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BubblegumBupkis profile
I'm an artist, makin what I make! It's kinkier than your average fare in here, so enter at your own risk!
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USD mensal
Gummi Tip Jar!

This Tier just exists if you'd like to help me make stuff! No obligation to break your bank account on me, but also I really do appreciate every penny!

Appear in the credits of my MAJOR RELEASES

0 assinantes Gummi Mini
USD mensal
Basic Bupkis!

Subscribe for:

Early access to my work, before it's public or sneak peeks before it's done! SHD, uncompressed versions of my RELEASED WORK One (1) affirming headpat , from me, on Discord! to be redeemed at your leisure!

7 assinantes Basic Bupkis
USD mensal
Supporter TierPremium Bubblegum!

Everything from Basic Bupkis (Including the headpat) AND:

Access to HD, uncompressed versions of my Animation Loops! 1 every month or two!

WORKS IN PROGRESS of my Released works, and input on my MAJOR RELEASES and how those shape up!

Submit Suggestions for the SUBSCRIBER SUMBISSION BOX once per Month!

Extra prestigious credits on my MAJOR RELEASES!

25 assinantes Premium Bubblegum Enjoyer


  • Early access to my work before it's released to the public, and HD copies of it at the end of the month
  • You may be entitled to one (1) headpat, as well!
Displaying posts with tag Otuser.Reset Filter

Collaboration comic w/ the artist Otuser!

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Este post pertence a um $10 nível bloqueado.
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Collaboration comic w/ the artist Otuser!

Não gosto(0)
Este post pertence a um $5 nível bloqueado.
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32 dias
 Período de Confiança
31 assinantes
37 publicação


to reach
1 day of streaming original projects every WEEK! Honestly, this is kind of a prerequisite to make room for BIG projects, like games or animations any longer than a second or two. Having it be clear and canon that there's enough of an audience for my work for even this much to be possible? Honestly a wet dream!
$235 of $3,000
per month
This is roughly the amount I'd need to work full-time on my content here! I don't even really KNOW what this would look like! We'll see when we get here, I suppose??
At this level, I will have at least one, possibly two streams per month, GUARANTEED where I can work consistently on ENTIRELY ORIGINAL NONSENSE! Currently, my subsistence as an artist is based squarely on commissions, and subscriber support like this is just a nice kickback. With this amount of money coming in passively, I can ensure that time is being dedicated every month to larger original works, like the Colton Animatic!

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