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Alioth Fox profile
Alioth Fox
Alioth Fox
Adorable furry art!

Subscription Tiers

USD monthly
Copper Tier

At this level of support, you can claim ONE reward from each month's BASIC reward sheet! (Basic rewards include Telegram stickers and profile pictures.)

3 subscribers SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
USD monthly
Iron Tier

At this level of support, you can claim up to TWO rewards from each month's BASIC reward sheet, OR you can claim ONE reward from each month's PREMIUM reward sheet. (Basic rewards include Telegram stickers and profile pictures. Premium rewards include YCHs and any experimental rewards that may be offered.)

Limited (27 out of 50) subscriptions
SubscribeStar $10.00 tier
USD monthly
Bronze Tier

At this level of support, you can claim one reward from the BASIC rewards sheet, AND one reward from the PREMIUM rewards sheet. (Basic rewards include Telegram stickers and profile pictures. Premium rewards include YCHs and any experimental rewards that may be offered.)

Limited (6 out of 50) subscriptions
SubscribeStar $18.00 tier
USD monthly
Silver Tier

At this level of support, you can claim up to TWO rewards from each month's BASIC reward sheet, AND you can claim ONE reward from each month's PREMIUM reward sheet. (Basic rewards include Telegram stickers and profile pictures. Premium rewards include YCHs and any experimental rewards that may be offered.) You also get a once-monthly 10% commission discount.

Limited (16 out of 30) subscriptions
SubscribeStar $25.00 tier
USD monthly
Gold Tier

At this level of support, you can claim up to TWO rewards from each month's BASIC reward sheet, AND you can claim up to TWO rewards from each month's PREMIUM reward sheet. (Basic rewards include Telegram stickers and profile pictures. Premium rewards include YCHs and any experimental rewards that may be offered.) You also get a once-monthly 15% commission discount.

Limited (5 out of 10) subscriptions
SubscribeStar $50.00 tier
USD monthly
Platinum Tier

At this level of support, you can claim ALL rewards from both the BASIC and PREMIUM reward sheets each month. (Basic rewards include Telegram stickers and profile pictures. Premium rewards include YCHs and any experimental rewards that may be offered.) You also get a once-monthly 25% commission discount.

Limited (4 out of 5) subscriptions
SubscribeStar $100.00 tier


  • I create ABDL and furry content - custom art! My art here on SubscribeStar is not paywalled; instead, by subscribing, you get YCH-style drawings of your character in the form of profile pictures, illustrations, and reaction stickers (like what you'd use on Telegram).
Alioth Fox

Reward Tiers Pinned Post

Hello all! If you're looking at my page today, you may notice that I've been working on making things look nice. One of the main things I wanted to do today was put this up as a pinned post so that anyone coming to my page can easily see what the reward tiers include.

I have two different categories of rewards! There are BASIC rewards, which include profile pictures and Telegram stickers, and there are PREMIUM rewards, which include my YCHs. Some of the higher premium tiers also get access to commission discounts (when I'm open). Returning members may also notice that I have now introduced a BRONZE tier!

Tiers and Rewards

Copper ($5/month): One basic reward. Iron ($10/month): Two basic rewards OR one premium reward. Bronze ($18/month): One basic reward AND one premium reward. Silver ($25/month): Two basic rewards AND one premium reward, and a 10% commission discount. Gold ($50/month): Two basic rewards AND two premium rewards, and a 15% commission discount. Platinum ($100/month): All rewards, and a 25% commission discount.

ALL reward tiers also include access to my Discord, where I will do special subscriber-only streams and maybe even some game nights and fun stuff like that. That's still in the planning stages, but please connect your Discord if you sign up!

If your reward tier includes a commission discount, that discount can be applied once per calendar month - it does not "build up" from month to month, and it does not guarantee that I will have a commission opening for you in any particular month. Please treat it as a perk, and not as an expectation.

Which tier should I sign up for?

I personally recommend the SILVER tier, because it gives you the best way to nicely fill out those sticker packs while still getting regular access to the YCH rewards. The IRON tier is currently my most popular tier, but with that one you do have to choose between basic OR premium. The BRONZE tier is brand new and sidesteps that dilemma, but doesn't give you quite as many rewards as the Silver tier. Of course, if you want to be bold and go for all of it, I've only got one spot left in the PLATINUM tier! Every tier except the Copper tier has limited room for signups (to make sure that I have enough time to complete all the rewards each month), but in the Platinum tier, there are only five available spots, and as of this post, four of them are occupied. I'd love for you to be the fifth! But ultimately, I am grateful for any support you are able to give me, and the best answer to that question is: sign up for the tier that you can best afford that will give you the most of what you want.


Q: Can I substitute a premium reward for a basic reward?

A: If your reward tier includes a premium reward and you would rather have the basic reward, you are free to claim a basic reward instead of a premium reward. For example, if you are in the Silver tier and would like to claim three basic rewards instead of two basic rewards and one premium reward, you can do so.

Q: If I don't claim any rewards this month, can I claim extra rewards next month?

A: Sorry, but no. All the rewards on this page are a "use it or lose it" deal from month to month; I simply do not have time to track who has and hasn't claimed rewards each month.

Q: I don't want to subscribe, but I really like the rewards this month. Can I just give you money somewhere else to get these rewards?

A: Sorry, but no. Many (but not all) of the rewards offered here will be available at later dates through my website catalog, but at a higher price. The reason these rewards get released to subscribers first (and at a lower price) is to reward them for supporting me, and to get feedback on how well they are received.

Feel free to ask any other questions you have that are not addressed here. Thank you for supporting me!

Alioth Fox
Public post

Reward Tiers Pinned Post

Hello all! If you're looking at my page today, you may notice that I've been working on making things look nice. One of the main things I wanted to do today was put this up as a pinned post so that anyone coming to my page can easily see what the reward tiers include.

I have two different categories of rewards! There are BASIC rewards, which include profile pictures and Telegram stickers, and there are PREMIUM rewards, which include my YCHs. Some of the higher premium tiers also get access to commission discounts (when I'm open). Returning members may also notice that I have now introduced a BRONZE tier!

Tiers and Rewards

Copper ($5/month): One basic reward. Iron ($10/month): Two basic rewards OR one premium reward. Bronze ($18/month): One basic reward AND one premium reward. Silver ($25/month): Two basic rewards AND one premium reward, and a 10% commission discount. Gold ($50/month): Two basic rewards AND two premium rewards, and a 15% commission discount. Platinum ($100/month): All rewards, and a 25% commission discount.

ALL reward tiers also include access to my Discord, where I will do special subscriber-only streams and maybe even some game nights and fun stuff like that. That's still in the planning stages, but please connect your Discord if you sign up!

If your reward tier includes a commission discount, that discount can be applied once per calendar month - it does not "build up" from month to month, and it does not guarantee that I will have a commission opening for you in any particular month. Please treat it as a perk, and not as an expectation.

Which tier should I sign up for?

I personally recommend the SILVER tier, because it gives you the best way to nicely fill out those sticker packs while still getting regular access to the YCH rewards. The IRON tier is currently my most popular tier, but with that one you do have to choose between basic OR premium. The BRONZE tier is brand new and sidesteps that dilemma, but doesn't give you quite as many rewards as the Silver tier. Of course, if you want to be bold and go for all of it, I've only got one spot left in the PLATINUM tier! Every tier except the Copper tier has limited room for signups (to make sure that I have enough time to complete all the rewards each month), but in the Platinum tier, there are only five available spots, and as of this post, four of them are occupied. I'd love for you to be the fifth! But ultimately, I am grateful for any support you are able to give me, and the best answer to that question is: sign up for the tier that you can best afford that will give you the most of what you want.


Q: Can I substitute a premium reward for a basic reward?

A: If your reward tier includes a premium reward and you would rather have the basic reward, you are free to claim a basic reward instead of a premium reward. For example, if you are in the Silver tier and would like to claim three basic rewards instead of two basic rewards and one premium reward, you can do so.

Q: If I don't claim any rewards this month, can I claim extra rewards next month?

A: Sorry, but no. All the rewards on this page are a "use it or lose it" deal from month to month; I simply do not have time to track who has and hasn't claimed rewards each month.

Q: I don't want to subscribe, but I really like the rewards this month. Can I just give you money somewhere else to get these rewards?

A: Sorry, but no. Many (but not all) of the rewards offered here will be available at later dates through my website catalog, but at a higher price. The reason these rewards get released to subscribers first (and at a lower price) is to reward them for supporting me, and to get feedback on how well they are received.

Feel free to ask any other questions you have that are not addressed here. Thank you for supporting me!

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Alioth Fox
Public post

December 2024 Basic Rewards Ready

Hello all! Thank you for continuing to support me :) I have completed November's basic rewards, so if you were a subscriber in November and claimed these rewards, they are now available to download! Premium rewards were already completed earlier, and I hope to have the options for THIS month's rewards (March) ready to post by sometime next weekend.

As a last reminder, if you were a subscriber last month (February), please don't forget to fill out the reward form if you have not done so already (check with me if you're not sure whether you submitted one or not), because it will be closing soon. Stickers have already been added to sticker packs, so if you don't see that already, you should very soon. If December was your first month claiming sticker rewards, I've created a sticker pack for you, and you should have a message from me either here or on Telegram with a link to it.

To download the completed rewards, go to my website ( and click "Subscriber Rewards," or simply click the link below to go straight to the rewards folder:

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Alioth Fox
Public post

December 2024 Premium Rewards ready

December's premium rewards are ready! If you claimed premium rewards back in December, they are now ready for you to download. I'm planning to have basic rewards done hopefully within the next week or two. Also bear in mind that if you were a subscriber last month (February) and haven't submitted a claim form, you need to do that before it closes at the end of the month. (If you don't remember whether you've submitted a form or not already, please check with me first instead of submitting a second form!)

To my upper tier supporters (silver and higher): remember that you get a discount on commissions! With tax time coming up, I'm sure I'm going to have some liability there and I'd love to have a bit of a cushion, so if you've been waiting to commission me for the right moment, this is a pretty good time for you to do it - just go to my website and fill out a commission form if you're interested .^

To download the rewards that you claimed, just follow the instructions in the image, or just click on this link to go straight to the rewards folder:

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Alioth Fox
Public post

February 2025 Rewards!

February's rewards are now ready to claim! Use the reward claim form on my website to claim your reward. To fill out the form, go to my website, click "Subscriber Rewards," then click "Claim Rewards." Or click here to go straight to the form. If you're not a subscriber already or would like more of these rewards than your current reward tier allows, please subscribe or upgrade your tier by March 7 (that's next Friday)! Also, you may notice that these sticker rewards look familiar - these did appear before, on a Patreon reward sheet, but because Patreon screwed everything up, I was unfortunately never able to fulfill them. Having done the "from the vault" rewards for YCHs last month, I thought this would be a good opportunity THIS month to actually have a chance to do these unused sticker rewards.

You'll need to claim these rewards by the end of February, and I hope to have them finished by the end of May! Remember - your subscription tier determines how many rewards you are allowed to claim; if you need more information, check the pinned post.

The claim form for January will be closing on Friday, so if you haven't filled that out yet, please make sure you do! This will be the last reminder for that. (If you're not sure whether you've filled out a form already or not, PLEASE CHECK WITH ME FIRST. DO NOT JUST FILL OUT A SECOND FORM "JUST IN CASE." I say that every time I post a reminder, yet inevitably, every month, I can count on at least three or four people sending in duplicate forms, and sometimes later complaining that they got the wrong rewards. If you send in a duplicate form, I am NOT going to honor it! When I pull up your first form, that gets added to the to-do list, and the other gets thrown out unread. Please check with me if you're not sure whether you've sent a form or not.)

As always, thank you for your support!

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Alioth Fox
Public post

November 2024 Basic Rewards Ready!

Hello all! Thank you for continuing to support me :) I have completed November's basic rewards, so if you were a subscriber in November and claimed these rewards, they are now available to download! Premium rewards were already completed earlier, and I hope to have the options for THIS month's rewards (February) ready to post by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.

As a last reminder, if you were a subscriber last month (February), please don't forget to fill out the reward form if you have not done so already (check with me if you're not sure whether you submitted one or not), because it will be closing soon. Stickers have already been added to sticker packs, so if you don't see that already, you should very soon. If November was your first month claiming sticker rewards, I've created a sticker pack for you, and you should have a message from me either here or on Telegram with a link to it.

To download the completed rewards, go to my website ( and click "Subscriber Rewards," or simply click the link below to go straight to the rewards folder:

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Alioth Fox
Public post

November 2024 Premium Rewards ready

November's premium rewards are ready! If you claimed premium rewards back in October, they are now ready for you to download. I'm planning to have basic rewards done hopefully within the next week. Also bear in mind that if you were a subscriber last month (January) and haven't submitted a claim form, you need to do that before it closes at the end of the month. (If you don't remember whether you've submitted a form or not already, please check with me first instead of submitting a second form!)

To download the rewards that you claimed, just follow the instructions in the image, or just click on this link to go straight to the rewards folder:

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The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

Creator Stats

69 posts


$1,267 of $2,000
per month
Reaching this goal would give me much more flexibility, especially the ability to travel more and possibly even produce some physical merchandise that could be sold at conventions.
I rely on my supporters to pay the bills! If you like the content I produce, please consider subscribing.

Other Creators


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

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