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Aucyon Project profile
Aucyon Project
Aucyon Project
Creating adult anthropomorphic visual novels set in the world of Shadre.

Планы подписки

в месяц

-Early access to visual novel updates.

-Access to game status updates, extra content, lore entries, and more.

-Access to voting system for extra NSFW content, feedback, etc.

-Unique Discord role and access to exclusive Discord channels.

-Your name will appear in the Citizen section of the credits of our games.

22 подписчика Citizen ┃🔲
в месяц

-Early access to visual novel updates.

-Access to game status updates, extra content, lore entries, and more.

-Access to voting system for extra NSFW content, feedback, etc.

-More voting power than Citizen tier.

-Unique Discord role and access to exclusive Discord channels.

-Your name will appear in the Corporate section of the credits of our games.

4 подписчика Corporate ┃🔲
в месяц

-Early access to visual novel updates.

-Access to game status updates, extra content, lore entries, and more.

-Access to voting system for extra NSFW content, feedback, etc.

-More voting power than Citizen and Corporate tiers.

-Unique Discord role and access to exclusive Discord channels.

-Your name will appear in the Agent section of the credits of our games.

3 подписчика Agent ┃🔲
в месяц

-Early access to visual novel updates.

-Access to game status updates, extra content, lore entries, and more.

-Access to voting system for extra NSFW content, feedback, etc.

-More voting power than Citizen, Corporate and Agent tiers.

-Unique Discord role and access to exclusive Discord channels.

-Your name will appear in the Operative section of the credits of our games.

-Special tier for supporters who want to contribute more per month.

1 подписчик Operative ┃🔲
в месяц

-Early access to visual novel updates.

-Access to game status updates, extra content, lore entries, and more.

-Access to voting system for extra NSFW content, feedback, etc.

-More voting power than the rest of the tiers.

-Unique Discord role and access to exclusive Discord channels.

-Your name will appear in the Executive section of the credits of our games.

-Special tier for supporters who want to contribute a lot more per month.

1 подписчик Executive ┃🔲


  • Play our visual novels before anyone else.
  • Enjoy our monthly exclusive additional content, including polls for you to participate.
  • Contribute to this exciting ever-expanding project, created by the most reliable and chill anthro VN group.
Displaying posts with tag Release.Reset Filter
Aucyon Project

Silver Heaven v0. 1 - Release

+ 2 other attachments
Комментарии (2)
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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $10, $15, $25, $50 .s
Разблокировать План


31 дней
 Период Доверия
31 подписчик
11 постов


Back to the action: This was the maximum amount of support received per month while developing Echoes from Valeth. With this amount we will be back on track.
$230 of $400
per month
Monthly sexy polls are back: While developing Echoes from Valeth, the monthly sexy polls were very fun to do but a bit stressful to deliver in a constant way. However, with this amount we'll be able to dedicate some time to produce some sexy extra content again.
$230 of $600
per month
Better monthly sexy polls: At this level of support, all the monthly sexy polls will be produced with shading and backgrounds.
$230 of $800
per month
Project funded: With this monthly income the completion of Silver Heaven is guaranteed and we'll also have all we need to produce new projects in the Shadre universe "ad libitum."

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