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ultrakojima profile
I'll be publishing both nsfw and sfw 3d art made with honey select 1, usually with futa, big tits, clits, dicks, and ass. Subscribers will get access to the high quality raws, be it images, video, scene data, and character cards for the various girls and guys I've created in Honey select 1.
Various Mods and assets collection
by ultrakojima
Public post

A preview of the current roster of "Various Girls" (not all of the characters are pictured, check the collections tab for characters to see the rest). Most are currently available to be downloaded, extra outfits and all. You can use my character cards and scenes anyway you want, I still own the rights to all of them (not the IP rights to preexisting characters), just credit me as the source if you do happen to post/use any of my works somewhere, edited or not. Obviously don't share any of my paid content just in case it needed to be stated, mutual trust and all that.

All my cards going forward will be LRE cards, so they'll have those skins equipped instead of the 4k ones, but you can still easily substitute them to get the a similar look for your install environment. The same thing goes for the Metagraphy skins, I know they are paid mods, but they look the best, but if you don't have them, the 4k skins for my past cards are still good replacements. You will need the updated item manager v2.1.1 created by elusivecake (file attached below).

現在の 「Various Girls 」名簿のプレビュー(すべてのキャラクターが写っているわけではありません。) 現在、ほとんどのキャラクターがダウンロード可能です。私のキャラクター・カードやシーンを好きなように使っても構わないし、それらすべての権利はまだ私にある(既存のキャラクターのIP権ではない)。もちろん、私の有料コンテンツを共有することはありません。念のため申し上げておきますが、相互信頼とそのすべてです。**

今後、私のカードはすべてLREカードになるので、4Kのスキンの代わりにこれらのスキンが装備されることになりますが、それでもあなたのインストール環境に似た外観を得るために簡単に代用することができます。[Metagraphy] のスキンも同様で、有料MODであることは承知しているが、見た目は最高だ。しかし、もし持っていないのであれば、私の過去のカード用の4kスキンで代用できる。elusivecake が作成したアップデートitem manager v2.1.1が必要です。

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Currently updating My subscribe star to mirror all the content on my fanbox . Most old content has been deleted and will have the current versions soon. Apologies for those who subbed to me here while there was a content drought and an overall messier post history. Both issues will be rectified as the content will be consistent across both platforms, the main reason for these issue is my subscribstar is much older than my fanbox. The links will be consistent with both since the content is hosted mediafire for all the downloads instead of the less intuitive direct page posts subscribestar has (8mb limit).

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