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Ace Games profile
Ace Games
Ace Games
I make AVN's, formerly of "Where the Heart is", currently "The Call of Darkness"

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This is just for people who wish to follow the game and hopefully support at a later date. No access to game builds, discord but with limitations, etc.

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Deep One

Gains Access to the game updates, discord, polls, and even more of my thanks.

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Gains Access to the game updates, discord, and polls. You are otherworldly in the best way!

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Great Old One

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Outer God

Gains Access to the game updates, discord, and polls. You are just a misunderstood being of chaos that deserves worship!

SubscribeStar $20.00 tier


  • Subscribers will get access to the game(s) as developed. Discord access. Previews and any other game related bonuses that comes with supporting the project.
  • Higher tiers in future will gain early access to the updates, how early to be decided.

Displaying posts with tag UpdateProgress.Reset Filter
Ace Games
Public post

Guess I can do a Friday update, will try and do one a week. Besides spelling and punctuation fixes for the previous update, chapter 3 is 75% done, hoping to have it and 4 and 5 finished before Halloween update to really kick off the main story and introduce the majority of the main cast.

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Ace Games
Public post

Part 2 of Chapter 2 is complete and in testing.
731 images 8 Minutes of video animation A smattering of audio and full intro theme. Around 2-3+ hours of playtime for all content. Around 3k lines of code and dialog. If things go well we could look at the first release this Weekend.

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Ace Games
Public post

Part 1 of Chapter 2 is complete and in testing... rigorous testing.

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to reach
I left the workforce about 10 years ago to care for and raise my son who has special needs. It has turned into a fulfilling lifelong gig, but I'm worried about him after I'm gone. Thankfully I have a creative streak and enjoy crafting stories and sexy escapades, so here I am hoping to do this full time on the side for adults to enjoy.

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The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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