This is a meme tier only
Same benefit with previous tier but you can also request and discuss on commission with me. You will also get access to exclusive discord server. Message me if you want to be invited. You can also decide which animation type (CB or Futa BB or Vanilla) will be released next month. Benefits:
All of my still render WIPs
All of my animation WIPs
Final Image render (Early Access and Exclusive Contents)
Final Animations (Early Access and Exclusive Contents)
Plan and announcement
All Public released content in twitter
Discord server access
Featured in animation credits
Decision for next animation category
Referred to as "Darth" in chat
If you decided to subscribe to this tier then I'll refer you as any Sith that you prefer. As of now, Darth Maul is taken.
My eternal gratitude is with you and of course some of the income from this tier will be allocated to improve the qualities for my content such as hiring VA or better gear for example.
Once again thanks so much