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Pone-Tan profile
Show accurate artist. I don't like paywalls, so the rewards aren't anything crazy. The real reward is the large projects I could make with enough support.

Subscription Tiers

per month
Tier 1

This is just a base tier for people who don't have a whole lot to give but still wish to back me. This makes your name green on my Discord. That's pretty much it.

Make sure your SubscribeStar and Discord are linked. Rewards are Discord based and I'm not a psychic. I rely on the bot to give people their roles so that I can keep track of who's in each tier.

7 subscribers SubscribeStar $1.00 tier
per month
Tier 2

This tier gives you an orange name on the Discord and gives you access to the tier 2 rewards channel. There you'll be able to participate in exclusive polls and PSD files.

Make sure your SubscribeStar and Discord are linked. Rewards are Discord based and I'm not a psychic. I rely on the bot to give people their roles so that I can keep track of who's in each tier.

5 subscribers SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
per month
Tier 3

This tier gives you a purple name on the Discord as well as access to both the tier 2 and tier 3 channels. The tier 3 channel is where you'll find WIPs. The biggest feature of all though is the comic panels. Like my comics? You can get each individual panel as a full sized standalone image/video before the panel is even out. This includes versions with and without text bubbles. If there's a lewd panel you really like, You'll be able to view it super sized in all of it's full glory.

Make sure your SubscribeStar and Discord are linked. Rewards are Discord based and I'm not a psychic. I rely on the bot to give people their roles so that I can keep track of who's in each tier.

24 subscribers SubscribeStar $10.00 tier

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

Creator Stats

30 subscribers
9 posts


$221 of $800
per month
If I can reach this, I'll be able to continue working on my comics, games, and other projects as I have. If I can't meet this goal, the rest will have to be made up for with a regular job, which would mean less time to get my projects done.

Other Creators

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