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Zazkinkart profile
3D male twinks and girls fetish art for navels/bellies, macro/micro, feet and vore! My Chars. are all 18-25 years old.
William and Jack Collection collection
by Zazkinkart
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Zaz's Belly Button Fetish Pose Presets For Daz3d 


My first time doing this lol

Selling the belly button fetish poses I have been doing. This will work on any character, as long as it's a Gen8 base. Male or female. There is a lack of navel fetish things in the kinky world of Daz3d to buy, to let me crown myself as the first.

If you do not have daz3d, DO NOT BUY THIS. These poses are to help you make navel fetish renders if you yourself have Daz3d, and would want to get started in making belly button fetish renders. These will not work on Blender, Maya, or whatever else 3D rendering software is out there (to my knowledge)

Some of the poses may require additional tweaking, since some bases are larger than some.

It is recommended (by me) that you get these two things from these two other people: (Belly up ((For males only))

These are the morphs I use to make the navels appear deeper, or give them an outie on the bases. You sadly cannot make daz3d navels look the way I do them out of the box. If you do not care about those, feel free to use how you like! 

There are other morphs products I use, but I forgot the names of them lmao. But you can find them if you shop around. There isn't a lot of belly content for daz3d, so the searches should bring up what you need without the need to dig for too long.

Where to buy:

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