Bondagora - Wraith

After leaving Valeria, Bondagora was on the way to find the most crazy one between all her precedent targets... Peoples calls her Wraith.
 But between Her and Bondagora, both can be without mercy.

But after sneaking in the secret bunker where Wraith is supposed to be, she found the place empty.. Until she hears some noises in a corner.

Wraith is here, Bondagora dosen't lose more time and jump on her target to force her on the floor then ties her feet before securing her arms and finally her mouth !

Bondagora: Finally ! I thought i will never get you hehe, aren't you better like this ?

Wraith: Ggrmphhh !! Mmphh !!

The whole set is coming for tier with 2 Alternative endings for Bondagora ;)

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