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SpaceBird Studios profile
SpaceBird Studios
SpaceBird Studios
Adult Visual Novel - The Heir of Shadows

Creator Stats

1 post


to reach
the Goal
This is just the beginning, but is something so that I can say to myself that I can do it, you know? I won't quit making this game anyhow, but this will boost my desire to spend more and more time on it.
to reach
the Goal
With this I can hopefully upgrade my pc (RAM, specifically), and start working on remaking some of the bad renders of the game!
to reach
the Goal
If we reach here, I can spend most of my time on the game, so updates will be a lot more frequent. Also, I can start to study on how to do better and more professional renders.
to reach
the Goal
This is a very distant goal, I know. But if I somehow make it, I'll be able to pay a team to help me make this project completely professional.

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