Under Castle Scourge 
A collapsing dungeon being pulled into oblivion filled with fungal dangers. An hour spent guarantees players and NPC alike to become shroomy monsters covered in spores.

Almost all mushrooms and monsters act as eyes for the Anguish Knight that secretly hides here, waiting to kill the last remaining heir to the castle. 

  • Upon climbing down the ladder: A bag molded over, a dog/monkey like monster looking to spread it's spores actively seeking prey, a giant mushroom man? Maybe one of the dead heirs or a trespasser meeting a fate worse than death.
  • Northern Map: several patches and clouds of infectious spores, toxic to any creature. It looks like a knight looking to leave didn't make it out in time.
  •  Eastern Map: A cave for encounter inside, or maybe a rest stop?  More mushroom patches gathered about a waterfall with something suspiciously waiting near the edge.
  • South-East: If you can get through the looping path, you find a waiting gargantuan shroom with it's jaws open like a waiting alligator. Plenty of scars and swelling parts cover the ground on the verge of bursting like pimples. 
  • South Map: Across the bridge is the legendary sword of Magnus.... with a rope attached to get down or maybe climb back up after? The lower level wanders a shuffling mushroom man looking to spread spores, it's also surrounded by delicious smelling yet poisonous shrooms.
  • West Map: If you can get up the slope, a cave awaits with a hideaway of the Anguish Knight within. But don't be distracted by the fungus worm hive ready to swarm anything making vibrations nearby.