◆ Early access content
◆ 1080p animations
◆ Alt versions (Images and animations)
◆ Exclusive WIPs and updates
◆ Character polls (x2 power)
◆ 2K resolution images
◆ SS feed
◆ Early access content
◆ 1080p animations
◆ Alt versions (Images and animations)
◆ Exclusive WIPs and updates
◆ Character polls (x2 power)
◆ 2K resolution images
◆ SS feed
⬤ Extended and exclusive animations
⬤ All the exclusive alt versions
⬤ Past scenes full sets
⬤ Past scenes exclusive content
⬤ Previous month PolyTier3 rewards **
⬤ Character polls (x3 power)
◆ Early access content
◆ 1080p animations
◆ Alt versions (Images and animations)
◆ Exclusive WIPs and updates
◆ 2K resolution images
◆ SS feed
** Rewards from this tier are available during 1 month. You'll be getting all rewards from the previous month for free.
★ All the past fullsets / Full archive
★ Early access (1 or 2 weeks before)
⬤ Extended and exclusive animations
⬤ All the exclusive alt versions
⬤ Past scenes full sets
⬤ Past scenes exclusive content
⬤ Previous month PolyTier3 rewards **
⬤ Character polls (x3 power)
◆ Early access content
◆ 1080p animations
◆ Alt versions (Images and animations)
◆ Exclusive WIPs and updates
◆ 2K resolution images
◆ SS feed