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I will make fanart and original art including pixelart and animations.

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A Jellykin or pony sketch with accessories

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Sorry for the late post, late July to August was difficult because I got a new job, said job didn...

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Some more monster concepts and an early prototype video. The names were mostly written in pencil so I'll go through them real quick. The little animated cat in Godot is called Sandspurr and is part of the royal Egyptian sandcat line that includes Cleocatra. The treeline is based on a Pangolin and called Pangolent, the middle morph Saplent and the final one Dryadolentil. (Names temporary) Maretriarch is the evolution to the pony chess set which I need to properly scan still, and the others are Parasnail, Scrambell, Hummingbug and Squiripple. I'm planning on making the 64x64 sprite for each one and a 200x200 portrait for the stats screen/dialogue screen in the future but Sandspurr/Cleocatra and Nepurrtiti will be drawn and implemented first for animations for the vertical slice demo.

It's probably going a be a bit until I get something playable with a gameplay loop, but I'll keep updating with my progress.
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