A new beginning

Hey there! So, I'm diving into the world of adult game development and just wrapped up my first game, "Undead Run." which you can check out on my itchio page.

Gotta admit, it wasn't all smooth sailing; ran into a few bumps along the way, but hey, that's part of the learning process, right? Managed to power through and get it done, though!
Now, onto the next adventure. Thinking of shaking things up a bit with my next game, "Life in Pieces." Figured it's a chance to try out some fresh ideas and see where they take me. Fingers crossed everything falls into place smoothly!

Oh, and while at it I whipped up a free illustration for it. Figured it might be a cool way to give back a bit and show some love to the folks who supported me along the way. Let me know if you are interested in that stuff!