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Cheesy Cookie Corp profile
Cheesy Cookie Corp
Cheesy Cookie Corp
We are creating various naughty, gay, furry games! And lots of different kinks for all to enjoy ^-^

Subscription Tiers

USD monthly
Tier 1: Boop!

For this role you will support me in general and just be an awesome pupper -^

Every bit helps!

0 subscribers Booper SubStar!
USD monthly
Tier 2: Kiss!

Here you will have access to the early exclusive builds of the game I'm currently working on, before they go public, along with being able to vote in polls!!

Thank you lots for the support!!

5 subscribers Kisser SubStar!
USD monthly
Tier 3: Bap!

Besides the previous perk benefits. Here you will support me even more and have extra voting power to exert!

Thank you so much again -^

4 subscribers Bapper SubStar!
USD monthly
Tier 4: Nuke!

Here you will get all perks from previous tiers and support me extra hard!

Thank you so much -^

2 subscribers Nuker SubStar!
USD monthly
Tier 5: Apocalypse!

Here we are! Big tier, big price. You may ask if there's anything new here... Well besides the massive help you will be giving me, it will greatly increase the likelihood I do future raffles and some more events I have planned.

Seriously thank you so much -^

0 subscribers Apocalyptic SubStar!
USD monthly
Tier 6: Secret~

Silly lil tier for the brave and curious! Thanks for the immense help Littlle cutie!! -^

0 subscribers Zawkassai's Victim
Cheesy Cookie Corp

Welcome everyone!!!! ^-^

So as first post here i will be pinning this for general info about the games that's currently in dev ^-^

For Tier 2 "Kiss" and above you get a special discord role in our server, that will grant you access to the early access build channel, you could have that option if you wish, but since SubscribeStar is MUCH less Strict about FICCTIONAL ART AND GAMES unlike patreon, I can just post the link in the update post! I try bringing a new build every 30th of every month, or at max 2 months, only just when i get some IRL troubles that is.
My here in case you don't know about it, and our discord server in case you want to join!!! ^-^

I would quite prefer for you guys to sub here instead of there, because even though patreon is more familiar both to me and the public, its too strict. The only disadvantage here would be no paypal, which i guess is the reason patreon is so strict.

Anyway aside from all that prep talk i just wanted to say how grateful i am for having so many people move over here to support me, in here i will be able to create and openly talk about more obscene FICTIONAL kinks, such as the theme of ferals and non-con(rape). So, let's get to the games:

             Triple R: Rehabilitation Rational Ruined.

Currently paused to work on Celsius this is a gay furry game which presents a LOT of lewd and down right heavy themes that the darkest pits of my mind can conjure. Vore, rape, ferals, maybe a little bit of gender transformation even if it is almost strictly gay game, incest and selfcest.
I plan on the future to instead of making a boring poll on which scene to make on a pre-made set of options, i will be asking on which kink or combination of kinks! And that will make the scene with said winning kink to have the element of surprise! Which is quite a tool to have! Hehehe.

                                Celsius (Finished!)

Kidnapped by an unknown group you are stranded in the arctic destined to get turned into coal for the machines, will you help your friends escape along with you or succumb to the many horny feral synths within?~ Hehehehe~
Game link:

Side note
Anyway, thank you so much for the love and support, things will be much more upfront and direct here than on the other platform. And I hope to live a hundred years of lots of game making! If it depends on me i will be making lewd games forever!!!


  • Supporting a indie porn game dev that isnt afraid to put obscure kinks in games
  • Getting access to polls and the discord exclusive channels
  • A build as soon as it is ready, almost each month!!!
Cheesy Cookie Corp

Triple R 1. 25 EA Build! ! !

Posted for $5, $15, $30, $50, $100 tiers
Unlock Tier
Cheesy Cookie Corp

Triple R EA Build 0. 12! ! !

Posted for $5, $15, $30, $50, $100 tiers
Unlock Tier
Cheesy Cookie Corp

Triple-R build 0. 11 EA

Posted for $5, $15, $30, $50, $100 tiers
Unlock Tier
Cheesy Cookie Corp

\New Main menu and GUI

Posted for $2, $5, $15, $30, $50, $100 tiers
Unlock Tier
Cheesy Cookie Corp

Triple R Remake 0. 10

Posted for $5, $15, $30, $50, $100 tiers
Unlock Tier
View next posts (6 / 27)

Creator Stats

9 subscribers
27 posts


$117 of $150
per month
Thank you! This is a smol goal in order for me to be able to draw each month ^-^ instead of every 2 or 3.
$117 of $500
per month
Next big step! This means a great deal to me, here in subscribestar im free to just post the game without being scared of censorship. So achieving this toal is the start of my independence, and kinkier more open posts!!
$117 of $1,000
per month
This is a big goal, but I'm confident we are capable of achieving it!
$117 of $3,000
per month
Here's where I can start revving the raffle I been planning, it is big goal but the prize for the raffle... Oh boy I may try getting it myself! mwahahaha

Other Creators


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