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Join for free to receive email notifications about new posts submitted to paid tiers
+ Exclusive Discord/Telegram access!ย Join my community! Patrons on Discord get:
----- Early Access to select artworks!
----- Voting permissions!
----- A blue name to flaunt your patronage!
+ Art Archives! Access to all my artwork, sketches, and studies in high-resolution from 2023 and earlier!
+ Early access!ย See my regularly posted stuff TWO months early!
----- Access to monthly Dropbox/OneDrive folders with all my best stuff, two months before I post it anywhere else!
----- Updated monthly.
----- (This tier does not include sketchbook art, high-res, or wips.)
+ A green name on the Lucky J Fan Club on Discord!
+ All previous rewards.
+ Exclusive art! Dropbox/OneDrive access to ALL my stuff, including:
----- High-Res images! All the good stuff, but big!
----- Sketchbooks! Doodles and art pieces I don't bother to post!
----- WIP files! See my stuff before it's even done! Animations too!
----- CLIP files! If I do something cool I'll post the work files here.
+ A gold name on the Lucky J Fan Club on Discord!
+ All previous rewards.
+ First dibs on commission slots!
----- I don't do commissions every month but when I DO I give first dibs to Pink Palz.
+ A lovely pink name on the Lucky J Fan Club on Discord!
+ All previous rewards.
You are a fabulous creature! What more can I possibly offer?
+ Any color name you want on the Lucky J Fan Club on Discord!
----- And a specially named role just for you!
+ Love and affection! I pay more attention to my biggest fans, I really do!
+ All previous rewards.
+ I'm out of rewards but maybe I'll draw your character in doodles sometimes? (No promises though; I do get busy.)
+ All previous rewards.
=O.O= You must REALLY love jerboas...
+ One free single-character sketch every month!
----- I'll just draw you something at some point within the month. My choice, but you'll like it. <3
+ Love and affection and tiny jerbo kisses!
+ All previous rewards.