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Blue Factory Games profile
Blue Factory Games
Blue Factory Games
creating adult games
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This is a free tier for people who just want to stay updated on what is happening with the game.

43 assinantes SubscribeStar $0.00 tier
USD mensal

You consider yourself a fan of my work and you want to support me in any way you can. This tier allows you to support me and read all messages i post including hidden like sneak peaks or exclusive Patreon renders. As a bonus I will write my personal thanks :)

What's included:

  • NSFW posts access
  • Thanks message from me
2 assinantes SubscribeStar $2.00 tier
USD mensal
Early supporter - Limited super offer

First 40 people will get full access to my content with no wait involved the moment update is ready regardless if that instant access later will be more expensive.

What's included:

  • Access to latest updates instantly
  • Thanks message from me
  • Huge thanks in Credits
  • NSFW posts access
  • Exclusive Render posts access
Assinaturas limitadas (29 de 30)
SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
USD mensal

You are not just a fan but someone who believes truly in what I do. Your support with this tier will give you access to latest update 1 week after it is released.

What's included:

  • Early access (1 week after early access release)
  • NSFW Posts access
  • Thanks message from me
3 assinantes SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
USD mensal

Substar. That's you. You consider my game good enough so you can support me way beyond normal means. This tier give you instant access to latest update.

What's included:

  • Access to latest updates instantly
  • NSFW Posts access
  • Thanks message from me
1 assinante SubscribeStar $10.00 tier
USD mensal

You want to go above and beyond to support me. As thanks for this serious commitment on your part you will have access to all latest updates instantly.

As a bonus you can request from me single exclusive render of your dream scene involving my game characters. (only one per member regardless of subscription status)

What's included:

  • Access to latest updates instantly
  • Single Exclusive Render
  • NSFW Posts access
  • Thanks message from me
1 assinante SubscribeStar $25.00 tier
Blue Factory Games

Release - In Her Service [v0.74]

DOWNLOAD - v0.74 EARLY ACCESS (latest update)



You can provide your feedback to me directly on my Discord or you can talk with others and myself about the game :)

What's changed compared to v0.73 ? :

✅ 7,2h -> 7,4h Gametime

✅ 93 -> 96 Events [+3]     

✅ 26358 ->  26981 Lines of text [+623]     

✅ 3185 ->  3253 Images [+68]

Schedule for v0.74 access:

Today: Patron Tier, Angel Tier, Early Supporter Tier, Supporter Tier

8th of March: Member Tier

Schedule for v0.73 access:

Today: Member Tier

Public: When v0.75 releases.

Hi guys and galls !

As I mentioned in the 0.73 release post, I have an ambitious March ahead of me, and I hope to deliver three updates in March to finish the other side of the 0.7X arc.

Schedule for Side B of current Arc:

1st of March - 0.74 - Small size update (1 erotic scene)

15th of March - 0.75 - Medium size update (2-3 erotic scenes)

29th of March - 0.76 - Big size update (more than 3 erotic scenes)

Once we are done with B side we will move to 0.8x and new Arc.

Size-wise, this update is a smaller one, consisting of two reworked events and two new ones. As always with smaller updates, I advise my fans that if you played the latest update, you should wait for something more substantial like the updates on the 15th or 29th. But for those who haven't, this is as good a point as any to get back into the game.

This update is supposed to give you a taste of what’s coming for the other side of the current 'The General' arc.

A-side (0.71/0.72/0.73) - Fiona focusing on Jack

B-side (0.74/0.75/0.76) - ???


1. In order to see events of the other side of The General arc, you must lie at the beginning of the game when Mistress asks about Jack’s heritage; otherwise, you'll end up on a path where Fiona will be interested in Jack, which is the last three updates.

2. In order to see the new erotic scene, you also need to agree to train with Iris when she asks Jack.

3. The Mistress love path has a small variation in this update, but so far, it is nothing significant. More will come in future updates.





1.Don't lie to Sylvia

2."Respond" to mistress kiss

3."Go to kitchen." instead of visit mistress.

4."Eavesdrop" on talk between Sylvia and Henry.

5."I'm interested in you." on couch

6."Look at them."

7."Mistress is alluring."

8."Visit her."

You will know if you are on the true love path when Jack will hug mistress from behind in her office instead of having sex with her or not doing anything.

  1. "Hug her tightly."

That's all from me today, folks! When I get closer to the release of v0.75, I'll start posting new sneak peeks daily as usual leading up to release.

That's all from me ! Hope you like it.


  • Right now i am creating adult visual novel called "In Her Service"
  • Story about relationship between four main characters. Main theme romance/swinging.​
  • In a world where nobility possess the power to purchase and own human beings, Sylvia and Jack, a couple deeply in love, stand before the doors to the Talia Godroy mansion. The doors before them represent not only their new home but also an uncertain future as the new property of their enigmatic mistress.
Blue Factory Games

V0. 75 Sneak Peek 4

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Blue Factory Games

V0. 75 Sneak Peek 3

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Blue Factory Games

V0. 75 Sneak Peek 2

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Blue Factory Games

#V0. 75 Sneak Peek 1

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Blue Factory Games


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