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This is the home for my projects, including Shame Games' TQ Port called TFQuest!

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49 subscribers TfQuest Backer
USD monthly
TfQuest Vanguard Tier

In addition to getting access to everything from the Backer tier, you'll also receive:

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7 subscribers TfQuest Vanguard


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Devlog 21

Hello there, everyone! Welcome to the first 'minor' public devlog!

In regards to changes to monetization, I have decided to make a couple changes.

Firstly, all devlogs will be public starting this week. I will open up previous versions starting soon.

Secondly, all releases that I want feedback on will be public! I really hope this helps to grow the community around development and get more people interested. 

Finally, releases with systems updates or changes to the codebase that are less impactful will be taking place of the current 'nightly' builds. These will be available to everyone who chooses to financially support me month-to-month, as a way of showing my appreciation for the support. I'm not sure what the split of releases will look like yet, but I'm not going to stress about the specifics yet. The release schedule will come to be what it is in time!

Obviously, the two changes above will hit my income a bit, but I firmly believe that it's worth it. I'll also be adding in a $2 tier that gets the same access to every build as the other tiers, just as an in-between for people who might want to support at a different amount. To anyone who chooses to continue supporting in any way, including as a member of the community, I really really appreciate it!

I'm hoping to have these changes to my SubscribeStar page done for some time next week.

Anyways, let's get back to the important things!

This Week

This week brings us two new systems changes: Firstly, the player no longer exists. Now, turns are taken entirely by the 'monsters' of the game. The player just happens to be one! That means that tying in all of the things we talked about a week ago should be options for the future.

Secondly, a new animation controller for monsters! Once I got the player removed and everything working, I noticed that the camera was panning away before the monsters finished moving. That meant that it was time to implement the last part of the monsters that I had planned, which is an animation controller. Essentially, it works to handle all of the animations for monsters in one place - the time they take, when to switch animations, and what to do at the end of those animations. Part of the animation controller is tied directly into the turn controller process and runs the on-screen animations after the processing for a turn has happened. Then, it can report back to the turn controller when any given monster has finished animating and is ready to end its turn.

One of the neat things about implementing all of these systems is that even if a combat system is completely out of the question for TfQuest and doesn't end up being a good fit, this animation framework and the underlying grid system will still be able to run on-screen as a visual aid that will help increase the depth of the game. 

Next Week

Next week, I'm going to create a player.json file that will load the actual player. I'm going to do some things like add a 'starting room' field and some other things that are necessary for the player to properly load in. Then, I'd like to start adding ways for the player to interact with the world. 

I'm also going to start adding customizable room shapes as an option! This will hopefully add more personality to the game. I'm not sure if I'm going to add any custom room shapes right away, but I do want to get the internal code done to support them.

In a few weeks, I'm hoping to add the framework to start adding chests to tie items back into the game again. To be clear, all the framework is still there already, but I need to give the items another way to show up!

That's all for this week. I hope the monetization changes sound amicable to everyone! Let me know what you think of the project so far, and I look forward to next week when I get to write another one of these!

See you all around~

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Devlog 20For those of you who don’t know, I was very sick last week. It was a nasty flu-like thin...

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Devlog 19

Wow! Quick week! Thanks for sticking around! I feel like I really settled into my groove and got things done.

This week,

I’ve added in several new subactions ranging from extremely simple to very complex, got unit pathing working flawlessly (I hope), implemented a fairly robust targeting system for what monsters are interested in, thrown together a very basic AI for the monsters (it’s functional but not permanent), and did a significant amount of debugging. I think it’s about time we cover some of the systems I’ve been working on in more detail!

Action System
The action system is the external section that modders will interface with. Each unit on the field (whether monsters or players) has access to several actions. On their turn, they can pick which actions to use. Eventually, the number of actions that any unit can take will likely be based around some form of action point system. For now, it’s one action per turn.
Actions themselves are not entirely straightforward. Each action is built out of sub-actions; simple scripts that can be pieced together in different ways to accomplish nearly anything. As development continues, I’ll add more and more subaction scripts that people are interested in using. These are the most basic building blocks of what units can do: things like deal damage, search something, select a target, path to something, move with user input, or path to a different room. Internally, these are complicated multi-system processes, but externally, the goal is to keep them as simple as possible.
Like I mentioned before, you build actions out of individual sub-actions. For those of you who played the previous release, you’d notice that each button on the action wheel (I promise I will add a hover-for-description feature eventually) performed a simple action. One of them was for moving with input and one of them was for pathing to another unit in the room. Those are both actions composed of a single sub-action. It would be just as simple to have a button to do both of those things at once.
The system for modding actions is on my to-do-soon list, but the specifics of it are not concrete yet. It will essentially be actions composed by chaining subactions and logical operators together! I hope this keeps the modding generally easier to understand.

Rooms now have exits! These can be defined within each room’s .json file. Currently, they’re only within the room config file, so if you’re interested in playing around with modifying the exits you can either copy that formatting into an individual room’s .json file or just modify it directly within the config file! Either will have similar results. Monsters will, by default, attempt to path to random rooms using the exits in each room that are listed within the files. They all connect up properly, which is great! If you see they have weird values, I was just testing an edge case with those. The exits are in the middle of the room right now!

Targeting System
Units need something to be interested in, so I gave it to them! There is currently a subaction for ‘wandering’ that makes units target a particular room. I intend to expand this to items, units, and more in the future! Eventually, what a unit is targeting will be the driver for a lot of different subactions.

Coming Soon (probably not all next week),

Action Descriptions
It will be fairly simple once I have the time to do it to add in some better UI around taking actions. The action wheel on each unit needs more clarity than it has right now. I’m planning on setting up a panel with space for an icon and title that will replace the current boring, square button that’s there. I feel like playing through the version that is releasing today will be somewhat confusing because the UI buttons aren’t clear enough even for a pre-alpha. These panels will also include a hover description that will appear when you hover the cursor over the menu for a brief time! Hopefully that will help clear some things up.

Room Shape
Room shape is currently customizable… if you want the room to be any sort of single rectangle. I am planning on adding in more shape options for each room at some point, but I’m not exactly sure when. It was really important to me to add in the actions first! Eventually, I’m planning on having options for multiple shapes at once including circles, polygons, rectangles, and individual points!

External Action System Accessibility
Right now, there's no way for modders to put together actions with the subaction units. I'm planning on addressing that soon!

More Subactions
Throughout development, I'll be adding in more subactions as needed. I have several more of these in mind right now!

That's all for this week! Thanks for reading and have a good weekend~


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Hey there! Thanks so much for your support! Here's the nightly for today. Let me know what you th...

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Devlog 18Hello! Hope everyone’s had a good weekend so far. This week I mostly worked on back-end/...

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Devlog 17Hello everyone! Let’s get right into it! This WeekThis week, I took care of some bugs wi...

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