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Ballbust Comics profile
Ballbust Comics
Ballbust Comics
My focus in the beginning is furry ballbusting, but I want to produce a ballbust anthology with diverse tastes and variety;

Subscription Tiers

per month
Nuts - Promotional 1 (20%off)

• Early access To all comics before they go public

• At least FOUR page per month

Limited (11 out of 26) subscriptions
SubscribeStar $4.00 tier
per month

• Early access To all comics before they go public

• At least FOUR page per month

6 subscribers Hen’s Eggs-sub
per month
Hen´s Eggs

• All of the above

• You can vote for which style of comic you want next and which idea you want

• You’ll unlock locked chats on the discord server and be able to talk about ideas and sketches for comics

2 subscribers SubscribeStar $6.00 tier
per month
Goat Testicles

• All of the above

• You’ll get full access to the discord server, being able to participate on the artists-only chat and discuss with us the future comics and give general ideas to future themes

• You can create options in the pool

• You will be helping the project a LOT and encouraging me to keep up with the ballbusting comics! Thank you!!

Limited (2 out of 10) subscriptions
Goat Testicles


  • • At least FOUR drawings/comics relesead per month, six months in advance from the official release and you'll be helping the comics keep coming out.
  • • You’ll be able to join the Ball Bust Comics discord server and talk with the artists and patreons.

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Ballbust Comics
Public post



 As you know I plan the comics well in advance and sometimes delays occur so I have to adapt.

 Most of the comic's financing is handled by me and my financial situation requires a pause in the creation of these comics. There are many comics currently in production but it takes time to bring them to completion and guarantee their quality.

 We are facing growing delays due to lacking the capacity needed to maintain the current output. This puts the project in an undesirable position as content is stalled. In an effort to reorganize and create a more manageable schedule, the project will need to go into a hiatus. I plan to see it return in the future with a new working model that gives artists a lot more time and flexibility.

 I confess that when I first scheduled this project I imagined that I would have more active support from the community, especially because there was a large audience for this niche. However, I'm happy to have had the opportunity to see this current project go as far as it has.

 I anticipate the hiatus to last at least a year. This should allow time for adequate restructuring and I would rather the content be paused for now, as opposed to putting out low quality pieces for content's sake. I still intend to launch this month's comics and have the pages released as per the current schedule, if possible.

 Afterwards the project will pause until early to mid 2025. This project is something I truly enjoy working on and I cannot overstate my appreciation for the artists who have supported and contributed to it over the years. I look forward to when the new work structure is in place and new comics can begin.

 Finally, I still intend to launch the "Drop of peach" parts that are being made, and next month, launch some new midnight illustrations, and maybe I'll publish other comics in this format so I don't sit still next year.
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This is the start. I greatly appreciate the vote of confidence and help.
to reach
the Goal
It's almost half of my comic spending, thank you for the colaboration. Thank you so much.
to reach
the Goal
Ok, from that point on I can make this a sustainable process. This will help ensure the sustainability of the project "Ball Bust Comics"
to reach
the Goal
There will be an increase in the quality of comics and all of them will be colorful.
to reach
the Goal
The number of pages will increase, all with color, without decreasing the quality.
to reach
the Goal
Two of the patrons, choose randomly have the right to write their own story.

Other Creators


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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