- Be the FIRST ONE to play every update — FOUR weeks earlier
- Direct line of contact with devs to propose new story ideas
- Access to the entirety of all new comics on the day of release
- Super spoilers, featuring content months before its release
- An archive with all new pictures added in the latest update
- Early access to new comic pages
- Exclusive spoilers for the an upcoming update
- Access to High Quality version of the game
- Access to our Discord server and a dedicated role
Truth be told, there's simply nothing we can possible offer in return for buying this role. No real goods, that is. It exists as a way for the most dedicated of our fans, or rather the craziest of them, to show their support. As there is nothing else we can give you, instead we offer a direct line of contact with our dev team, so you will be able to propose which character should receive a new mini-story, or maybe which completely new character should we add along with unique interactions, or even a romantic storyline. You might also get a shoutout in our game, with you name being mentioned in dialogues, news about you appearing on boards around the locations, or something else entirely. Your choice.