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_Bræinwayves profile
Making adult narrative games, drawings and sometimes comics

Планы подписки

USD в месяц

Thank you for your support !

You get access to regular posts and updates about the state of the game, and can play the game two weeks earlier than everybody else !

2 подписчика
USD в месяц
Field agent

Thank you, your support means a lot !

All the previous privilege, plus you can vote in polls regarding the game !

0 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Friendly otherworlder

Thank you very much for your support !

All the previous benefits, plus an access to all of the images at every update ! Also, you can vote in a special "pinup of the moment" poll, featuring a character from the game : D

0 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Unknown entity

Woah thanks, I really appreciate the support * _ * ) You get all the previous privileges plus the original krita files for a look behind the scenes ! You also get more voting power !

0 подписчиков


  • Early access to the game !
  • A look into the developpement !
  • Drawings ! Polls ! Polls about Drawings !

Progress update no 02 : V0. 3. 1

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Sneak peek : Faye reveal

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Hi : 3Life got pretty busy so the progress was slower than I'd like, but still here's what I've b...

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Siren Leto reveal !

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Happy new year and next update plans :3

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Mediafire download link broken for windows : /

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Показать следующие публикации (6 / 13)


2 подписчика
13 постов


$3 of $800
per month
If this is reached, I can spend a lot more time making the things ! That'd be neat !
$3 of $1,700
per month
If this goal is reached, I can go fulltime. This means I make more stuff, faster, and of better quality !

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