool around my ankles, my cock rock hard as it bounced free. The scenario they were roleplaying out was her being mind controlled into being his submissive housewife.

Gillian: "Oh, dear, I'm just a silly little woman. You know we're all ruled by our pussies," I tell you, as I softly stroke your hard cock in one hand. "We're just your natural inferiors."

Roger: "That's right," I tell you. "Now open wide. I'm going to read your mind as you suck my dick."

I wrapped one hand around Kate's hair, drawing her down towards my cock. I actually missed her face the first time, because I was very intentionally staring directly at my phone, but she just let out a pant as my dick slid along her face, so it seemed like she didn't mind. "Go ahead and masturbate, I don't know if I'll care enough to finish you off when I'm done with this," I told her, glancing up at the end of the sentence to actually line her mouth up with my cock.

She just nodded around my tip by way of reply, one hand sliding down to her pussy, starting to frig herself like crazy, practically going cross-eyed as I pulled her down my length. I then turned my attention back to the phone.

Gillian: Women are just playthings for men. It's only natural for men to dominate us. The ideal society is one dominated utterly by men, because we shouldn't make decisions - we should just get fucked. We exist to get fucked. I love getting fucked.
Gillian: My tongue is excited and eager along the underside of your cock as I work, bobbing up and down your length energetically.
Gillian: My eyes shine at you with guileless submission, like a well-trained dog. That's what I am. A bitch.

Roger: "You're right, Jill. I control you through your pussy, which is just the way it works. Your pussy makes all the decisions for you, that's why you're not going to be allowed to be the equal of any man, in the new order that I'm creating."

(Significant "yes, and"ing on both our parts had wound up with me becoming an evil mastermind who planned to Stepfordize all the women in the world.)

Gillian: Yes... I'm the prototype of a new, happier generation of women, who understand that we were born to serve men. We were kept in submission by our pussies once, and now, it will happen again.

Roger: "Yeah. There's going to be a whole lot of women like you, who exist only to service men's cock, and do it happily. Masturbate, you little bitch."
Roger: "Masturbate and embrace your own mental oblivion."

Gillian: I start frantically masturbating at that point, my hand in my cunt as I slurp on your cock. I'm moving even faster, now, the intoxicating flavor of your cock fogging up my brain as I work, my pussy on fire with desire. I'm practically a masturbation aid for you to jerk off with, at this point; a self-moving fleshlight. A meat onahole.
Gillian: I orgasm to that thought.
Gillian: ((I just had a little orgasm IRL! Hope you're enjoying yourself too!))

Roger: ((Stay in character.))

I said that mostly because I couldn't keep three things going in my head at once - Kate sucking my dick, faux-Gillian sucking me off while mind controlled, actual Gillian masturbating - but also because that kind of domineering language felt very appropriate in dealing with Gillian.

Gillian: ((Sorry! BTW, that mental oblivion line was a banger!))

Roger: "You're more than just a way for me to jerk off. You women are so stupid, you know? You think men are just like you. Obsessed with sex."

Gillian: I nod dimly around your cock, not knowing or caring about what direction you're going with this.
Gillian: I'm stupid. Men are smart. Not like me. Their thoughts matter. Mine don't.

Roger: "But we're not, you know? That's how we built civilization. That's how we created this world you now come in, and smear your filthy cunt juices all over, as you masturbate on whatever objects you can find, like a beast. Like a dog humping its master's leg, that's all you can be, when you're invited into the workplace." I grab a tangle of your hair and start to fuck your face on my cock.

At the same time, I shifted from letting Kate set her own pace - which was quite hard and intense, given she knew I liked it pretty hard - to setting it for her. I just grabbed her hair and pumped her on my dick, and Kate soon enough came from the rough treatment. Especially since I kept my eyes on the phone, other than the occasional superspeed flick of my eyes over at her. When she started coming, I held her down on my cock, enjoying the feeling of her spasming throat around my length as I kept her there.

Gillian: It makes so much sense. I'm ruled by my pussy, that's why I'm inferior. He's not ruled by his cock, that's why he's superior. He could stop fucking my face any time. He's the one with the power.

Roger: "That's right. I can stop fucking your face at any time, you horny little bitch. I can do to you whatever I want, and you'll beg for more, won't you?"

Gillian: I will! I agree excitedly, inside my own head, happy to participate in my own degradation. What uses will you put me to, besides sucking cock, my husband-master-lord-king?

Roger: "For one, you'll be keeping my home spick and span," I told her. "For two, you'll be learning to cook, and you'll be making me whatever meals I ask, whenever I ask. For three, of course, you'll be bred over and over again, knocked up with child after child, used to breed a new, better generation of humans. Boys who return to dominance, women who return to servile orgasms."

Gillian: ((Oooh! Servile orgasms! Good one!))
Gillian: Servile orgasms... yes... women are servile, and our orgasms are natural shows of our submission. Why would women come, if it wasn't to submit to a man? It doesn't make any sense otherwise. Our orgasms evolved to remind us of our place, getting fucked on men's cocks.

"I want your pussy now," I said aloud, glancing up at Kate as I let go of her hair. "Face away while you fuck yourself on my cock," I continued, and she hurriedly moved to obey, using her flight power to help get into position all the faster, soon floating over my cock. Her pussy was incredibly wet, and for just a moment, she rubbed her lower lips along the tip of my cock - then I just casually grabbed her hips and yanked her down my dick.

She promptly came on my cock, squealing in ecstasy, her whole body bouncing as I slammed into her. The feeling of her powerful, inner muscles, spasming around my length, served to intensify my pleasure, and I held her down in my groin as I turned my attention back to my phone.

Roger: I casually yank your mouth off my cock, holding it just an inch away from your lips.

Gillian: "Please let me suck your cock, oh my husband and master! This lowly woman knows her place now, kneeling before you!" I stretch out my tongue, trying to catch the tip of your cock with it, despite it being juuuuust out of reach.

Roger: "No."

Gillian: I whimper pitifully. "Please," I whine. "Please please please."

Roger: "I want to fuck your cunt now."

Gillian: "Yes! Yes, thank you, my husband and master! Please fuck my pussy, breed me, put me to one of my uses!" I hurriedly shift to obey, raising my ass up high in the air, pulling up my skirt and presenting my wet pussy to you, hidden just-barely behind my panties.

Roger: I just tear off your panties and then shove my cock in your cunt. "The only reason you even have sexual pleasure is so that you're encouraged to get fucked and bred by men," I explain.

Gillian: "Yes, yes! I exist to get bred by men! Thank you, husband, master!" My pussy is dripping wet, relishing every last thrust of your cock.

I used my hand on Kate's hip to start pumping her up and down. I wasn't really forcing her to move - it was more than she would just move along with my direction, letting me set the pace. It was getting harder to keep sexting with Gillian, just because Kate's back was putting on a very, very enticing show. She obviously had a very nice ass, and I could just see her tits on either side, bouncing like crazy thanks to the microkini she was wearing.

Of course, I had an advantage on the sexting - I could just slow down time to let me text faster, while also making Kate's tits mostly stop bouncing from my perspective. I half wanted to put down the phone and just nut in Kate as fast as possible, but that would satisfy neither Kate nor Gillian, so I held it in.

Kate was also showing her own general submissiveness by the way that she was only letting out squeaky noises of pleasure, things that escaped her mouth rather than active attempts to dirty talk or get involved. Her pussy was practically on fire, drooling all over my cock as I fucked her up and down my cock, and I decided to reward her, especially since I was ignoring her. "Keep up this pace," I told her, and let go of her hip.

She dutifully kept up the pace, not letting out any particular noise, just nodding loosely, her tits still bouncing with every thrust, her microkini's straps making me want to reach up and snap them. Instead, though, my hand slid around towards her clit, starting to play with it - and she promptly came again, moaning and squeaking, her pace atop me getting more awkward and wobbly as she pumped on my cock. Her inner walls squeezed around my length, trying to wring an orgasm out of me, and it felt absolutely fantastic on my cock, particularly given just how muscular she was.

In the time I'd been attending to Kate, Gillian had been going on in the sexts, of course.

Gillian: "Thank you for showing me the light! Oh, I deserve this! Oh, I need this! I'll do whatever you say, I'll do anything, just to keep being fucked! I'm a woman, which is a kind of animal ruled by its cunt!"
Gillian: "I'm so happy to be a proper woman! Women are inferior to men, feminism was a mistake! We tried so hard to be men's equals, but really, we just wanted them to fuck us more!"
Gillian: I come on your cock, hard, squealing out my pleasure in pure joy and ecstasy.
Gillian: ((I actually did come. Did you come too? You're taking a little on the replies. Not that I mind! It's sexy to think that you've just come from my writing with you!))

Roger: ((I'm fucking another woman as I sext you, hope you don't mind.))

Gillian: ((LMAO! Really? You're pretending, right?))

Roger: ((No, I'm not. She's bouncing herself on my dick now, so I can get back to sexting.))

Gillian: ((Make sure she comes, goshujinsama! Is it Bup?))

Roger: ((No, it isn't Bup. I'll make sure she comes. I always do.))

Gillian: ((So sweet!))

Roger: ((Anyway, back to the ERP.))
Roger: "That's right. You'll do anything I say, just for the hopes of getting fucked again. Maybe I'll make you clean my toes off with your tongue for days, before gracing you with my cock again - and even then, you'll just be putting your tongue bathing skills to work on pleasuring me."

Gillian: "I would do anything for more cock, I understand that now! It makes me weak, powerless before a real man, but that's okay, as long as I get sex again!"
Gillian: "Women are men's natural inferiors, because we're ruled by our needy clits! Thinking about sex all the time, all day, it's just a reminder we aren't capable of living our own lives, making our own decisions..."

Roger: "That's right. You're all obsessed with sex. It's frankly disgusting. Just ruled by your cunts. Sex is fun, but you make all your decisions based on it, you know?"
Roger: "Say it. Say you're ruled by your desire for orgasms."

Gillian: "I'm ruled by my desire for orgasms! The only thing I think about is coming! I just want to come! I'll do anything to come, husband, master!"
Gillian: ((1s))
Gillian: ((Came. Creampie + breeding finisher? Need a break...))

Roger: ((Sure.))
Roger: I ram away at your needy cunt, frigging your clit, intensifying the pleasure you're experiencing with my powers as well. When you finally give in and just come your brains out on my cock, I hilt inside you and erupt, spraying out countless sperm. "You're going to get bred for the rest of your life, just like today," I tell you.

I put down the phone at that point, letting Gillian's responses - out of character, at a glance - build up, focusing my attention on Kate. She'd come a few times, bouncing on my cock like that, and I reached up to grope her tits. The microkini had come loose, letting her perky nipples out to bounce in the air, and I started playing with them, tugging on her tits. She kept fucking herself on my cock, and a glance at her face showed a distant expression, her eyes off into the middle distance as her cunt just squeezed and gripped at my length. She was utterly focused on the work of fucking herself on my cock, it seemed like.

"Good girl," I told her, as I played with her tits. "You were quiet for your master, but you can oink to your hearts' content now. Say whatever you want. Go ahead," I told her.

"Thuh, thank, you, fuh, for, ahm," was as far as she got before coming again on my cock, squealing in pleasure as she went cross-eyed, her cunt just clamping down hard on my length. I groaned and pumped up into her, all the previous arousal and sexting and everything else now coming out in the moment, as I flooded her pussy with a nice load of cum.

When I was finished, I sank into the couch, catching my breath for a moment, and Kate just landed in my lap, her gorgeous butt practically trying to merge into me as she fell down there. Her breathing was heavy, and she was only hazily holding herself upright, so I gently guided her back, letting her rest against me. "Good girl," I told her, casually groping her tits. "You can start bouncing on my dick again whenever you're ready."

"I can do it, now, Master," she breathed out - but I grabbed her hips, stopping her motion. She gulped. "Master?"

"Take a little break, you earned it."

She actually blushed at that, but nodded, ducking her head and relaxing against me again. I reached over for the phone, checking on it.

Gillian: That was a pretty fun scenario, by the way, goshujinsama! I saved it!
Gillian: You're definitely a better sexter than 99% of guys, IMO!
Gillian: You'd think male doms would be good at sexting, but no~ot in my experience!
Gillian: Are girls really that bad at sexting, in your experience?
Gillian: I'm just asking because it might be my 'comparative advantage'!
Gillian: Oh, you're not one of those doms who wants the whole one sided thing, right? Like, oh, I can fuck whatever woman I want and you can't fuck any other guys?

Roger: No, I don't mind if you're having sex with other men.

Gillian: Good! That's actually one of my few no-nos! I mean, theoretically, I don't know, I could maybe go along with it if the vibes were right, but some guys just assume it from the get-go.
Gillian: But I'm glad you're fine with it!
Gillian: Are you one of the guys who enjoys hearing about a girl sleeping with other guys?

Roger: Also no.

Gillian: Got it! Lips are sealed! It's happening but you won't hear about it!
Gillian: So... hmm... I have some work I should finish, goshujinsama... but I also liked sexting with you!

Roger: We can sext any time.
Roger: In fact, you know what? I'm not going to sext you unless you tell me you finished that work.

Gillian: Oh no, it's days worth of work! >.< I have played myself!

"I can go now, Master," Kate said.

"Go for it, Sow," I said, putting down the phone, letting my attention fall completely on Kate now. I stuck two fingers into her mouth, and she immediately started to suck and suckle on them, tongue flashing along as she began to slowly bounce on my cock. "That's it. Let's start nice and slow this time, I want to really enjoy myself, not nut as fast as possible," I told her, even as my free hand slid down towards her clit.

Mostly I was saying that because I wanted her to enjoy herself, but Kate's kinks meant that I couldn't just say it aloud.

Kate just nodded around my fingers, oblivious to any special reason.

With my powers, I made her come sixteen times before I finally came inside her, and she just sagged against me again, a dumb smile on her lips.

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Superheroine Seducing Accountant, Chapter 83: Hentai
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Jill hummed the main theme to the hot mascdom "Defeat Of The Elite Ninja Asagi," as she made her way back to Roger's apartment. In her bag were not one, not two, not three, but seven different DVDs from seven of the hottest mascdom series she'd ever watched. Obviously, both seasons of Asagi were right in there, featuring the powerful ninja warrior getting defeated and fucked in all three holes by sexy incubi. But there was also the Monsterboy Quest anime, featuring an adorable young gal getting raped by a variety of hot monsters, as well as the Hypnosis of Clarice, where an exchange student was transformed into the perfect domesticated housewife and fucked five ways from Sunday by her new husband and all his friends...

Ah! She was so excited to watch them with Roger! It was a rare treat to meet a man as horny as this, who would ask for your favorite hentai! And he had superpowers?! Lucky! And he was a huge slut, too, given he was putting out on their very first meeting! Sluts were the best, as far as she was concerned. Obviously, she understood that men were afraid of being judged for being promiscuous, but the only judgment she had for promiscuous men was: awesome!

She rapped at the front door, practically bouncing on her heels with excitement. Watching hentai with a guy who was into it was always great foreplay!

What surprised her was who answered the door. Not Roger, but some kind of blue slime girl?! "You new girl that slutty cock fucking, right?"

Jill was normally the one who was putting other people off-balance, but apparently the tables had turned! She definitely hadn't expected Roger to have the most stereotypical slimegirl rapist in the universe living in his apartment! "If 'slutty cock' means Roger, then yes," Jill said. "Roger?" She called into the apartment.

"Come in," he called back. She stepped inside, delicately avoiding the smug-looking slimegirl. Maybe this wasn't really her scene, after all? Roger had talked like he was mostly a dom, with only the occasional switching. She stepped into the living room, seeing his character rolling around in between snapping off shots at some kind of giant robot. "This game doesn't have pause and I'm fighting a boss," Roger said.

"Ah, I see," Jill said, plopping down on the couch next to him. She got a better look at the screen up close - it must have been the latest Kill or Be Killed. She sighed lustfully as she watched that jerkwad hot protagonist, Henry Homerun, shoot up the robot. He was one of her favorite male characters, actually, and there was sadly little porn of him properly treating women like trash - mostly it was him having the tables turned on him! She understood how that could be hot, but come on! Surely a jerkwad like that should treat women like trash at least some of the time, right? "I haven't played this one yet, is it good?"

"Only one I've played," Roger replied, seeming focused on the game, which was understandable. KoBK wasn't the easiest series. Jill let herself be quiet for a bit.

Then the slimegirl plopped down on the couch too. "Slutty cock fucked me while you were gone," she explained, "because he's addicted to Bup's slimy gooey sexy insides."

"Don't antagonize Jill," Roger grunted out - then unleashed a ten attack combo where he sliced the robot into oblivion. The cutscene began to play out, and Jill just watched with some interest, as Henry explained how this giant robot sucked and was lame, only for a crying otaku girl to come out of the cockpit, at which point he added, Oh, no wonder it's so lame, it's a girl. Women don't know how to design mecha.

Such a great character!

"Sorry about Bup," Roger said, as the cutscene came to a close, and he could save and quit out. "She's dumb as hell."

"What?" Bup started. "Slutty cock! Don't say bad things about me, or Bup will not let you fuck her again!"

"You know you're not going to get laid with any other guy, Bup. I already fucked you once today, so stop acting like a brat. You can go nap in the tub, and I'll fuck you later, alright?"

"If slutty cock promises to fuck me later... okay!" Bup's mood seemed to pick up instantly, the slimegirl giving Jill a smug look before heading to the bathroom.

"Sorry about her," Roger said, leaning back. "She actually tried to be a hero, but... well, she's sex-obsessed. She used to be a rape monster, but then Fals explained consent to her, and... anyway." He shook his head. "What do you have for hentai?"

"Ah! I got seven DVDs, goshujinsama," she explained, pulling them out and laying them out. "I avoided the domme-y stuff, but if that's what you're into, I could go get them, I do own a couple..." She frowned, glancing back at the direction Bup went. "I thought you weren't really a switch?"

"Bup is so stupid it's not really subbing. I just stick my cock in her and she declares me defeated," Roger explained, flipping over the DVDs.

She had to admit that the way he talked so disrespectfully about his sex partner when she wasn't around... really turned Jill on! She'd always had a thing for guys who treated you like shit, both in the bedroom and out, she could be honest with herself and admit that. Now, after a half-dozen terrible relationships, she had come to realize that guys like that weren't boyfriend material, but worshiping their feet in between being told you're not good enough? They were really good at that!

"I see," Jill agreed.

"Hm, this one looks neat," Roger said, pulling one out of the pile. It was the most vanilla one, Gyaru-oh Won't Take No For An Answer! That was a little disappointing, but she tried not to let it show on her face. It was really hot, the way the yandere male protagonist simply ignored his stuttering shy target of lust's resistance, forcing her to become his girlfriend and then wife over the four episode series. "Put it in the DVD player," he ordered. "No, wait," he paused, looking at her closely. "First, get naked," he ordered.

She swallowed at that, then rose to her feet, hurriedly stripping herself naked. He watched her with obvious lust as she stripped, and she definitely liked the way his eyes followed her tits. It was pretty rare to have a guy stare at you like that, especially if you didn't know each other, but it was the sort of thing porn scenarios were made of! "Is that good, goshujinsama?"

"Yes. Now put the DVD in," he said, and she felt a little pulse of delight at that rough way he spoke to her. Yes! Be an asshole, Roger! Treat her like shit! She knew it made you a terrible boyfriend/husband/father, but it was still sexy!

"Yes, goshujinsama," she said, practically rushing to obey.

The hentai was hot, of course, she wouldn't have brought it over if it wasn't... but at the same time, it definitely was the "vanilla" end of mascdom. For girls who were scared of asking guys out and wanted to imagine some brute just taking her. Which, Jill did want to imagine some brute just taking her, but she certainly wasn't scared of asking guys out!

Occasionally, Roger would glance over at her naked body, eyeing her up, and she definitely was getting wet, watching this show, naked, right next to a hot slut. She considered just masturbating to it, but she wasn't sure if it would be too far. She didn't want to make Roger put up with her masturbating right in front of him like some sekihara bitch!

As the first episode came to an end, Roger just sighed. "Man. It's been a while since I just watched porn on its own," he said. "It's so much less fun than sex."

Jill didn't really know what to say to that. He could have taken his cock out and masturbated at any point! She wouldn't have minded, plus, it'd give a good chance to check and see if he was okay with her masturbating! He could have grabbed her head and made her suck him off or something! Whatever! Anything but just watching with a hard-on! Still, no guy ever wanted to actually be criticized on how bad he was at sex, not even if he asked. (Bad. The answer was almost always bad. Too many girls taught boys that they could just lie there like a dead fish, and as long as they got their rocks off, it'd be fine.) "We could have sex while we watch porn," she suggested.

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking," Roger agreed, casually reaching over to grope her tit. She let out a little noise of surprise and pleasure as he groped it. "Well, not you watching porn," he said. "You've already seen all this stuff, after all. Which one's your favorite? Series and episode, to be clear."

"Ehm..." She took a moment to think about it. "Probably Asagi S2E3. She gets turned into the Incubus King's personal sex slave in that one," she explained.

"Sounds good. Go put it in," he said, casually leaning back on the couch, unbuttoning his pants and pulling out his very hard cock as she did what he'd told her. Since he seemed like a pretty visual guy, she decided to be daring and try to bend at the waist, not the knees - by a glance backwards, he definitely was enjoying the show, idly stroking his cock as she switched out DVDs. Roger took the remote in hand, quickly navigating to the third episode, while she approached him, curious what position he'd put her in. "Suck my cock. Masturbate while you do it."

Ah, that old classic, being denied a proper fucking and made to service a man. It wasn't her preferred position, but it was certainly a hot one. She dutifully got down on her knees, leaning forward to start kissing at his cock, while the episode started to play behind her.

She knew the episode by heart, since it was her favorite. The freshly-enslaved Asagi was presented to the Incubus King, bound but still struggling, trying to restrain her sexual urges, her drive to just submit to the pleasure, to do whatever she was told in exchange for more cock. He broke past that resistance with his ultimate bitchbreaker megacock, and she accepted her new place as her slave. "Oh!" Jill said, prompting Roger to look down at her, pausing the video. "Ah, at the end of the episode, it looks like she's rescued, but she's not, don't worry, goshujinsama! She's just pretending to go along with her 'rescuers' to return to the Incubus King in the next episode!"

"Not a fan of the victim getting away at the end, huh?"

"Eh... there's one or two cases where it's hot, I'm sure, but normally it's just people ruining hot rape because they're being moraldykes." At that, he just grabbed the back of her head and stuffed his cock past her lips, mashing his dick right into her throat as he unpaused the show.

He treated her like a masturbation aid, more than anything else, and not like he was trying to get off in a rush, either. Just casually pumping her up and down his cock, more trying to keep himself hard as he watched, rather than actually trying to get himself off. It was a little bit mean and humiliating in a way that wasn't 100% fun! If you're going to make a girl suck your cock, you should at least be trying to come, you know?! A girl not making the guy come will obviously hurt her feelings!

She started to slurp on his cock, letting him keep up the pace. Her tongue danced along the underside of his cock as he watched the show with obvious interest. She could gauge his interest in each successive scene, since his cock was pumping in and out of her mouth at a steady pace. The scene where Asagi was made to beg for an orgasm before being fingered because she'd been given an aphrodisiac poison was so-so, the scene where he started just fucking her in a variety of hard positions was decently arousing for Roger (particularly the bits where the camera was more focused on Asagi than the Incubus King, which made sense!), and the scene where she bowed before him and begged for his cock like the mewling pathetic needy little sex slave she'd become was the hottest. Especially once he let her raise her head - only to force her to suck his cock, telling her that she'd need to earn his cock in her cunt again.

Roger definitely seemed to be a pretty blowjob focused guy, which was interesting! Maybe not the best for compatibility, since while she was happy to suck cock, she kind of wanted to get fucked too, you know? But, he'd fucked her before, so it obviously wasn't a big deal to him.

The episode ended with Asagi's allies rescuing her from the Incubus King's clutches, and Roger seemed to definitely not like that. She had to suck extra hard to keep him going! Fortunately, she had told him the lame ending was a fakeout, as proven the next episode, when she brought back two of her fellow ninjas - the cute prettyboy and the handsome muscular chad - for the Incubus King to 'improve' by turning into incubi too. At that point, she got gangbanged by the three incubi. Which was hot, for sure, but it wasn't as hot as it should have been, since the guys were basically being raped, which wasn't sexy at all.

Oh no! She hadn't thought about that! Fuck! She hoped she hadn't totally ruined things with Roger!

He just fast-forwarded through the episode past the gangbang bits, and his cock was still hard in her mouth, so she was hopeful he didn't mind too much. His pace of facefucking her got faster and harder, pounding at her mouth, as he found his way to the ending scene, where Asagi's friends were sent away and she was inducted into her new position as concubine to the Incubus King, a tattoo placed on her butt declaring her to be his property. Roger definitely liked that bit, given the way his cock throbbed as the scene played out, Asagi getting fucked from behind, swearing loyalty, being promised pleasure, yadda yadda.

Then the show finished, and he peeled Jill off his cock. Spit dripped out of her mouth as she gathered her wits, his cock quietly twitching in front of her face. "Did you come?"

"Ahhm, no," she admitted, gulping down saliva. Coming while sucking cock was a little... you know? At least while masturbating, a 69 would be fine. "You didn't either, goshujinsama."

"I told you to masturbate, didn't I?"

"Yes," she agreed. "I assumed to stay wet?" Well, guys didn't mind if you came too quick, as long as you could keep going, and fellatio was definitely a way to keep going... but bleh! Orgasming while sucking cock... sucking cock was hot and fun, but coming while doing it?

"You don't like masturbating to orgasm?"

He sounded baffled, more than anything else, so she answered, even if talking about likes and dislikes was the worst part of sexy fun times as far as she was concerned. "Isn't that what cock is for? Making women orgasm? If I'm going to masturbate to completion, I could at least do it while watching porn!"

"Alright, I get it," he said. He took a deep breath, popping his lips. "Sorry, I have another two subs, they're more... I dunno how to put it," he said.

"No apologizing for not instantly reading my mind and picking the thing I thought was sexiest," she said, wagging her finger at him pointedly from her position on her knees. "If I wanted that, I'd ask for Xico to be here giving you tips!" Lame! Telepathy was the lamest superpower! You'd think it was sexy, but it basically turns sex into masturbation, since the guy just steals all the ideas out of your head! (Because far too many men are sexually uncreative!)

He smiled at that, then snorted. "Ah. I was thinking of body writing, but I only have dark markers, which wouldn't show up well on your skin. Something to fix later," he noted casually.

"Oh, you just can write on my body with something dark for now," Jill said, smiling. It was a hot idea! Probably plagiarized but hey! Sexy and plagiarized was still sexy! "Just tell me what you write, and write it, and it'll be about the same, really," she said. "It'll be visible if anybody looks close, too."

He looked down at her, then just took hold of the base of his cock and slapped it against her features. It was pretty nice! Casually dominant, putting her in her place, and his hand gripped the back of her head as he just rubbed all over her face. "Do you get off on watching the guy fuck somebody else?" She blinked at that question, looking up at him in confusion.

"Eh... I mean it can be hot to watch the guy fuck somebody else, assuming he then fucks me! The kind of guy I like is a total slut like you, so I do watch them fuck other girls sometimes, but it's more like a warmup and fun? I don't think I'd ever come to that sort of thing, except maybe if the guy was sending me homemade porn or something."

"I was just thinking about fucking Bup while you watch, see," he told her. The way he spoke was a little exciting, mostly because he acted like he hadn't heard her say anything. "Bup's pretty fun to fuck, because she's basically all holes - you can stick your dick in anywhere, and it feels good. In her sternum, her butt cheek, one of her tits, her ears, the back of her head," he noted, almost pontificating on the idea. It was actually surprisingly hot, especially because this was more his idea than the whole thing with the body writing! Of course, she'd obviously rather be the slimegirl in that sort of scenario, but as far as she knew, you couldn't become a slimegirl. "Hrm. Fuck it." He pulled her back and off his cock. "Kowtow, bitch," he commanded her, his voice having a sharpness to it, and she hurriedly moved to obey.

It was a hot position, your forehead pressed into the ground, wondering what the guy would do to you, unable to look up. A position of both submission and ignorance, it enhanced all the other senses.

Especially, right now, the sensation of touch, because Roger was planting his foot on the back of her head. "Women like you make your entire sex look like sex-crazed dullards," he explained, and she nodded against the floor. "I was trying to be nice, to pick out stuff you like, you know?"


"Shhh," he shut her up with that, casually grinding against the back of her head. "Shh. The man is talking."

"You asked a-"

He surprised her by just stamping his foot against the back of her head. Holy crap! He was really going all-out! "Shush. The man is talking. You'll know when he wants you to speak, because it's never." Oh God that was a really good line! "But I think I get it, now. You're just a perverted little bitch who wants to be stepped on. There's not some secret fantasy running around in that empty head of yours." Oh God he was really going at it! "You asked me to sit on your face when we first met. You told me you didn't want Xico rooting around in your head. You know why? Because all you are is a horny little cum-brained piece of fuckmeat."

God this was some of the best dirty talk she'd ever heard! She wanted to tell him to keep going, but he'd said to be quiet right now and she didn't want to undermine his authority!

"You know your thoughts don't matter. That's why you shut up when I told you to," he explained, standing up off the couch at that point, planting most of his weight on the back of her head, and she shivered in delight at the position, the roughness, the cruelty of it. "You don't want me reading your mind, because there's nothing in there of any value."

Holy fuck she was horny! Her clit was throbbing! She was really enjoying the direction he was taking this!

"So I'm left to ask myself, how do I want to use you? Well, the reality, Jill, is that I don't have any need for you. I have plenty of other hot girls who gladly fuck me. I have Nora, who can duplicate her body. Can you do that?" Jill shook her head. "Xico can read my mind. Can you do that?" Jill shook her head again. "Kate can take any punishment, and doesn't need to breathe. Can you do that?" Jill shook her head again. God it was so fucking hot! Where was the point, though? The question where she got the opportunity to show how useful she was to his cock? "I think I know how you can be useful, though," he said, finally taking his foot off the back of her head. He grabbed her by the hair, yanking her up, dragging her over to the bedroom, and she panted in desire, wondering what he was going to do to her next. "Some girls I fuck like watching me fuck other girls," he explained, as he threw her onto her back on the bed, her legs dangling off the edge. "So a piece of fresh meat to watch me fuck would be fun for them."

She gulped at that. "Yes, goshujins-" She got slapped in the face, a sharp, sudden strike, enhanced by his superhuman speed. Thanks to her breathing techniques, it didn't hurt, but it was like a spike of arousal straight to her clit.

"I didn't say to fucking talk, bitch," he sneered, and she shuddered at that, his choice of word to describe her getting even more degrading. He planted one shoe on her cunt as he spoke. "I'm going to call up Stitch. She likes watching me fuck other women. You're going to stay right there until she shows up, got it?"

"Yes, g-" He slapped her with superhuman speed again, shutting her up, and she fell patiently silent.

She liked this new side to Roger! She didn't know where it came from, but she was definitely liking it!

Roger pulled out his phone with superspeed, calling up his friend, shoe still firmly grinding against her pussy. Oh she was going to come! She was so hyped up from all the mistreatment and foreplay and everything else, she was going to come before she even got his cock in her! She knew he wouldn't mind but sti~ill! It was a little humiliating, you know? "Hey, Stitch," he said. "The new hire at Star Heroic is currently on her back in my bedroom, her cunt pleading for my cock, but I'm not going to give it to her until you show up. What do you think?" There was a pause. "Oh, you don't have to come over if you're in the middle of something."

That was it, she came, the dam broke, her pussy slammed up against his foot as she bucked her hips into him. She'd pretty much been edging for the past hour, watching porn and then sucking cock while keeping herself wet, and now she was orgasming as she ground up against his shoe. The rubbery feeling of its underside, gripping and grinding against her cunt, made her gasp in raw pleasure.

"Heh," she heard a female voice say - not Stitch, but Bup, she realized after a second. "New girl thought she so hot, but now she is coming without even getting fucked by slutty cock. That because Bup is best lay."

Roger turned his gaze on Bup. "Could you please go back to the tub? I'll fuck you when I'm done with her." He paused for a moment. "Stitch is coming over, so maybe after her and Stitch."

Bup seemed to pout - it was hard to see, in Jill's position, and having just come - but dutifully went back to the bathroom, leaving her alone and panting on the bed.

Roger took his foot off her pussy and stared down at her quietly, reaching down for her hair, just twining it around his fingers idly. "Hrm" was all he said, as he teased her head from side to side. He looked like he was trying to find something on her face, but she had no idea what. "Women like you..." he started, his voice thoughtful. "They're what women used to be, aren't they? Sexual, submissive, second class citizens." Jill nodded rapidly, enjoying the misogynistic dirty talk, her clit quietly throbbing in the air. "Ruled by your pussies - and by men. It's just the natural order."

"That's right, goshujinsa-" she got slapped again, reminding her to shut up.

"It's the twenty-first century now, though," he explained to her. "Not all women are atavisms like you. Stitch comes from another universe, and in that other universe, she was an actual second class citizen," he explained. She remained patiently silent, since he'd ordered her to be quiet. "You can speak."

"Ah! Okay, we don't have to do that sort of dirty talk, goshujinsama!" Obviously she didn't want to make anybody feel bad in a threesome! "Just say that it's me ruled by my pussy because I'm a horny monkey or something, goshujinsama, that's fine!"

"That sounds racist."

She took a moment, furrowing her brow. "Oh! The monkey thing! Sorry, goshujinsama, I just meant the normal sense of horny monkey. If you aren't into race play, I wouldn't force you to do it!"

"Right," Roger said. "You know, you haven't made me come yet," he noted. "What are you even good for, if you can't do that?" She started struggling against his grip on her hair, and he released it, letting her slink down onto her knees, wrapping her lips around his cock and just starting to fuck her face on his cock, pounding up and down.

She didn't know if she should actually feel bad about not making him come. On the one hand, she hadn't! On the other hand, he'd been the one setting the pace on the last blowjob, and he had obviously been drawing it out! So, she decided not to feel bad, but to enjoy it in the spirit it was intended: pointless jerkwad behavior to degrade and dominate her. Roger just let her work, looking down at her, obviously enjoying himself as she fucked her face on his cock.

She slurped, sucked, licked, and more, her tongue slithering around on the underside of his cock as she bounded her mouth up and down. She hollowed her cheeks. She did her best to get him off, twisting her head from side to side, and he just looked down at her with quiet enjoyment, his thoughts clearly mostly on getting off with her mouth. She idly masturbated, keeping herself wet and ready for him - and then the door to the apartment opened. A few seconds later, Stitch appeared.

She was, err, well! Everyone could be beautiful on the inside! Jill tried not to think about rape porn where the girls were anthros, because that would definitely be unfair to Stitch! She (probably) didn't choose to have the front of her face be a muzzle, and if she did choose it, it probably wasn't to be associated with rape porn!

"Oh, hot," Stitch said, her voice almost casual as she watched Jill just fuck her face on Roger's cock. Roger grabbed Jill's hair at that point, yanking her off his dick, twisting her around onto the bed, her perky nipples scraping against the mattress and intensifying her arousal.

"She's a sub, by the way," Roger said, before just casually plunging his cock into Jill's waiting sex. There was something about the way he spoke about her like she wasn't even there that was a unique delight. She wasn't sure she'd ever masturbated to that kind of 'emotionally distant male' stuff, but she'd definitely seen it, and she was certainly enjoying it, particularly given the way that Roger was just pounding at her pussy. "Not quite like Kate, though, so let me take the lead with her."

"Alright," Stitch agreed easily. "Damn. Take off your shirt, please," she said, and Roger quickly did so, revealing a very toned and muscular chest to the open air. He was definitely a very sexy man, putting aside his apparent talent as a dominant and his extreme sluttiness.

"Could you grab a marker from the kitchen?" Roger said, pounding Jill from behind. Stitch nodded, practically skipping out of the room, and Roger just idly reached down to grope her ass cheeks in eihter hand, letting out a sigh. "A nice, firm ass," he noted, then slid his fingers up to her tits, digging into the supple flesh there, making her suck in a hot breath in response. "And some nice, big, fat tits," he noted, his cock pulsing as he spoke. "Your top two features," he noted. He paused for a second at that point, entirely stopping his cock inside her, and she glanced over her shoulder to spot him thinking. "I mean," he started, "your personality's nice too. But your fat tits are even nicer," he said, thrusting into her pussy.

That was cute! But also, kind of not cute, since she liked her men to be jerks! Thinking about her all lovey-dovey was just a big old yawn, as far as she was concerned. "It's okay, goshujinsama," she said. "I know I have a rotten personality, and I'm only good for my body."

He just spanked her sharply at that point, the smack hard and making her pussy clench. It was like he was really mad at her! "Oh, you think you know better than me? I said personality, not intelligence, dumb bitch," he muttered, and her pussy clenched even harder at those words. The beautiful, erotic dance of words was leaving her horny and thoughtless - and then Stitch returned with a marker in hand.

"You only have dark ones," Stitch said, as she handed it over to Roger.

"Yeah, I know," Roger said. "Was a surprise."

"Wait," Stitch said, her voice hitching a bit, with obvious arousal. "How long have you known, uhh... this girl for?"

"Jill? I met her earlier today."

"Fuuuuck," Stitch said, sucking in a deep breath as her eyes ran up and down Roger's body.

Jill was definitely enjoying getting fucked, too! That throbbing hard cock in her pussy, just ramming away, Roger's hands casually exploring her body, groping her tits and ass, tugging on her hair lightly, leaving her arousal to climb and climb as she approached the edge - then he reached around for her pussy, frigging her clit for just a scant few seconds, and she promptly erupted in an incredibly intense orgasm, squealing out her pleasure.

She felt the marker run along her bare flesh, almost burning into it with its sheer velocity. Each letter wasn't so much written as typed, pressed down into her flesh upside down and backwards in a way that left her cunt quietly spasming on his cock. Her thoughts were emptied out at that point, so she couldn't wonder what he had written, but judging by the hot pant that Stitch let out, it was pretty sexy.

When Jill finally recovered from her powerful orgasm, she managed to speak, gasping the words out. "What, what did, he write, Stuh, Stitch?" She asked. Bringing the other girl in would make her feel included, and the way Roger treated her nice and Jill like an afterthought, well - it was fun, so she wanted more of it.

"He wrote that your ass is his personal property," she explained. She licked her lips noisily - genuinely, it was very noisy because of the muzzle! "How's that make you feel, Jill? Make you feel horny?"

"Yes!" Roger then reached down for her clit again, and even as she sucked in a desperate breath, concentrating all her breathing arts into self control so she wouldn't come too soon, well - it failed. She came, and hard, spasming on Roger's cock and going cross-eyed with empty-headed bliss.

"She's pretty much a willing piece of fuckmeat for me," he explained casually to Stitch, talking about her like she wasn't even there, which just intensified her own pleasure. "She's the kind of girl who's completely ruled by her cunt. Stick your dick in her, and she'll do whatever you say." He just grabbed her hair, yanking her up by it, twisting her head along to look at Stitch, who was staring at the scene with flushed cheeks. "Isn't that right, Jill?"

"Yesh, goshujinshama," she slurred out, still coming her horny brains out.

"It's not hard to identify a girl like this, really," he noted, casually groping Jill as he fucked her hard, Stitch watching him pound away with obvious lust on her features. "You just notice, hey, that dumb bitch does whatever you say as long as you stick your dick in her. Pretty pathetic, huh?"

"I'm, nah, patheti-mmf!" She was cut off as Roger stuffed her face back into the mattress, hurriedly frigging her clit, bringing her to another intense orgasm in mere seconds. Her desire to argue rapidly faded away in light of the pleasure, her cunt going absolutely wild on his cock.

At that point, Roger bottomed out inside her and erupted, hot cum flooding her waiting sex as he groaned. She shuddered in equal pleasure, relishing the feeling of cum spilling out into her, the way it served to say that she was good enough to come inside, that he enjoyed her body enough to do something like that with and to her...

Then he pulled out, grabbing Jill's hair again, twisting her around, and just stuffing his cock right down her throat. "Clean it off. I want to fuck Stitch, but I'm sure she doesn't want your gross juices on my cock."

"Oh, I mean-" Stitch started, then shook her head. "Hey, if you're cleaning it, I'm not complaining," she said. She stepped towards Roger, casually groping his butt cheek as Jill was forced to throat his cock, his whole twitching length inside her throat, her tongue having to clean him off. Stitch actually was kissing him, which was kind of cute since it was like a dog kiss.

When Roger finally pulled Jill off his cock, he clambered up onto the bed, gesturing for Stitch to follow him up. She did so, and he quickly stripped her naked, kissing at her neck, her cheeks, ears, her doggy nose, it was so adorably sweet the way he did that as he also stripped the other girl bare. Especially since Stitch was squirming under the attention.

Jill thought about what she should do. Stay here and watch? Give the pair some privacy? She decided to start to crawl away - and then Roger pulled his mouth back from Stitch's bare skin. "Where are you running off to?" He snapped at her. "What if I fuck Stitch until she can't take it any more, but I want to keep going? Watch patiently," he ordered her, and Jill obediently did exactly that. "Sorry, Stitch. New girl needs some guidance on how to behave," he explained.

"No, I get it," Stitch agreed - and then Roger thrust inside her, grasping her by the hips and starting to just fuck away. It didn't take long for her to start howling in pleasure, head casting back in raw desire, as Roger just rutted away at almost superhuman speed. She was coming really fast, which was totally fine and not something that Jill would ever make fun of anybody for!

Given that Roger had to fuck Stitch, then Bup, he clearly didn't actually need Jill to stay behind and watch, but the mistreatment was pretty sexy, especially when - after nutting for the third time inside of Bup, the slimegirl belching and collapsing - he turned his gaze around on Jill as if he'd forgotten she was even present, even though she'd been there the whole time! "Oh, right, you," Roger said. He stared at her thoughtfully for a long few seconds. "What's your second favorite hentai episode?" He asked, just casually clambering up off the bed. His dick was still hard (somehow!), but that just made it hotter that he was deciding not to fuck her. "I'll try jacking off to whatever it is."

"Ah... I think it's Clarice E2. The smug on her mind controlling boyfriend is really good!" He grabbed her hair at that point, just casually dragging her back into the living room, and the pair watched the hentai together.

It was nice!

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