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Awkward vtuber waifu streaming lewd games, sharing creative projects, ranting about obscure topics and creating a space where adults can just be adults.
Welcome to the story of The Lustful, a lewd and chaotic character for Slay the Spire. The Lustful is friendly to the lore and design of the base game. Okay, sometimes overly friendly, but she can’t help herself! "What's essence? It's hard to describe, but it's delicious. Every living creature has some. Oh - don't look at me like that! I only took a little bit. Your body will make more in no time." Her deck contains:
75 lovingly created cards
9 relics, and
4 potions
There are many ways to combine them to your advantage as you battle your way up the spire.
"Just a few of the things I can do. You didn't expect me to show you all my tricks just like that, right?" In addition to Energy, the Lustful uses a currency called Lust to cast spells. Unlike Energy, Lust can be stored between combats in her starting relic. Along with Lust, The Lustful mod features a total of 15 new powers for you to explore on your ascent. But, be careful! She's a little more delicate than the other heroes.
To install The Lustful, please follow these steps:
The Lustful requires StSLib and BaseMod to work. Get them via the GitHub links provided, or install via the Steam Workshop.
Download The Lustful via this post, accessible by subscribing to the $5 tier.
Extract the contents of the downloaded file (as well as BaseMod and StSLib if you are installing those manually) to your Slay the Spire ‘mods’ directory. The path to this directory should contain something that looks like ‘steamapps\common\SlayTheSpire\mods’.
Launch the game with mods enabled and ensure The Lustful, BaseMod and StSLib are enabled in the mod selection dialog.
Bug Fixes:
If you encounter any bugs, please let me know in the comments. A huge thanks to TinyMoof and the Rumpus Room audience for helping me to test this mod. Whatever bugs you may encounter, know that there would have been dozens more without these lovely people.
You may encounter a line that says ‘This mod explicitly supports StS 10-04-2022.’ However, The Lustful is compatible with StS 12-18-2022. There are no known or anticipated incompatibilities with other mods, but there been no testing of this. If you find any mod conflicts, please let me know!
If you encounter any technical difficulties running The Lustful, please let me know in the comments. I will do my best to make things usable and keep you supported. Also, please let me know in the comments if you encounter any game balance issues or have any suggestions. If you need emotional support after playing this mod, you’re better off contacting TinyMoof via my Discord Server.
Initial release
Pierce power description now updates correctly
Small change to a relic description
Delayed Release and Essence Wisps no longer trigger Thorns
Fixed crash when taking Burn damage while having Aftercare
Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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