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Travis Mayer profile
Travis Mayer
Travis Mayer
Crafting gay and straight related content

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Just wanna stay updated with my works? You're good, just subscribe to this tier and spread the good word in exchange!

This tier gives you:

-Access to all sketches and illustrations I upload.

-voting in future polls

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USD в месяц
Workshop Visitor

Thanks for the support! I'm glad you like my work!

This tier gives you:

-Access to gifts from lower tiers

-High Resolution versions of illustrations I upload.

-WIP files

-Monthly batch / Art archive.

0 подписчиков
Travis Mayer
I've always meant to open this up, but I never thought it wasn't worth it the way my art looked the last few years compared to others. But after of lots of stuff happening I figured, screw it, and finally open this. But since this is just new this page to be fairly casual for the time being. Link to my FA page is here:

What will you see here?

This here will essentially be my place to showcase sketches, early access to illustrations, and general doodles that I do in my own time, as well as character polls and suggestions so I can make more personal stuff for you guys!
Fair warning though... I'm don't really have a specific subject at this point.
Content can range from things like Rule 34 & the occasional SFW, but depending on what I want to draw personally at a certain point in time, the subjects switch between:
  • Gay | Straight
  • Anthro | Feral (And yes, AGAIN, characters depicted here are of full sapience unless stated otherwise)

My Goals

Well... I do want to eventually work my way up from doing illustrations, to major projects like a short comic and even animations but right now, my goal is to do at least two updates a month as I still have two jobs so I can't risk burning myself out. If I can't deliver for more than a month, the page will be set to on vacation mode so I don't charging y'all per month for nothing.
That's about it. If you like my type of "generalist?" content, and want to support me, this is probably the best way to do so!

Thanks for reading and I hope you'll watch me for years to come.


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  • Доступ к контенту на этой странице.
  • Поддерживать автора контента материально - единоразово или на регулярной основе.
  • Возможность общаться напрямую с автором контента через чат на сайте.
Travis Mayer

Your Seikret doesn't think you know how breeding works, but it's not gonna complain with how good...

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Travis Mayer

Yeah, just discovered there was a belly dancer outfit for Palicos in Wilds, and strangely enough ...

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Travis Mayer

Know I'm way late but made 2 pages worth of doodles of Tsukino from Stories 2 to celebrate the re...

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Travis Mayer

This was supposed to be for snektember, but appears fate had other plansSo here's this mini Maste...

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Travis Mayer

Yeah, found out Mewtwo Day was a thing last night so took a quick detour to make this for lapatte...

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