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Subscription Tiers

per month
1000 px

70 characters / month

per month
1920 px

70 characters / month

per month

70 characters / month


!!!!! Please give this text 5 minutes of your time, to avoid any delays and disappointments in the future!

1. This is not a cartoon, it is a 3D visual novel/comic.

     We hope to create short animated scenes for VIP sponsors later, but this will be a visual novel (stationary images). So far, we don’t have the resources to produce such videos.
    The comic is in the style of a visual novel: with large wide-screen panel scenes with dialogues bubbles and narration boxes.

2. We measure the page complexity by the number of characters to render. Our production speed is measured in “characters”. On average, we make 70 characters per month. In some cases, it takes longer to work on 1 character than on the same character in other scenes. But it helps us average out the times. 
     If there are very major character re-designs or shifts in their proportions for a complex page, we take into account such complex scenes as being worth “2 characters”.

3. There are many mass-character scenes in the first pages of the comic, or low-rendered background characters. The number of characters in the first month is more than 200, this is three times higher than the norm. But at the same time, there are still only 20 pages in that month, more pages than our “character limit” would suggest - this sometimes happens, especially for background characters.
    In many months, there are around 35 pages when focusing on only one or two characters! In the first few months we were still learning how long rendering so many characters would take us, so there are fewer physical pages but lots of detailed characters.

4. Initially, we planned to move at a speed of 150 characters per month and the script was designed for this rate of speed. But this is the first such project from our art group and we were just incredibly wrong in our estimates of how long and complex the processes were.            In the end, our speed remained at around 70 characters per month regardless of what we did... Though this has allowed us to improve the quality to what you will see in the latest pages. The first pages will also be redesigned with a new level of quality, later.

    Due to the fact that we overestimated our speed and working capacity (burning out a few computers in the process!), the beginning of this project turned out to be a little slow to release. We compressed some of the “set up” plot and scenes, as much as we could, so as not to throw away important moments for the plot, especially when parts of the plot will come up again later. This is not an ordinary work in the "genre". As usual in our art team, we have set a high bar for ourselves, but it means a little patience and support from you as we lay the groundwork. Believe me, it will pay off. :)

Access to the comic is not through this website. We use our own DRM server for this.

    When you make your first payment, please be patient as we work to give you access. It can take some time for successful payment to come through and notify us, and then we have to send you details. We are trying to do it as quickly as possible!
    After we receive a notification about your successful payment, we will send you a personal message and an email to the address you specified. 

!!Attention!! By default, the permission to show your email to artists is disabled in the Subcribestar settings. In order for us to send you an access password and an invite link to our private server, make sure that you have enabled this option in your account settings. It is called "show your email to the stars".

    If we do not see your email, we will write you a message about it and a request to allow us to see the email. Obviously this back and forth can cause delays, especially over global time zones. Please remember to return the message rather than just changing the setting too, so we can immediately check it. If you make the necessary configuration right away, you will save yourself any delays getting to the content! We do try to respond quickly, usually within 10 minutes, but we do need to sleep sometimes too, so sometimes there can be a delay of 9-ish hours if you catch us out of office hours!
    And now that we are done with the technical details - a little bit about the plot.

The Plot: 

    It took 6 months of planning and creating character models before we even started this project. In a sense, it was a huge step forward for our art team and a transition to a new level of art and a brand new style.
    We have more stories than we could ever create in the next 50 years, and we would like to move much, much faster than 2D art allows. Therefore, we have long been conducting research in the direction of transitioning some of these ideas to a 3D art team. This will allow us to make much more pages, and more detailed than possible in 2D for even a very large team of very fast artists working full-time...
    For now, these are just static pages, but in the future we plan to create animations too!

So what is the project about?

    This comic, as many have already guessed by its name, is dedicated to the vore fetish and to some extent fat fur and stuffing content too. So, if you like any of these topics, you can be sure you'll like this project! If you are not familiar with this fetish, be fore-warned! 
    Our main characters are two foxes, Rose and her mother, who found a strange camp in the forest that looked like it had been abandoned. They found a lot of food there and were going to just steal it and run... But, on the way out, they ran into a group of lost city rabbits who thought the place was a summer camp, and that the foxes were the owners!
    One of the rabbits, Jay falls in love with Rose, which comes with difficult decisions to make.
    We tried to make a story full of many nuances and complexity that isn’t typical for this genre. It should hopefully make the story more interesting and memorable! 

About the plot:

    Since we love to make big complex stories with an interesting plot, we aren't making your typical 10-15 pages of condensed fetish material, but a real “short story” with hundreds of pages. Given that 3D allows us to move faster, we've created a backstory before the adult content. We're aware that this approach isn't for everyone, but we really believe it'll make the story better. And, after all, a detailed background doesn't mean we can't make detailed vore content later!
    One discovery we've made is that 3D turns out to be a little more “realistic” and expressive than 2D. With a strong fetish content with graphic elements, we've found that 3D really does make the whole experience stronger and more effective! So a typical warning, remember this is just a fantasy and a fictional story with fictional characters! ;) As they say in some TV shows: do not try this at home! ;)

Now about the prices and bonuses:

    Members of the A-club (If you don’t know what this is, joining is already impossible! They are VIP members from previous projects. Simply put, these are people in our closest circle of trust who've been with us on other projects in the past!) :
    A-Club members who still have active memberships will get the same level of access that you had in the A-club of earlier projects. That is $3, $5 and $10 for the 1000, 1920 and 4k pixel versions!
    Long term and A-Club members can also buy 6 months of content right away by paying more in the first month to purchase additional content packs! If you do not know what it is about - just skip this point.

For all:

    Prices for this project for our new members will be:
    $6 for 1000px access (perfect for mobile phones, etc.)    
    $9 for 1920px access (perfect higher resolution PC sizes)    
    $13 for 4k version access (3840 px) - for owners of large and high-quality screens and HD TVs.

On our free galleries, we will also publish free versions of pages from time to time for advertising purposes. Not the complete comic book, but a few of the pages as previews. All pages in larger sizes will be published exclusively on our private server.

Another small but important detail!

This project, like most of our other projects, works according to the “blockchain” monthly releases purchase scheme!
    This scheme is the safest for us and easiest for our supporters who will never miss pages of content! Sadly, giving access to all of our comic with a single monthly payment has its risks, especially for art theft. This is a sad result of our need to work securely within the fandom and fight against content theft and illegal sharing sites.
    In addition, in this case, a fair price for access to every page we ever made would be huge! We distribute this amount over many months for your, and our, convenience. You buy this content serially, Month #1 gets you page 1-20 of the comic (Art Pack #1). It doesn’t matter when you join, you always start at Art Pack #1 for payment #1. 

We use a secure DRM server and each client receives a unique copy of every page.

    This allows us to easily detect the culprit of the leak and permanently block their payment methods (and report them). Each page has unique identifiers, which makes it immediately possible to track and ban individual users.
    When you log on to our private server, you see the "license agreement": the main rule is to not share the private content with people, especially by creating copies.
    You are solely responsible for ensuring that this content is not stolen and does not appear in the public domain. It doesn't matter whether it was an unintentional mistake, excessive trust in someone from your close circle of friends, or anything else. Treat it like a PIN code for your bank card or a key from a home safe. If we see a leak of unique pages created for you, the account that received these pages will be blocked.

    This is a strict, but necessary rule.

    Our projects have often been attacked by thieves before. They were killing our funding, discouraging supporters, and the motivation of the team to work further.
    That's why we came up with what we called “blockchain” art protection: since every account becomes more valuable the longer it exists, and since you always have to buy the content from Art Pack 1 onwards, no matter when you join, there is incentive not to be banned from the server. For honest people who abide by our agreements, the serial releases don’t provide much more than a minor delay. But, for thieves, having to start over from re-purchasing page one after being banned (and losing access to later content for years) is an effective deterrent!
    In this scheme, honest people can move forward at a constant speed, and thieves will suffer.
    Suppose a thief committed a theft of 1 year of content. They will be inevitably thrown out and blocked from using that account. If the thief is very persistent, they could change their bank card, PC and other online identities.
    In this case, the thief might be able to create a new account BUT: they will have to buy the first year of art they already stole again, before being able to see a single page they didn’t already steal. They will also have to wait a whole year before they see any new pages! 
    After all, they will look like a completely new user for our system and must buy every release serially.
    It is unlikely that the thief will be ready to burn their account again for the sake of a few new pages... Suppose the thief waits another year. And then distributes two years of content. In this case, the thief will be thrown out again. 
    And even if they return again, they will have to pay for what has already been stolen for the third time: and this time spend two years before they can distribute anything new again (a lot of time for fair and honest users!)
    Even if money isn’t a factor for these thieves, time will be!

    Each time a thief joins to cause trouble, it causes us less damage, because 99% of the sponsors will always be far ahead of any leaks. New content would be years ahead of a leak. Leaks will never be a regular event, maintaining subscriptions is the only way to see the newest pages.
    Over the past 4 years, this scheme has perfectly weeded out all the greedy and malicious people who come here to steal from our art community.
    Some thieves are even eliminated at the earliest stages, even before they have time to cause any damage.
    Follow our agreements and, remember, by making a payment here, you pay for the opportunity to look, download, and keep this product. You do not have the rights to distribute it, share it, or produce copies for the purpose of transferring or selling it to other persons. 
    You can show this to a friend or partner from your monitor. But, make sure that they can't copy it for themselves. If there is a leak featuring your copy of the pages, you will lose your account, no excuses are valid. Once again: treat this content as your pin code, email password, etc. valuable things. And you will get a lot of pleasure from the new content. Remember, even changing the resolution of the image or screenshots won’t hide the digital signatures that allow us to identify the distributor! 

Now about the payment algorithm:

    When you come to the Club, you make a payment and get access to the first month of content usually on the same day, so long as you have enabled it so we can see your email after payment. Sometimes our email with a password can go into the "spam" folder. Check there first if you don't see the email within the first 24 hours.
    Remember, we may be located in a different hemisphere from you and do not always respond promptly, if there are delays or errors in your payment or getting your email, it can delay your access to our server to get your copy of the art.
    After that, on the first day of each month, Subcribestar will try to take the next payment from your account based on your subscription level.
    If this works out, your subscription will be renewed on the 2nd-3rd day of the month. If the subscription has not been renewed by the 4th day of the month (and it’s not a weekend holiday), write us a private message and we will look into the situation.

    If you joined near the end of the month (sometimes around the 1st of the new month), please bear in mind that another payment will be requested from your account in the first few days of the month. With our serial purchases, this is not a double payment. For each of these payments, you will receive a month of content, even if they are spaced only a few days apart! 

    If you have financial problems, you can stop subscribing for any period convenient for you. But remember that you are creating a delay between yourself and the newest content. Try to make these pauses as short as possible, in the future, long-term dormant accounts may suffer from losing any long-term subscription rewards.
    Once again, as a reminder: this project begins for each sponsor with the first payment getting you an email to our private distribution server, and the first month’s art pack. Everyone starts with their first payment buying page #1 to page #20 of the comic (first released 04.2019). Each payment you are moving from the month #1’s art pack (04.2019), to pack 2 (05.2019), like any other serial comic. No matter when you join, you’ll always see Pack 1 (04.2019), then Pack 2 (05.2019) your next month. The longer you wait to join, the more months you will be behind the newest pages. Please consider this.
    We understand that being behind by a significant margin is also frustrating! As this project becomes more stable, and we don’t have any leaks of content, we open up the opportunity for fans of the comic who want more to buy more than one art release per month!
    We have opened the opportunity to purchase the 2019 releases of the comic at once, if they like (the “first year” bundle is actually 9 months of purchasing: from the April 2019 bundle (04.2019) to December 2019 (12.2019)).

!!!an important detail: this offer is only valid for new sponsors and active sponsors now. This does NOT apply to sponsors who came to us earlier and canceled payments for a period of more than 1 month!!!

You can buy the first 9 months of content by spending an amount proportional to these months. You can do this any number of ways, but the easiest is to wait until your first payment is cleared, and then use the “send tips” custom payment option to make a one-time additional payment for the other content you want to buy. 
    For example, if you selected the $6 low-resolution tier, after your first payment of $6 has been confirmed, you could then pay 8 additional months as a custom (“tips”) donation (8*$6/mo = $48) and therefore buy a total of 9 art packs in a single month (the one you got for your monthly renewing subscription, and the eight bonus packs) which would be buying all the 2019 art in one month. 
    You could also choose to pay $6 with a bonus $6 to buy two packs a month for a few months, or any other configuration!

    The same goes for newer subscribers, if you are three months into your subscription and would like to jump from your third month (06.2019) pack to buying all of 2019’s content (07.2019--12.2019) with our catch-up payments, you would only need to pay for six more art packs. 

    The easiest way to confirm the amount you want to spend, and to let us know the reason for your bonus payment, is to send a private message on subscribestar before making any bonus payments or changes to your pledge level!

Exact numbers for making a custom purchase to buy all the 2019 art in one month (Including your first payment!):

$6 tier: $6 1st month pledge, 8 bonus pledges ($6x8=$48) = $54 total
$9 tier: $9 1st month pledge, 8 bonus pledges ($9x8=$72) = $81 total
$13 tier: $13 1st month pledge, 8 bonus pledges ($13x8=$104) = $117 total

And the last technical detail. Changing your access level:

    If you want to raise your access level from the 1000pixel format to the 1920 pixel high-definition content, it will cost more than simply increasing the payment level from $6 to $9 for your next month. You will be required to have paid the same amount for the earlier content, and will receive the 1920 pixel versions of earlier pages. 
    Let's say you have advanced by 10 months, being on a tariff of $6 per month (1000 pixels). You spent $60.
    If you wanted to raise the access level to $9 (1920 pixels) then you will need to establish how much money was spent by higher-level sponsors (in this case $9 * 10 = $90). And then pay the difference as a tip (custom pledge).
    Since we strive to make our system as fair as possible to all participants in the process, to increase the level, you will have to spend $30 ($90 - $60) as a custom pledge amount (“tips” in Subscribestar), to retroactively buy the 1920 pixel versions of the comic (which you will receive, don’t worry about that!). That way there is no “cutting the line” and getting the high-resolution content for less than another subscriber: it’s perfectly fair for everyone :)
    If you wanted to raise the level to the $13, 4K definition version, the process is the same. with one payment of $70 for the 10 month example above ($13 * 10 = $130. $130 - $60 ($6/mo for ten months) = $70). 

These amounts can be deposited via the tips function, but do not forget to write a private message for us so that we understand the whole situation as quickly as possible. 

And a couple of words about lowering the subscription level:
    In our system, we try to minimize any technical costs. The prices of smaller subscription levels do not include storage and recovery of larger and heavier pages or their storage space online. Therefore, if you decide to reduce the subscription level, especially from 4K to 1000 pixels, make sure to save all the pages available to you.
    Our backup storage system, when your support level decreases, cancels all the accumulated data and starts distributing pages of a lower resolution from the month in which the decrease occurred.
    This means that you will not be able to restore previously received pages if you lower your level. Storing them on your PC will be entirely your responsibility - remember that if they accidentally find their way online, you will be banned from returning to the project.
    In the most extreme case, there is still a way to get the pages back. This would be to return to the previous access level and get all the pages again. But to do this, you would need to pay the difference in pledge levels for the months where you were paying the lower amount, the same as anyone else.
    One last detail on the calendar function on our server
    When you become a member you get access to our private distribution server and will see pages when they are uploaded to you. 
    The days on which new pages will appear are marked with a blue marker, which you can see on the calendar on the left side of the site. This will allow you to see when there will be an update. 
    If you are more of a “binge watcher” you can also check the site around the 27th-28th of the month, and see all the accumulated pages over the month! All pages that are going to be released that month will be released by the 27th. After that, there will be a few days of pause until the new month while we wait for new payments and manage memberships.


  • create fetish 3d comics if you do not know what vore is - you will not like it with a 90% chance

Tadaam! we have finally completed this. That's what we got! -to be very brief:Yes, this is a very...

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Hello! Don't lose us =)Regarding the video, the process took a little longer than we thought it w...

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Rose demo, 430 mb

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All right, we're up and running. Just finished restoring the system and all accesses this morning...

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some little problem =(hi all! we finally did it, finished the first video. But when we had to jus...

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don't worry guys,

 we're here (for the most part) and we've been working all this time.
 The project continues no matter what. In the next 1-2 days, well, a maximum of 3 days - there will be an update. 

We just got distracted by this war. Several of our members of this and other teams of our artel are stuck in Russia and Ukraine. Now most of them are already safe, although one of them is in the thick of hostilities, and the second is not far away. They defend their country from Putler's attack. We were greatly distracted by this situation - we watched the terrible news in shock, tried to help friends and relatives. Of course, we should have written about this earlier. We were going, but something constantly distracted us. The days flew by like one hour. 

Several new pages are now ready, which we will publish as soon as the translation of the text is ready (1 day, I hope, maximum two) - But first we will do the bookkeeping - today all subscriptions will be renewed. We would have done it at the beginning of the month, but there were technical problems.
Now we can say with confidence that Ukraine will win this war if it does not show weakness. And although many of us were born in Russia, we all support Ukraine. This is a vile vile war full of Putler's war crimes. He attacked without warning and attacked with hundreds of rockets at 4 am, as Hitler did in his time. Putler is a bloody clown who cosplayed Hitler.
Нашим подписчикам из России - мы понимаем, что вы вряд ли поддерживаете Путлера. Но сейчас будет полная изоляция платежных средств. Кроме криптовалюты. В будущем мы откроем прием криптовалюты снова и вы сможете продолжить. Но это потребует много времени и зависит от того - насколько многие из вас заинтересованы в этом.  Возможно сем будет просто лень возиться с криптовалютой и тогда нет смысла тратить на это время. 
Также - если хотите - вы можете внести суммы оплаты сразу за много месяцев или даже год или больше. Ваша подписка будет продляться, пока эта сумма не завершится. 
Если нет возможности - придется ждать когда все это кончится. 
Когда Путлер отправится в Гаагу или застрелится из "Тополя". После смены правительства в мордоре - скорее всего блокаду начнут снимать. Если к власти сумеет прийти кто-то адекватный. 
Если кто хочет срочно покинуть мордор - у вас еще есть шанс это сделать.  И мы можем помочь вам в этом, если вы являетесь противником режима Путлера, как и мы. 
Но это сработает только если ваш доход не привязан к Ватному Рейху. И если у вас есть заграничный аусвайс. Мы эвакуировали 8 художников из мордора. И 3 тридешника. Возможно удастся спасти кого-то еще. Пишите в личку. И да - это может касаться жителя Белоруси и Украины в равной степени. Если вы на правильной стороне.

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