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Teenager - Tier
With this tier you will have access to the latest versions of Mia's Stories - Hypnosis, as well as the full version of "A Whole Week In Diapers" in multiple languages!
You will have:
✮The latest version of "Mia's Stories - Hypnosis".
✮The full version of A Whole Week In Diapers in multiple languages.
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Game Creator - Tier
This is a tier focused on those of you who want to have access to the game files I create to make your own games. It's also useful if you want to support me a little more! ^ -^
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✮Access to all the games I have created.
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- Babysitter Tier (10$) A Whole Week In Diapers (v3.1T) [Available in 10 languages]: https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1500323 (Of course, you have access to the "Teenerger Tier" links).
[Assets] All Games!
- Game Creator (25$) To access the files here you have a LINK with everything organized, audios, images, tilesets and everything used in the creation of "A Whole Week In Diapers" and in "Mia's Stories: Hypnosis".
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[—] New game available! "What If... ABDL!" in collaboration with KrakenBite.
Hey babies! Today I'm finally going to introduce you to one of the two big projects I'm working on for this year.
And that project is... A collaboration with KrakenBite! (Woah, you probably read that in the title hehe) As you know, we both make ABDL games for RPGMaker and more than once we've helped each other with different problems we've had, so a few months ago we asked ourselves: Why not make a game together? So finally today, after more than six months of working together, I can introduce you to...
"What If... ABDL!"
It is an ABDL-themed game that focuses on the protagonist called Noah, he is a normal boy, however he is visited many times by a cosmic entity called "The Watcher" who is upset because he does not understand how it is possible that Noah likes ABDL things in all multiverses.
So, in this game we will explore, playing Noah and together with The Watcher, a multitude of parallel realities in which Noah will discover from scratch that he likes the ABDL world and where The Watcher will do a multitude of tests to Noah to try to prove that not in all universes Noah likes ABDL things.
And if you're interested you can also play the first two stories, two different stories with two different Noahs who have two different abdl adventures, and as always "The Watcher" bothering them in the middle. Link: https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1756568
It's been a while since the last update, but here we are back to continue with the development of Mia's Stories.
For those of you who want to know why there have been no updates these past few months, I'll leave a brief summary at the end of the post.
What's new in this update?
In this update we start with the third day of the five we will be able to see in Alice's story. I have developed the beginning and implemented some new things, now we will go into details.
You will now be able to select the third day in the chapter selector, for all of you who have lost your safes or do not know how to transfer them between versions you can use this function to skip the first two days and go to the new content. Also, where the chapter selector is located there was previously an option called scenes, this option has been removed because I have seen that creating it would be too much work that would take me an immense amount of time, due to issues of how the game is built and how the variables it has interact with each other. I am experimenting with a new mechanic,from now on Alice will have her own voice and will be able to say basic messages such as: Uh? Okay, Nope. Mmm..., etc. Simple voice commands that I have implemented in this version, however they will only be there from now on, if you like it I will leave it and use it for more characters and for the next games I create.
Personally I think it gives a lot of life and looks great in the game, please tell me your opinion in the comments! I have also been working on cleaning up and organizing the game code, now I use another structure that simplifies the workflow, which makes it easier for me to check errors and follow the development, basically reading the code is easier. If you want me to talk about this I can make a specific post for it, tell me in the comments too!
And to finish we are going to talk about the story, as you know there are spoilers so I will leave you a beginning and an end of the summary, although I cannot hide the images.
[Spoilers] We start by getting up in the bed where we went to sleep, right after Mom hypnotized Alice. When Alice wakes up she realizes that she has peed in her diaper, without giving it much importance because she has not wet the bed, she gets out of bed and the first thing she does is go to change her clothes. However, Alice realizes that she has no diapers left to put on, so she takes off her wet diaper and puts on some panties and comfortable clothes, while she gets dressed her mother calls her and tells her that breakfast is ready, so Alice goes down to have breakfast.
While she is having breakfast her mother asks her if she had an accident while she was sleeping and Alice tells her that she did pee herself, then she also tells her that she has no diapers left and her mother answers that she is going to call the store to order more and that she will have to go buy them later, since her mother has work to do at home, Alice accepts and continues eating breakfast.
Shortly after having breakfast, Alice starts to pee without realizing it and since she is not wearing a diaper she wets the floor. Alice tells her mother and she tells her that she will clean it up, that she should not worry and that she should go take a shower. After this scene, we will go up to the second floor of the house and after leaving the clothes in the laundry basket, Alice will take a nice little bath, she will get out of the bathtub and realize that she hasn't brought any clothes to wear, so she will go to her room to get some clothes. After getting dressed, Alice will go down to talk to her mother to see if she has already called the store. When she goes downstairs she will find her coming up and she will tell her exactly that, that she just called the pharmacy and she can go get the diapers now. After this, mom will go to work at her studio and Alice will have to go to the pharmacy to get the diapers. Once we get to the pharmacy the game will end for now, you can save right at the entrance. The next update will continue here. [Spoilers]
And that's all regarding the update my babies, I hope you like the progress and the new things I've incorporated! If you have any questions, I'll read you in the comments~ ^-^
Why haven't there been any updates these months?
Writing this I realized that it is a lot of text, so I will summarize it in two lines for those who do not want to read so much. I have been quite sick and I have felt very bad, but I am fine now and everything is back to normal. ----------- Well, it's normal that many of you don't know this, but for 13 years I have had a chronic intestinal disease called Crohn. In short, it is an autoimmune disease that attacks the intestine causing inflammation. Depending on the section of the intestine affected by the disease, the symptoms produced are more or less serious. It also depends on how it affects, as it can create various scenarios that require special treatments such as ulcers or narrowing of the intestine, but this is not usual.
Knowing this, I can tell you a little better about how it has been affecting me these months. From August to October of last year, I was taking iron as a supplement because my blood levels were quite low, possibly due to blood loss from the inflammation produced by Crohn (I think I remember that it was explained to me like this). And during those months I began to feel increasingly slower with my actions, more tired and therefore without the desire to do absolutely anything. In November I was extremely tired and everything continued until mid-December.
I'll make a brief parenthesis to explain the fatigue, the lack of iron in the blood causes, broadly speaking, that there are fewer red blood cells in your blood, which makes you have less oxygen in your blood, forcing your heart to beat faster to transport more blood and try to compensate for this lack of oxygen, which leads to fatigue, headache, dizziness and more side effects, the lack of iron in the blood is called anemia. This is broadly speaking, if you want you can look for more information on the internet.
In mid-December, when I had a routine blood test, something normal due to the disease I have, the results showed that my iron levels in my blood were so low that I was at critical risk, that same day they called me by phone and in the evening they hospitalized me, they gave me an iron transfusion and two blood transfusions to correct the iron deficiency. As an anecdote, I can tell you that while I was going to the hospital there was a small hill, no more than 50m, quite steep and walking slowly up it without hurrying I noticed how my heart was beating very fast. I was calm, it was not the first time I had been hospitalized, but I had very low levels of red blood cells due to anemia and I had to take breaks every few meters, I am not exaggerating. I also remember that the doctor who attended me told me as soon as I entered that I had anemia just by looking at how white I was (this is another symptom of anemia).
Anyway, I'm getting off topic, sorry, they kept me in the hospital for a week, doing tests to check that the disease was not very active, magnetic resonance, gastroscopy and daily blood tests to monitor that everything was going well. Honestly, it was a horrible experience, the tests and preparations for them are very aggressive and I suffer a lot with them, they hardly gave me anything to eat because I had to have an empty bowel for the tests and during the first 3 days they didn't even let me get out of bed, so I had to do my business in bed and clean myself there.
As the days went by I got better, I felt better and better and after 7 days they discharged me, I went back home on December 24th, I had dinner with my family and it was one of the worst decisions I made that month. After a week of eating only liquids and light things, the intestine gets used to this and narrows, especially in my case because of the disease. So when I came back from the hospital and had a hearty dinner with my family, as it was New Year's Eve, a notable holiday at this time, I felt horrible. At dinner time I could hardly move and I had a horrible stomach ache. I sat for several hours on a sofa that was there waiting for time to pass and without saying anything because I didn't want to bother anyone in my family or interrupt dinner. When I got home after dinner I couldn't sleep and around 5-6 in the morning I vomited all of dinner, it was quite unpleasant and I'm not going to give any more details. I cleaned everything up and was able to sleep.
The following days were a light diet again so as not to repeat this horrible experience. At the same time during these days I had to go to the hospital from time to time to have tests done and iron transfusions in vein.
On December 31st something similar happened to me as at dinner on the 24th, however this time it wasn't as serious. I mistakenly thought that I would be able to eat well again and that wasn't the case.
And during January I've been better, I'm taking a lot of medication to control everything but I have a lot more energy and I feel better, now I can eat well, almost anything without overdoing it of course. And I've been able to move forward with the development of the game.
So now I feel fine, we are back to working on developing the games and new collaborations and projects that are coming this year, I have a lot of things planned, it's going to be a super great year, you'll see!
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