Super Long Fractionation Session
(originally posted Oct 19th 2020)
This one is about 40 minutes long and had a variety of different fractionation techniques, some slow and some faster, all with the aim of conditioning trance responsiveness.
This is all about fractionation so the suggestions are all about taking you into trance and out again. We use a variation of triggers like the classic "SLEEP" with a snap (yes, there is a lot of finger snapping) and some more unique suggestions such as hand movement based. Some of the triggers are based on your fractionating yourself and some are me fractionating you so this is a real variety of things that will leave you feeling happy, fractionated and maybe more suggestible. Just to let you know there are suggestions like running your hand up and down your forearm taking you in and out and moving your hand up and down in the air, so keep that in mind.
As with all fractionation files please make sure you have water near by and hydrate afterwards. You might find yourself more suggestible after this and a little fuzzy so please, don't do this prior to anything important and give yourself time to recover before driving or doing anything too much. Stay safe!