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Alorth profile
Artist, Animator and Game Developer

Планы подписки

в месяц

You love my games, artwork and want to help me fulfill my dreams.

• + Voting Power • +Access to supporter information

Subscribestar linked to Discord: • + Access to all my games before public release • Access to sneak-peeks • Discord Role XL

129 подписчиков XLS
в месяц

You are not satisfied with less than a big package, well it is reasonable.

• + 2x Voting Power

Subscribestar linked to Discord: • + Access to exclusive NSFW Wallpapers. • Discord Role XXL plus all the benefits of the previous tier

39 подписчиков XXLS
в месяц

You want to give me a boost, you're more than welcome.

• + 3x Voting Power

Subscribestar linked to Discord: • + Special Access • Discord Role Booster plus all the benefits of the previous tier

7 подписчиков BoosterS
в месяц

You want to back me up financially and help my work grow.

• + 5x Voting Power

Subscribestar linked to Discord: • + One wallpaper ticket (I make a wallpaper for you, you decide characters, poses and background, details need to be discussed.) • Discord Role Backer plus all the benefits of the previous tier

1 подписчик BackerS
в месяц

• + 6x Voting Power

• + One animation ticket (I make a animation for you, you can pick characters of one of my games (max 2), poses and background, details need to be discussed.)

(Rayne isn't available to pick, because of her extreme workload.)

• Discord Role Benefactor

plus all the benefits of the previous tier, except Backer

Important notes: The custom animation is set to 40 frames for the tier, this means the animation is basically 1 to 2 seconds looped, but animation length and price can be negotiated too. A lot of short animated animations in my games can be an example for this.

The animation is delivered directly to the benefactor, it may also be posted in the discord special channel accessible to booster and above, but may or not be added to the game later too.

Make sure you message me to discuss the custom animation, you can even do so before you pledge. I prefer to be contacted via discord, I also answer faster there.

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Benefactor S

Добро пожаловать!

  • Games, Animations and Artwork

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I was thinking my next post was actually the mention of the update itself, but nope. Due to not o...

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I had a few drawbacks this month, but nothing major. A lot of animations were done for "NP" and I...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $10, $25, $50, $100 .s
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I know how eager everyone is, since it has been a few months now since the last update of one of ...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $10, $25, $50, $100 .s
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I've had a lot of workload to get done of things besides Neko Paradise, which are done now. So ba...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $10, $25, $50, $100 .s
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Hi everyone, just to inform everyone, that the update is almost done, but it still needs around 2...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $10, $25, $50, $100 .s
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Hi, it's been a while since my last post about the games and how development is going, time just ...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $10, $25, $50, $100 .s
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The money in this goal is invested into extra expenses like assets and other type of digital goods needed for the game.
$865 of $1,500
per month
I need to reach this goal, to hire another helper.

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  • Возможность общаться напрямую с автором контента через чат на сайте.
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