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Yiffster profile
I'm an Artist, a Streamer, and a Gamer, out here tryna create a Competitive Art and gaming Community. The start to a New Artistic Future.

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
Dragon Eggs

Such beautiful Eggies!

With this you support my work!

You get to vote on a Poll for a piece of art to be done once a month, as well as see all of my art 2-3 weeks before anyone else!

1 подписчик Eggies
USD в месяц

Aww lookitchyu~ Comin' out of your egg!

You get a sticker as you join this tier, and a 5% discount on future commissions!

0 подписчиков Hatchling
USD в месяц

Ooooh~ Now we're makin' progress~

Here you get the same thing as the Hatchlings, as well as sticker every single month from now on as long as you're subscribed! Pretty sweet huh?

Лимитировано (2 из 10) подписчиков
USD в месяц

Got your claws and Fangs all grown in now huh?

Now, you get everything that the Wyrmlings get, as well as FREE entry to any and all raffles that's ever done. No matter where, no matter when. Oh, and that commission discount is now 10% instead of 5 like the hatchlings. You're grown! Spend it well!

Лимитировано (1 из 10) подписчиков
USD в месяц
Adult Dragon

Lookitchyu Flauntin' that chest!

With this tier, as an Adult Dragon you get all of the benefits of Younglings, as well as a 3D Sculpt of your character once a month! Usually a Bust of your sona! Fully rendered and realized for your viewing pleasures!

Лимитировано (0 из 5) подписчиков
Adult Dragon
USD в месяц
Elder Dragon

Gettin' to that Wise Age, eh? Nice and Cocky with that Wisdom aren't you?

This tier gives you everything that the Adult Dragons get, alongside a 15% Discount on all future purchases. Alongside that, you get a stream that lasts for 4 (IN PROGRAM) Hours. You get 1 on 1 time with yours truly to get me as your personal Art Slave Once a Month. (Terms and Conditions Apply)

Лимитировано (0 из 3) подписчиков


  • Art WIPs, 3D WIPs, And access to special streams not on Twitch.
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BDSM Valentines

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $10, $15, $20, $60, $200 .s
Разблокировать План


2 подписчика
46 постов


$30 of $250
per month
12 hour streams monthly! Everyone that's here gets so mu ch love and gets to be with me as I undergo this wonderous journey!
$30 of $500
per month
This is the real test, if I can make it here those 12 hour streams become 24 hours per month, and this guarantees I can work on just as my career choice!
$30 of $1,000
per month
I could work on art full time with this. The dream, isn't it?

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