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Wing R
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[AI RAW]白毛種女畜  White Hair Girl  Meat


This set is supposed to be toy at beginning of May.
I can't draw well in semi realistic style. So using AI to build this style of meat.

Or... Simply just want some boobs.

The first phase is redraw all the selected picture to be more presentable.
Basically I just redraw face ,nipples and some hair. 

I have no idea how phase 2 go (or how to cook her)
I have few AI set image sucked at this phase already.
Build the picture but no idea how to cook.



PHASE 1先把選好的圖都修正。主要要重畫臉,奶頭和一部份頭髮。

PHASE 2未定,沒有太多想法。原本只是想出BEFORE AND AFTER,只是出了幾張很好吃的奶就一起修正。

先是MOB GIRL屠場,聖女二人,巨乳溫泉紅葉,第1組AI的金卷毛種公主


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