0.02 Releasing this month!
Hey guys!
Excited to announce that 0.02 will be releasing this month as planned! There's a couple more things to finish off but we are looking on track to have this completed by the end of this month just as planned.
In terms of what to expect for the juicy content we have in store:
- Sydney's First Part Progression (same length / amount of scenes as Mom)
- Mrs Jennings's First Part Progression (same as above)
- Repeat scenes for Mom, Sydney & Mrs Jennings (being able to repeat the scenes again with fresh dialogue)
- Introduction / Talk Dialogue - This dialogue will alter dependent on the current "phase" the character is in (see below)
This is definitely is what is coming in with the build, but I might also experiment with some phone call / text message stuff too, but we'll see if I get time for that.
Dialogue / Phases / Repeat Scenes
I've been thinking of the way I wanted to handle character "normal" dialogue and the way repeated scenes are handled to and so far I've come up with this idea.
Characters will be in a certain phase of their progression, with the phases broken down like this:
- Start / Normal - this is before there is any indication anything will happen
- Pre-Fuck - this is dialogue where the character is in the earlier stages of their progression
- Post-Fuck - this is dialogue where Peter has fucked the character, but they may still be hesitant / resistant / regret involved
- Broken - this dialogue where the character has fully accepted their relationship with Peter and all previous regrets / hesitancy has completed evaporated, though they will still retain most of their character (after finishing their full progression)
Their daily dialogue / introduction dialogue will be reflective of their current phase. Going forward (and starting with 0.02) each character will have these 3 phases of dialogue ready to go on release (unfortunately Mom's was not included when she released).
Finally I have made the decision to only allow repeat scenes after the character reaches phase 3. This is to allow players to play through the main story flow of the character progression and give a clear indication of when things become a bit more open with the character. (In the future phase 3 is when other things will unlock too such as threesomes, outfits etc)
I'm hoping rewards will be available this week, just waiting on one more piece by Crot before posting them! I will keep you updated here of course as soon as they become available, as well as the 0.02 build of course!
I hope you are all eagerly awaiting the new content!
- Nergal