Bondagora - Mother Miranda
After leaving the big lady, Bondagora took the stairs then kept her way until one of the castle tower. She prepared her magic liquid one more time behind the door of the tower where the superior mother were busy with her stuff.. Then she erupt in the room and jump on the mother. She dosen't let her react and inject the liquid through her flesh.
- Bondagora : Waky waky ! i found some chains so i used them on ya, it was a shame to let them in the corner don't you think ? Hehehe... Ooh ! And i found this small toy in one of the daughter room. I bet you're not used to it huh ?
- Mother Miranda : Ggrmmphh mmphhh !!!
Bondagora : Don't worry i'm gonna help you to learn before we go hehe.
Mother Miranda : Wmmphh ?!
Bondagora : Yes, i'm gonna take you all for the boss hehe now play with your new toy.
Mother Miranda : Grrmphhh !!
This is the last pic of "Bondagora - Resident Evil" universe I hope you enjoyed the serie ! I know there is other girls but i don't take them all, like i did to Cyberpunk and like i will for other universe.
Anyway the next one is Call Of Duty, yes finally ! Shorter one, but don't worry because Mass Effect comes after