Pinup Availability Schedule
I get a lot of messages asking if pinup slots are available before subscribing to the Gold tier, so I've decided to try to post that information publicly for greater transparency. In the schedule below, Hawke means I've already uploaded a pinup for this date, while Gold means a Gold subscriber has been scheduled for this slot. TBD means the slot is open for a Gold suggestion, or it will become a Hawke pinup if I don't receive any suggestions within about a week of the date. I typically need a week or more of lead time when creating a pinup, so there are no guarantees if a suggestion comes in too close to an otherwise open slot.
3/15: Gold
3/22: TBD
4/2: TBD
4/7: TBD
4/15: TBD
4/22: TBD
5/2: TBD
The 2nd of each month I release a free pinup as a thank you and for promotion on other websites. Due to content moderation on those other sites as well as promotion concerns, the free pinup needs to fit certain criteria. As a result, this slot usually isn't open for suggestions, but I will occasionally choose this slot for a suggested pinup if it happens to be a good fit.
The subscriber pinup slots are on the 7th, 15th, and 22nd of each month. I take into account a number of other factors when choosing the timing, so every slot is at my discretion, but I try to get the suggestions in as soon as makes sense and within a month if possible.
Pinup Suggestion Box