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shamandev profile
Working on "Shadows Of Desire" and "BS: Yuria's Passion"

Subscription Tiers

per month
Cami Lover [Tier II]

Being in this tier means that you like my game very much and it's a great honor for me, thank you very much!

♠︎ Discord role as Cami Lover.

♠︎ Access to all supporter channels.

♠︎ Access to the Premium version of the game which contains bonus scenes.

♠︎ You'll be able to access polls to decide clothes.

♠︎ Access to all "Between Shadows" games 2 days after release.

♠︎ Access to all the benefits of the previous roles.

♠︎ Access to the latest version of the game 5 days after release.

122 subscribers Cami Lover ; Freddy
per month
Cami's Bull [Tier III]

Being in this tier means that you LOVE my game, I'll do my best to keep it that way, thank you very much!

♠︎ Discord role as Cami's Bull.

♠︎ Access to all supporter .channels.

♠︎ Access to the Premium+ version of the game which contains a bonus scene.

♠︎ You'll be able to access polls that influence the story.

♠︎ Access to monthly wallpapers of Shadows of Desire.

♠︎ Access to all "Between Shadows" games the day they come out.

♠︎ Access to all the benefits of the previous roles.

♠︎ Access to the latest version of the game 3 days after release.

♠︎ Your name will be in the credits of the game.

123 subscribers Cami's Bull ; Cami Lover ; Freddy
per month
Corruption Master [Tier IV]

Being in this tier means a lot to me, it automatically makes you a sigma., thank you very much!

♠︎ Discord role as Corruption Master.

♠︎ You'll be able to discuss a scene with me.

♠︎ You'll be able to participate in polls that will decide the monthly wallpapers.

♠︎ You'll have the discord role of Cami Lover permanently.

♠︎ Access to all "Between Shadows" games the day they come out.

♠︎ Access to all the benefits of the previous roles.

♠︎ Access to the latest version of the game the day they come out.

♠︎ Your name will be in the credits of the game mentioned by Camila's voice actress.

30 subscribers Corruption Master ; Cami's Bull ; Cami Lover ; Freddy


  • Extra Scenes and Cami's Love

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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