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The Arcadean profile
The Arcadean
The Arcadean
Arc is creating Adult Visual Novels and Games!
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Subscription Tiers

per month

You're a friend of the game and want to help it succeed! Your voice will carry more weight when it comes to feedback and you'll be given a higher priority. You gain:

1. Access to the Discord with the Level One rank

2. Access to the latest build before anyone else!

3. Roadmap: check out the upcoming changes for the new build!

1125 subscribers SubscribeStar $1.00 tier ; ~~~~~~❤❤❤ SUPPORT ❤❤❤~~~~~~
per month

For the VANGUARDS of the Corrupted Kingdoms! By pledging to this tier you will recieve the same benefits as the $5 tier forever, for as long as you're pledging. Also, along with the previous rank, you gain:

1. Level Two VANGUARD Discord Role!

2. Request a Custom Discord Role! You pick the name and the colour!

3. Remain in the Record of the Vanguards! If you drop out of this slot and want to rejoin it later you'll be given priority access!

Limited (60 out of 60) subscriptions
SubscribeStar $2.00 tier ; ~~~~~~❤❤❤ SUPPORT ❤❤❤~~~~~~
Limit reached
per month

You really like this game! $5 goes a long way, and helps bring more of the game and its characters to life. Along with the previous ranks, you gain:

1. Access to the Discord with the Level Two rank

2. Sub-only polls. Help shape the course of the game!

3. HD collectible wallpapers for PC and PHONE!

4. Access to the special FEATURE REQUESTS channel on Discord!

462 subscribers SubscribeStar $5.00 tier ; ~~~~~~❤❤❤ SUPPORT ❤❤❤~~~~~~
per month

For the VANGUARDS of the Corrupted Kingdoms! By pledging to this tier you will recieve the same benefits as the $10 tier forever, for as long as you're pledging. Also, along with the previous rank, you gain:

1. Level Three VANGUARD Discord Role!

2. Request a Custom Discord Role! You pick the name and the colour!

3. Remain in the Record of the Vanguards! If you drop out of this slot and want to rejoin it later you'll be given priority access!

Limited (59 out of 60) subscriptions
SubscribeStar $6.00 tier ; ~~~~~~❤❤❤ SUPPORT ❤❤❤~~~~~~
per month

Wow, you REALLY like this game! With your support, the sky's the limit... and maybe not even that! Along with the previous ranks, you gain:

1. Access to the Discord with the Level Three rank

2. CHARACTER STYLE Poll access. Help design how any new characters will look! (Skin colour, hair colour, eye colour, any piercings, any tattoos, etc.)

3. Character Cards! Want to play with CK characters in Koikatsu? Now you can!

4. Special Access to the PRIVATE SNEAK PEEKS Discord channel!

232 subscribers SubscribeStar $10.00 tier ; ~~~~~~❤❤❤ SUPPORT ❤❤❤~~~~~~
per month

For the VANGUARDS of the Corrupted Kingdoms! By pledging to this tier you will recieve the same benefits as the $20 tier forever, for as long as you're pledging. Also, along with the previous ranks, you gain:

1. Level Four VANGUARD Discord Role!

2. Request a Custom Discord Role! You pick the name and the colour!

3. Remain in the Record of the Vanguards! If you drop out of this slot and want to rejoin it later you'll be given priority access!

Limited (60 out of 60) subscriptions
SubscribeStar $11.00 tier ; ~~~~~~❤❤❤ SUPPORT ❤❤❤~~~~~~
Limit reached
per month

You love this game! And I love you. Your support will be hugely instrumental in helping this game become all it can be. Along with the previous ranks, you gain:

1. Access to the Discord with the Level Four rank

2. CHARACTER DESIGN Poll access. Help design how any new characters will act! (Tsundere, yandere, vanilla, shy, rowdy, etc.)

3. Your name in the credits!

4. Access to ARC'S NOTEBOOK in the Discord, a treasure-trove of deleted scenes and alternate storyline ideas

59 subscribers SubscribeStar $20.00 tier ; ~~~~~~❤❤❤ SUPPORT ❤❤❤~~~~~~
per month

You're a lover of this game, and the girls, and each and every one of them is so grateful to you! Along with the previous ranks, you gain:

1. Access to the Discord with the Level Five rank

2. Request one custom picture of up to TWO girls in CK! Any pose, any outfit, once a month

30 subscribers SubscribeStar $25.00 tier ; ~~~~~~❤❤❤ SUPPORT ❤❤❤~~~~~~
per month

You're paying way more than this game is worth, and I will love you forever for that! As well as Pixie kisses, and the previous rank rewards, you gain:

1. Access to the Discord with the Level Six rank

2. Request two custom pictures of up to FOUR girls total in CK! OR one animation (threesome max) - any EXISTING (in-game) pose and outfit, once a month

4 subscribers SubscribeStar $50.00 tier ; ~~~~~~❤❤❤ SUPPORT ❤❤❤~~~~~~
per month

Why would you ever spend this much money? That's insane! Along with the previous ranks, you gain:

1. FULL CONTROL special Discord Role 2. Your name in the game's credits FOREVER (if you want) 3. My eternal thanks, my undying gratitude, and a promise to help you smite your enemies

5 subscribers SubscribeStar $100.00 tier ; ~~~~~~❤❤❤ SUPPORT ❤❤❤~~~~~~


  • Early Access to the Game!
  • 4K Wallpapers for PC and Phone!
  • Vote for Future Content and Characters!

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The Arcadean
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Happy Birthday to Us...!
Five years! Wow... when I first started this project, I figured that nobody would pay attention to it as it's the first outing of a solo dev and it would get buried by all the much larger, much better games out there.

Well, five years later and here we are! A fantastic community, a game that's grown beyond my wildest imaginings and supporters so amazing that they allow me to work on Corrupted Kingdoms full time! I never once thought I'd get here, certainly not on my very first game, and it's thanks to each and every one of you.

If I tried for a thousands years I'd never be able to find the words to fully express how grateful I am to everyone - and not just because I'm not that good at writing!

You've stuck with CK through the miss-steps, through the mechanical changes, through Patreon trying to kill the children, and through all my nonsense. And I couldn't be more grateful.

So with all my heart...


You're amazing.
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The Arcadean
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Update Delay (Again. Damnit.)

Hey, everyone!

Quick message before I dive back into the coding mines (all my coding canaries are dead but it's probably fine) to let you know that there will be another delay on the update. Sorry!

"But why!?" the cry goes up as everyone changes into their best mourning clothes and grips their funereal baseball bats. To which I reply: "look behind you, a three-headed monkey!" And make good my escape.

So, the thing is, the coding work is all done and if I reeeeally pushed I could get the update out on time with the new changes mostly implemented and a half-assed event or two in. But I'd really rather not do that; I want the game to be as polished as possible and for the promised Kana event to be as big and juicy as it possibly can be.

I might honestly have it ready in a week, in which case it'll be out on the 19th. But I'm going to say officially that it'll be out on the 26th. That way there will be no delays for sure, and there might even be a pleasant surprise if I'm done sooner!

I am honestly very sorry to have to do this, and I really didn't want to, but on balance I think a short wait for a much more polished result is the right call.

If you disagree, well, there are nerf guns in the locker behind you and I formally invite you to hunt me for sport.

Please don't aim for my tender parts.

-- Arc
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The Arcadean
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Hi, everyone!

So, in the almost five years I've been doing this, I've only had to announce an update delay twice... unfortunately this makes it three. I'm really sorry! I hate doing this every time, as I really want everyone to get regular updates, but sometimes it's sadly necessary.

Why the delay? Well, I had an idea for a thing and it's going to take a while to put together. What's the thing? You'll have to wait and find out!


"So Arc,"
I hear you cry as you violently throw rocks, sticks and underwear in my direction, "That's all very interesting and you're so smart and handsome, but how long will the delay be?"

Well first, thank you. And second, the delay should only be two weeks. I say should because there's always the possibility that unforeseen issues will pop up and give me a wedgie. However, I'm well under way with the work that needs doing and I'm not anticipating anything leaping out of the shadows at me by this point. So fingers crossed!

I'll keep everyone updated, and again, I'm sorry for the delay! Hopefully you'll all feel that it was worthwhile when the next update hits.

Oh, and as an apology, the Kana Koma Kwestline will be able to be completed in the next update, too :)

Thank you all for your support and patience!

Your friend and secret stalker,

-- Arc.
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The Arcadean
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And New is Always Better, Right!?

Hi, everyone!

Couple of quick announcements, as I promised I'd keep everybody up to date!

First things first, due to losing over a week to the Patreon stuff, the next update has been delayed for one week and will be released on the 26th of February. I'm sorry about this, but what with everything that happened I just wasn't able to get anything ready for today.

The second announcement is that I have finally opened up the FAN TRANSLATION channel over on the CK Discord! If you know someone who is making a fan translation of CK, or you're making one yourself, head on over there to post it!

Note: Once CK enters beta I will be hiring official translators, and any fan translator who has been active in the Discord fan-translations channel will be given priority :)

Okay, that's everything. Sorry about the delay, everyone, but after next week things will hopefully be right back to normal. And I have some big things planned for the story next month...

Stay tuned, and I love you all! <3
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The Arcadean
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Hey, everyone... you hit the goal!

Holy Moley!

And on Valentine's Day, no less! WOW!

Honestly, I'm completely blown away... the amount of love and support that has come from the community has been so incredibly touching and humbling and I spent a not insignificant amount of time today crying in relief.

I will never be able to thank you all for everything you've done!

Still... I made a thing. It was supposed to be a sort of call to arms/fundraiser, but you all shattered the goal so fast that it feels a little superfluous now! Still, I thought I'd upload it anyway. It's just a 30-second piece of nonsense but I hope you get some enjoyment out of it nonetheless.

And hey, maybe I'll make another one for each of the SubStar goals we hit?

Oh! On Friday I'll be doing a livestream over on Twitch, talking about everything that's gone down and my plans for the future of CK. Head on over and check it out if you have time!

Thank you again, everyone!

Oh, and uh... will you be my Valentines..?

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The Arcadean
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See? Not Dead Yet!

Hi, everyone.

It's been a few days and the dust has started to settle somewhat, so I thought now would be a good time to update everyone on the current situation.

To start with, yes, the CK page is still dead. That's not going to change. However, there is a new star rising on the horizon!

You've read the title I assume so you know what I'm talking about: SubscribeStar has actually had a lot more movement and migration than I ever dared to hope for, and there's a chance - a small one but still a chance - that we'll actually manage to hit the goal here! Something I didn't think was even a remote possibility, but the amazing support and tireless effort of so many wonderful players is proving me wrong!

Okay, but what does that mean?

Well it means that if everyone can hit even just the first goal here on SubscribeStar, that I won't have to change any graphics or move the game to Steam! Things can continue on as normal! I'll have to tighten my belt, sure, but I don't mind living off instant noodles if it means I can finish Corrupted Kingdoms - the true Corrupted Kingdoms, with Alice and all your adorable little munchkins - just as I begin it, and just as so many people have known it for so long.

It's still a long way to go to reach the goal, though, and if we're still short by the end of the month then I'm afraid Steam becomes a necessity. So please, if you feel like supporting CK, or you think you know someone who might, point them in this direction and give whatever you can!

Every dollar makes a difference.


And now to answer the most commonly-asked questions that I've been gathering over the last few days:

QUESTION: Steam? What about Android players?
ANSWER: The APK will be made available as "Bonus Content" in the same vein as digital art books and OSTs. Android development will continue as normal!

QUESTION: Steam? What about Germany?
ANSWER: I know that you can't get adult games on Steam in Germany, so I'll be providing alternate places for people in Germany to buy the game. I won't abandon you!

QUESTION: Steam? What about countries where the regional pricing screws over customers?
ANSWER: The game will be on permanent sale in those countries (eg. Brazil) to bring the price down to an actually reasonable amount.

QUESTION: What about hosting the game on other sites?
ANSWER: The difficulty is in getting people to actually go to these sites and sign up. SubStar is the best bet, and has a great reputation, and yet I'm still struggling to direct people there. Even Itch only nets me around $150 a month. But yes, I agree, the more revenue streams the better and it's something I'll certainly look into.

QUESTION: What about Steam's similar policy?
ANSWER: Only one game has fallen foul of it, and meanwhile dozens of games like Summer Memories exist. It is a concern, though, which is why this is a gamble. Likely what I'll do is put a "PG" version up on Steam and host the "18+" patch offsite.

QUESTION: What about Patreon refunds?
ANSWER: Patreon has completely cut off my ability to interact with my site. I can't make posts, reply to comments, send messages or issue refunds. I have $8,000 sitting in my Patreon wallet and Patreon intends to keep it. If you link your Discord and Patreon accounts, though, I'll DM anyone the tier rewards they should have gotten!

Thank you so much everyone for the truly inspiring outpouring of support!

I love each and every one of you.

Yes, even you in the back. I see you there.

I love you.
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  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by contributing – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

Creator Stats

1840 subscribers
669 posts


$8,958 of $10,000
per month
I return to my original monthly income and everything goes back to normal. Stress levels evaporate like dew in the morning sun.
I am back to 75% of my original income and can begin re-investing back into the game again and looking into Kana plushies. Stress levels decrease greatly.
I can live off this and continue making CK in the original graphics, without having to move to Steam or change the art style.
I am back to 50% of my original income. Stress levels decrease slightly.

Other Creators


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by contributing – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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