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Appallington Adult Comics

Lost on Safari: Part 3

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Lost on Safari: Part 1

This was 18-year-old Brigette's first time traveling to Africa.

Taking a safari excursion on the Serengeti plain with her family meant that Brigitte could dress any way she liked - and like most teens her age, she dressed in her favorite "slutty" clothes.

"Why not?" she asked herself. "It's hot as FUCK here in Africa so I'm really dressing for the heat," she thought.

...and she loved the attention she got from the strange black men who wouldn't stop staring at her, everywhere she went.

The safari tour guide stopped for a bathroom break. "Everyone just go to the bathroom in the grass," he said. Brigitte rolled her eyes, walked away from the jeep and squatted in the grass.

"This is so gross," she thought.. while wishing she could take Tiktok videos of herself squatting to use the bathroom in the grass. All of her followers would freak out.

After finishing, Brigitte pulled up her tiny shorts and stood up. The jeep was gone. 

"They FUCKING LEFT WITHOUT ME," she thought to herself. "WHAT IN THE LIVING FUCK??"

Brigitte walked through the tall grass of the African plain for 2 hours... until she spotted what looked like some small buildings... they were huts. In the sky, a thunderstorm was brewing. She heard thunder in the distance.

"I'd better get to those huts before the rain comes... maybe someone can help me," she thought.

As she got closer, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. A small group of men, almost completely naked, had gathered to confront her. 

One of the men was holding... a spear. Two other men were wearing scary masks. Yet another man was wearing what looked like a top hat. He appeared to be the leader.

...and then Brigitte noticed that all of the men had erect penises.

...huge, hard, throbbing, black penises... and the men were angrily staring at her.

Комментарии (4) загрузка...
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